What is wrong with white people?

what is wrong with white people?

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They're too trusting and altruistic for their own good.

i agree completely. corruption wouldn't exist in america if white people wouldn't keep voting for clowns.

People are realizing the DNC is shit, don't worry. Theres still a bunch of nut jobs out here, but people are starting to realize whose off their fuckin rocker.
That said the damage to the country may already be done.

but white people still voted for trump?? how are white people not stupid? whaft are you getting at, pal?

Cringe and bluepilled
kys namefag

>If you disagree with me you're stupid

They smell like mayonnaise and pop tarts

We are too tolerant of minorities.

We aren't very cool usually.

To the black guys, quit knocking up our women and then leaving them behind. Thanks.

The economy is falling apart at the seems and we’re getting scapegoated as the bad guy for some identity politics bullshit

It’s probably fine. I just want to live long enough to see society collapse. Feels like we’re getting there. Maybe not in the next 5 or 10 years but soonish

They are ok with being the major demographic who pay the most taxes and let others get a free ride in welfare states. What is more troubling is the hostility against such loyal taxpayers.

Even if you hated whites with all your passion, the smart thing would be to keep them intact, plentiful and docile so they could feed the immense financial strain caused by welfare for non whites. It would even be poetic, a kind of mass slavery of an entire race to subsidize the existence of several others. But the same retards who take so much glee from hating whites also want to run as far as they can from such a comfortable arrangement and would rather collapse the entire system supporting their lifestyles. They would rather revel in crude hate and destruction, and condemn themselves to be worse than the whites they despise.

Japanese by the way, so you angry libs need not recite your npc phrasing at me.

define "white"

>Japanese by the way
You wish weeb lmao

Being the dominant race and culture of the West is a big responsibility. Responsibility and sacrifice being necessary values of the culture and it's progress. The fact that minorities blame white people for their problems is frustrating, meanwhile they ask for handouts, abuse their families, and continually avoid any avenue of bettering their own situations. A black man always has someone else to blame. Christianity is losing favor and popularity. Which is odd because at the core it claims that EVERYONE is worthy of redemption in the eyes of the Lord. And furthermore, white culture is continually lost with each generation refusing/neglecting to teach specific traditions, languages, values and the like.

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Plenty of people wish it but I apparently got lucky


Literally everything lmao

Stop creating this retarded thread every day.

butthurt lol

What is a white person in the USA?

I've heard you don't consider people from Spain white.

I've also heard you can look white but if you have one black grandfather then you're not white.

It seems alot more specific than in Europe.