One minute they say they want you and the next minute they say they want someone else? That's because they only want who they've got until someone better comes along!
Fascinating, isn't it, how changeable women are?
You got it right in that last sentence
Pic-related makes no sense. If the guy was obviously not doing it for her, why stay with him in the first place? That way no one gets cheated on.
Like you are so different.
Because it's bait
It's obviously not real, don't be retarded.
I could totally see some thot/cuck performing this kind of mental gymnastics to justify cheating/cheated on.
Because women stay with guys for stability and resource exploitation. Furthermore, he may be "good enough" but once she realizes there are bigger and better fish in the sea, she becomes increasingly dissatisfied by her current partner
99.9% of people know better than vocalise their opinion on how justifiable it is to cheat. Everyone knows it is frowned upon and people don't go around talking about how fucking people behind your partner's back is alright.
Your idea that a super hot thot would come to Jow Forums and talk about how cheating is alright in her book if she wants to update to a better boyfriend is unrealistic.
Maybe a cuck, but do we care about cuck opinions now?
You "totally being able to see" something doesn't make it real.
Things I don't observe don't exist
Making shit up in your head is not observing.
Not really. The anonymity of the internetz allows people to express opinions that would be frowned upon IRL. Maybe the OP didn't 100% believe it but wanted to explore the concept.
Aside from the fact that this is a retarded statement of course.
No. The vast majority of people don't think shit like that, and don't say shit like that out loud ever.
I am friends with horrible thots, people who fucked nearly 100 guys and cheated on their boyfriends. My boyfriend's sister fucks a different guy every other week and cheated on her fiance.
And none of them thinks it's alright to cheat if you want to upgrade your partner and they know better than sharing the very fact that they're whores with anyone. It's not a thing people do.
It's what you said. Hypothesizing is forbidden if "totally being able to see" is. Without that, all that exists is what you directly observe
Of course they don't tell you. That's like admitting to a crime. Do you honestly take a murderer's word when they say they didn't kill someone? No. A slut isn't going to explain or defend cheating to the very people they cheat on. It's a "hidden" thought process, mostly unconscious. They cheat because they're looking for or have found a better man.
Because then she'd have to get a "full time" job, and that's super scawy and our precious princesses shouldn't actually be made to account for anything.
Btw that'll be a fourth or more of your worldly possessions. Gotta make sure she has money for Tyresse's chilluns.
Blokes got scammed with sexual liberation.
>why stay with him
Because he is a beta provider
I know they cheated. They tell me. The justification is "I was unhappy, and my boyfriend is [abusive, inconsiderate, short dicked, cheap], so I ended up making a mistake". It's not "it's perfectly legit to do this".
While I do agree that the reason why they do it is because they want a new partner and don't want to be single while looking, they're not going to admit it even to themselves, or justify it like that.
Again, I talk to thots a lot. They're never going to say shit like that.
>I am friends with horrible thots
Just making shit up is not the same as hypothesizing.
They're not going to say it *to you*. They call it a "mistake" because that doesn't negatively impact their image as much as saying "it's justified." Grow a brain, my dude.
Damn. What a depressing thought. Is this really how the world works?
Drawing a likely explanation from observable phenomenon is all anyone has done here.
Roasties won't tell you but it's a simple fact. The vast majority of women don't want to be with their current partner. If they had the choice of all men alive right now to be their boyfriend, they wouldn't pick the one they're with right now.
They stay with undesirable men 1) because higher tier men aren't available for a long term relationship and 2) because low tier men are easily deluded and willfully subsidize the existence of the women who manipulate them.
yea kek guys totally don't do this, it's those damn women!
They don't admit it to *themselves*.
When they cheat, it's because they're victims in their relationships and made a mistake to try and escape it. They didn't plan it and actively put themselves in a position to cheat, no, it just happened casually because they were suffering.
Again, talk to a woman once in your life. No woman talks like that. That post is 100% bait.
Ah the classic finger point. Fuck off whore
yea bro totally
you kids are so entertaining some times :3
Are you a woman? Do you *know* what goes on in their head? What is more likely: they tell the truth to themselves and lie to everyone else? Or are they honest with everyone, even when honesty would negatively impact their social status?
Also, please re-read what you wrote. Even if the image is bait, what you just typed is a exceptionally more bait-like
Can both men and women cheat?
Nothing about this is likely.
It's cartoonish and outlandish incel rhetoric.
By your line of reasoning, just about any claim can be justified.
I could now say I could totally see you being a complete faggot who eats a piece of string then shits it out and flosses with it while fapping to fart porn. Do you do that? Cause I could totally see it.
It's not inconcievable, therefore it is based on observation and reasonable somehow?
The only supporting evidence being that I can imagine it.
My subjective thoughts are not a line of reasoning and they are not evidence.
Sorry, but you are retarded.
Are you serious?
Tell me one, ONE reason why this is somehow gender specific.
Wouldn't men have a greater reason to monkey branch than women?
When you want another relationship as a woman, all you have to do is start flirting using whatever obligatory nerd hobby you picked up to meet boys in. There's always some modestly good-looking fuck with a ton of inexperience.
With men, you don't know WHERE the fuck your next meal is coming from, assuming you're ever going to eat again. If you go to a function just to hit on girls, and it's not a bar or club, you're going to come off poorly. It usually has to happen organically, and the chick is probably going to monkey branch to you from another guy who may or may not steal her back.
No, you are drawing that conclusion from what I've typed, your experience with people you assume me to be like, and other factors. You're proposition is much, much more far-fetched than the earlier user's. Both are plausible, however. Both need evidence to be proven and you have a burden of proof the prove what you said about me than that guy does
Everything said here could apply to both genders. (Straight) men talk about women, (straight) women talk about men.
I am a woman. I know what goes on in their head because I know them: some of them for like 20 years.
They don't tell the truth to themselves because they don't want to think of themselves negatively and they want to tell themselves that their cheating wasn't their fault, they were put in that position by their boyfriend. Telling yourself "I made a decision to do something I consider fundamentally immoral because I'm too scared to be single" is not something any of them would do. Same way many men say that they cheated because their girlfriend wouldn't put out, for example, or that it's "not as bad to cheat with a prostitute because there's no emotional investment". They fully know it's bad, it's just a way to bullshit themselves into feeling better about themselves.
They're not honest with everyone. They wouldn't admit that they cheated with most people. But if you're a female friend of theirs, they'll probably tell you. And the rhetoric they use is the one I told you.
And no, it's not more bait-like, it's just life and if you talked to women (or men) you'd know.
So they lie to themselves and everyone else?
>go to bar
>lonely thot sitting by herself
>you end up screwing
>go to bar
>lonely dudebro looking around
>you end up screwing
well holy shit for ever female who has it easy there's a guy who's also getting it easy
and only women do that
men never lie to themselves, let alone to anyone else
>The vast majority of women don't want to be with their current partner
And men don't feel the same when they're scanning for instagram whores?
Perhaps, but I'm not interested in the thought process of men so...
Yes. That's what the very, very vast majority of people do all the time.
They cope with their bullshit by constructing copious amounts of mental gymnastic and blaming other people for their condition and their despicable actions. That's literally the most human, normal thing to do.
Men do it, women do it, it's humans 101.
You need to get out of this incel mindset.
Screwing isn't the same thing as a relationship.
And you phrased it wrong. It's, "for every female that's easy, there are 10 guys that are getting it easy." Prime slampig is in high demand.
Go ahead. Critique manwhores and cheaters. I'll help you. Oh wait. It's already been done ITT
some people just can't deal with the fact that for every grill having it easy there's a guy having it just as easy
>lemme just rephrase everything you said because I'm in hard denial xDDDD
>screwing isn't the same thing as a relationship
so? it takes 1 woman and (usually) 1 guy to have a relationship too
cba. it's just dumb to think the majority of women hate their boyfriends and want chad dick.
Disappointed =! Hate
Same difference. Are a lot of women hard to please? Yes. Even the ones with chads are always bitching about something.
lol @ all the triggered females in this bread.
>b-but men do this too!
Really? Men exploit you for resources? Then jump ship the moment a better opportunity comes along? Like a parasite looking for a new host? Expect you to initiate everything in the relationship and then expect more and more in exchange for sex? There isnt a woman in this world that would trade their role in the dating ritual with men. Lol lets trade jobs ladies. You come ask me out and buy me shit and I'll decide whether or not you're worthy and then move on the minute a hotter girl comes along.
Thats almost everyone though. More is never enough.
The kind of relationships you're describing are basically "Men gives woman resources, woman gives man pussy". Men break them up when a hotter woman willing to take their resources comes along, women break them up when a more resourceful man comes along.
Deeper, more meaningful relationship aren't like this.
This. They are so eager to be victimized they make up this false narrative where they don't have power. It makes literally no sense to me
reeee someone's disagreeing with me they must be my enemy!!!!
>Men exploit you for resources
>Then jump ship the moment a better opportunity comes along
fuck yes
>Like a parasite looking for a new host
precisely so
nah ok I can't be bothered anymore this is boring and repetitive
>Thats almost everyone though. More is never enough
haha! you must be a woman haha!
so a slut xDDDD
Yes, they are. "Deepness" is tied directly to how much delusion exists in each party
Why would you want to give women even more leverage like that? Do you understand how much more power men have being the initiators rather than the ones being initiated? You have to put in more work, but that roastie at the bar is completely powerless if no one buys her a drink to begin with. You get to make the selection of who you talk to, its YOUR pick. Imagine men in this situation instead, you would have a lot of men not getting drinks bought for them because the female mind is incredibly picky compared to a males. This ONLY works for women.
>"Deepness" is tied directly to how much delusion exists in each party
Just because you're not capable of forming interpersonal bonds and loving someone, it doesn't mean that everyone is.
Get your head out of your ass. There are plenty of people who don't leave their partner even if hotter, better partners come along.
Everything sounds stupid at face value, user.
"resources" can refer to many things. It could mean material wealth, it could mean deep emotional attachments, it could mean offspring. Its the kinds of resources being exchanged that matter.
Proof? And they don't leave because that would negatively impact their social status. That's the sole reason.
>And they don't leave because that would negatively impact their social status. That's the sole reason.
Imagine trying to defend this state of affairs lmao
You're right. They don't stay with their partners at all
>One minute they say they want you and the next minute they say they want someone else?
That's cause they've been lying all along.
This. They never "loved" you. You were a temporary source of material stability and an emotional stepping stone
Divorce rate for people who don't pick a partner based on sex appeal and wealth is extremely low.
Pair bonding exists.
So when some dude becomes famous and trades up his old gf for some hawt young pussy, what's the excuse then? People are people. Men and women both "settle" out of loneliness or convenience. They don't always know what opportunities are available to them.
well sorry that i want attention and sex
It's low because those people are subjected more to social feedback than their highly attractive counterparts
Why would they be subjected to huge social feedback?
Why can't you just accept that some people marry out of love and happily stay in the relationship no matter if there are "better options"? What's so groundbreaking about it?
"Love" is delusion unless it's between a 10/10 with a 10/10.
That's not the reality of things.
There's no scientific definition of what a 10/10 is, and everyone is capable of feeling love.
Go on and define "love" if it's so tangible
Deep interpersonal affection, emotional attachment.
Not that hard.
And all of that comes from cope and delusion. Sigh
There is no reason to think that that's the case.
The feeling of love comes form the release of specific neurotransmitters in our brains (vasopressin, oxytocin and dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine specifically but the levels change over the time of relationships) that allow physical attraction, happiness, emotional attachment, pair bonding.
Our neural connections change during the relationship, and specific areas of our brains activate when we see a photo of someone we love.
It's not a delusion. It's a real thing, it's physiological, there's biological realities behind it.
Saying "it's just a delusion" is discarding biology and science.
It's delusion because what people "love" isn't the person but an idealized version of that person that conforms with their inherent idea of attractiveness. The more attractive the partner is, the less delusion there is.
Again, no. There's absolutely no reason to think that it is the case.
People love more than someone's body and it's very disingenuous to think that the only reason why we love someone is that they're hot, and you need to be physically attractive to be loved.
You're pulling shit out of your ass without any scientific basis just because you want to cope with the fact that you're not loved, and not take any responsibility for it. But it's not realistic.
Ok, so like what did you do? Nothing ever happens out of the blue.
It also works both ways, bruh. If I was with a girl and she started to become a bitchy worthless cunt I'd drop her, too.
Attractiveness isn't just physical shit my man. It's the whole package. People justify violent behavior in their partners because they delude themselves as a product of "love." Same with being with unattractive people in general. They don't *want* to be in those relationships. They, in a way, *have* to
That's not reality, again.
An abusive relationship isn't a normal relationship, you can't use dysfunctional relationships as an example of what love is. You're using someone with huge emotional and mental issues as an example of how average people feel.
And no, most people who aren't 10/10 don't date people because they "have" to, but because they want to and are happy with their SO. Not everyone lives their love life like a trade, a compromise, or whatever.
Well, at least I'm not as deluded as you. You're right though: I am unloved. What others do is up to them but at this point I can't unsee the truth and will never trust other people's motivation, especially with "love." Have a good one
Your "truth" is literally just your coping mechanism: you blame it on things you cannot change, because you can't take responsibility for yourself.
You think others are "coping" but you literally made up a world view to deal with the fact that people don't love you.
No, I understand why they don't love me, independent of the love = delusion development. I'm unlovable and am unwilling to become lovable. It's pretty simple
Not him, but having to keep up appearances for a chance at "love" just proves how it is ultimately all about what you can provide, and that someone else can most likely do it better.
What? You don't have to keep up appearances for a chance at love. Quite the opposite: the more honest you are about yourself, the higher your chances are of finding someone who actually likes it.
So why have I not found love yet?
Chance, probably. Not everyone is going to like who you are, if you're particularly odd it might take time to find someone who is into it.
But yeah, you won't find someone who likes you if you don't show "you" at all.
Hmmm. Stale normie platitudes as usual. Sad
Only if your "honest" meets specific qualifications. People possessing certain traits are far more lovable than others.
This. "Yourself" has to fall into a very specific range of acceptable personalities to stand a chance at "love"
Speaking directly from experience on this one: couldn't be further from the truth.
My boyfriend and I spent our second date watching CWC videos, and the first one making weird nazi jokes at the holocaust museum while high.
We're both really odd people and that brings us together and makes us love each other. If we tried to hide it, probably we'd be much more uncomfortable with each other and not as in love.
Still normie platitudes. You people are socialized normies. What you say doesn't apply to people like me. My "self" is a quiet and reserved personality. I'm not "confident." People don't love people like me.
My boyfriend and I rarely leave the house, are both quiet and reserved, and were both depressed NEETs when we met.
Again, finding excuses.
more lonely males implies more lonely females. They'll realize what we do for them. Someone needs to check their egos.
>everyone but me is a normie
>nobody understands
>if you disagree its because you're not truly cursed like me
Find a shrink.