Just improve ur social skills bro

>just improve ur social skills bro

I feel like this is a meme. How do you even do this?

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you talk to people. literally just go talk to people and gain experience.

only works if you are decent looking

where is this magical source of "grindable" human contact I'm apparently deliberately ignoring, huh? I'm not in school and work is the boss fight not the tutorial.

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>NEET can only interpret experience as a video game allegory
listen, chud. its as simple to walking up to fucking randos and telling them they have nice clothes or have a good day or some shit. you are literally avoiding other people admittedly because you are afraid of the social consequences of "not talking good". start actually trying or go fuck yourself.

>never talks to people
>wonders why he sucks at talking to people

>you are afraid of the social consequences of "not talking good"
but that's true. i've been laughed at and bullied for a significant chunk of my life due to that, so now all i really do is exchange niceties with people

it starts with self improvement, become someone worth talking to and conversations will be easier as people talk to you in a way that allows you to bounce from one sentence to the next

example: i lost 100lbs in 7 months, people noticed and it always lead to conversations about how i did it, lifestyle, diet, biology, and often debates about what does/doesn't work. other than that im a loser with nothing going for me so no one has any reason to talk to me; if that last sentence resonates with you then there's the beginning of your problems

I'll talk to you user, what's up?

I think you're right, it is a meme. From my experience, you don't accumulate social skills, like with other kinds of knowledge. It mostly comes involuntarily with immersion (in environments that you resonate with), and it gets easier and easier to enter the mode where you trust people/think beyond your own thoughts and needs, in terms of a group's needs, sharing in the "collective" emotional quality. Wit, friendliness, and such come when you're able to be in this mode readily.

I can strike conversation with pretty much most people but as soon as it's a girl I can be remotely interested in I completely shut down

Same if the conversation turns to love/sex stuff because I feel like I stink of virgin in there

I think some things just aren't learnable

they're just harder to learn because you missed something during developmental stages of life, whatever 'classic' approaches exist don't apply to you and you've got to get creative

No don't think that way. Best way you can ease your nerves is by working in retail. Best thing I've ever done because now I can basically talk to anyone

To add on. I was shy and introverted since 17, however, after working in retail for 2 years it made my life extremely better

You're probably nervous about what she'll think, I think you don't talk to people for the same reasons. You just don't trust them enough with your thoughts beyond basic things in your comfort zone. I notice this is the reason I can't bring myself to speak to people in general unless I can somehow relate to them in terms of background for example. Once you realize you're in the same wavelength as someone, speaking to them is a lot easier.

I agree with that. The thing is I believe these skills are like languages where they have a critical period where you're able to learn them and if you don't learn them there you can't quite learn them afterwards. With lots of effort I could probably talk to a woman and "flirt" or some shit but it will never come naturally to me and I will always fuck it up.

I worked at a call center for a while, small chat is doable for me but as soon as any intimacy or sexual tension appears I might as well be retarded.

By language I meant language as a whole, as in the act of being able to speak and read, not learning a new language.

There is an undercurrent of thinking nothing I have to say is interesting, yeah. Usually I just end up asking people about their lives because mine is just boring.

Start calling random phone numbers.

>The thing is I believe these skills are like languages where they have a critical period where you're able to learn them and if you don't learn them there you can't quite learn them afterwards.
I'm finding the same thing.
Other people seem to run social skills on hardware level, while my interactions are memorised sequences running in software mode; passing for normal requires exponentially more effort, like how it takes 3GHz of power to perfectly emulate an original SNES game that was built to run on 21.47MHz CPU.

I got a job at a hospital, and now at 27 I can exchange pleasantries with people, but a meaningful conversation is still impossible because I'm ultimately a maladjusted chud with nothing to say.

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For God's sake, leave some cringe for the rest of us.

Just fucking talk to people and register their reactions. If they run away, whatever you said probably wasn't good. If they engage in further conversation, whatever you said was probably good. It's not rocket surgery, it's not impossible, it doesn't require magical facial structure. It's seriously fucking basic, and 99% of the population can manage it.

99% of the population learned it at a formative age when social intrraction opportunities were endless, and it was acceptable to make mistakes.
Your average Jow Forums autist meanwhile is learning it at a remedial age, while probably working fulltime, in a society that's quick to brand people as creepy or psychotic.

Your best bet at that point is honestly seeing a speech pathologist or a therapist, or just accepting that you're fundamentally broken and either owning it or killing yourself.

>become someone worth talking to
The fuck does that even mean?
I have significant trouble holding conversation, not in OPs boat I have to talk to customers daily at work and I actually go out and talk to people but I can not keep a conversation for some reason mind is just blank when I'm talking to people.

Gain experience is well-minded.

What you need to do, if you feel completely socially retarded, is to look at feedback. Search it out if you can, if not, look for any clues of disgust/anger, try to figure out what pissed them off.

Work is actually the playground, because you can just pull the "Oh, sorry, I should get back to work" card. I do it all the time now.

Also, you must have an HR department. Try asking them for advice, they may suggest something. You're neither the first nor the last to come up with that question.

Here's a video game analogy:
Social interactions are a roguelike.

Imagine approaching a game like Binding of Isaac as a complete beginner. Obviously you're going to die a lot at the start, because you have no idea what you're doing. The social equivalent is a conversation fizzling out, which is probably a tad more unpleasant.
But almost every time you try you'll do a little bit better, until you slowly but surely become an expert with the game's mechanics.

Fastest way to learn a new game is to jump right in.
Jump in, user.

>how do I improve a skill


That goes straight over my head. I don't really play video games do I have no idea what your talking about also not OP and other than my inability to properly socialize am a fully functioning member of society.

Binding of Isaac is a roguelite not a roguelike. If conversation was like an actual roguelike then even if you where a master converser you could still instantly fail a conversation before you even knew it was there because the randboss rolled the perfect skill combo and nuked you from off screen for more than double your max health.

Man that shit about being able to talk to anyone aside from a girl I have a romantic interest in is true. Growing up, I was never good with girls. I talked to them and had convos but everytime I would ask one of em out I'd get rejected. I feel like that had some long term effects on me and I'm just getting deeper into my own head and shutting myself out basically. I don't want to get humiliated or rejected anymore so I bottle up and don't really talk to anybody anymore.

Work out in a public gym and if you have those small "street gyms" go to those

>Bro, try to improve something you're not doing very well right now at
>lol bro, I'm just gonna meme and complain about it on Jow Forums instead
I hope you'll die like the incel that you are

You literally need to interact with other humans in a modern society to acquire the basics of living. Stop being a coward and defeat your problems. Failure is painful in the moment, but you can have a better future.

This is basically It.

I hope this is bait because it's probably one of the most pathetic posts I've seen on this board

I feel like this resonates with a bunch of us. People who are functioning members of society for the most part, but there is something that prevents us from being good at talking to girls.

It's because you don't talk with them enough, you have to force yourself to. You can't expect to get good at something without practicing.

Bruh, past middle and highschool, people don't really bully each other
Time to break your old mindsets and try the new thing, user

No it doesn't you fucking fuck. That exact mindset is what keeps holding you back. Do you actually want to improve or do you want to be a sad little victim and wallow in your sorrow?

mobbing and harassing in workplaces is totally a thing

>You literally need to interact with other humans in a modern society to acquire the basics of living
Many people in this situation live by themselves, me being an example. It's completely possible to be awkward and have issues talking to girls in a romantic sense and still live a somewhat regular life.

>Actually try for once in your life
What's the point behind giving trivial non-advice like this? Does it make you feel smart or something?


it's normie tier but the charisma on command youtube channel actually has some decent stuff
there are also a ton of books on this topic.

Is your work so specialized that there any similar employers near you?

If you're worried that risking human interaction is going to poison your position as an employee then start applying for new jobs right now and go forward with talking to people at your current workplace.

I hope this is bait because it's probably one of the most summer posts I've seen on this site.

Stop posting.