What is the point of even trying?

What is the point of even trying?

>be 31
>anxious as fuck
>5years into terapy
>have 3 root canals
>no money
>no skills, failure in every field
>no real bond with anyone, family, friends
>no money
>not attractive nor healthy
>major trouble lerning

My life is fucked, I will always have trouble to function in society. Is it even worth trying? If we had those futurama suicide booths, I would die this second. I don't even have a place where I could safely hang myself without being caught. Also I don't want to go back to mental hospital. Is there a way to poison myself succesfully? Maybe some plants or mushrooms.

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Try a ketamine overdose. about 10g with some alcohol would cover it.

very unrealistic. he'd be too fucking gone to down 10 GRAMS of ketamine

OP just get an entry level job, save, fix your teeth and buy shit you like

Bro do you even have goals?

You mean not enough money?

Why? I struggle at any job. I got a few and it was always an absolute nightmare. I always tried my best and my best was not enough. Also I live in shitty post soviet country, not in US. Low income jobs are mostly dead end and you'll be barely able to support yourself.

because it's better than no job at all, faggot

If you have the means to both read English and post this to Jow Forums from a post soviet country, your life isn’t nearly as fucked as you believe

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But why this is better than killing yourself? Why we consider shitty life worth living? Why do we force this therapy thing on people instead of giving them opportunity to die? Why, fellow faggot?

I don't force anyone to stay alive. If this guy thinks his life is worth living, fine. But if he also wants to die, I also support him in that decision. Maybe he's not mentally ill, that's why he's able to enjoy being alive even in third world.

we? just kill yourself if you want to lol, nobody's stopping you

I will. I think I go get drunk and then drown myself. I hope this time I'll manage.

Nihilism is a mistake

Nothing has happened to you and you’re crying like you lost a kidney.
Your estrogen count sounds high, I bet you have man boobs.

Then why should one stay alive?

You’re lazy, stop trying to make up fake depression to excuse your lack of effort. Your life sucks because you suck.

I'm female. I can't function in society. I try to fix myself. I go to therapy. But I still can't do anything. I'm still slow. I'm not able to support myself.

I'm not lazy. I always work when I have one. I try to be good at it but they always fire me. There is a lot of issues. I was abused as a child and not rised propely, I'm slow and probably retarded. That's why I'm on therapy.

Set realistic and attainable goals.
Establish a daily routine.
Stop giving in to self destructive behavior.

Why should I do that?

Because that's how you generate the motivation and discipline which you severely lack that is causing your existential suffering

I was motivated until I lost my last job. In field I actually studied for and felt confident in. And after 5 years of therapy I still don't function like a normal human and probably never be.

How could you have a job and be motivated if you were not a functional human being?

Because I have to? Duh?