Lesbian good friend, 2 years younger, me a dude...

Lesbian good friend, 2 years younger, me a dude. She is objectively attractive (i am an average dude) and hard to tell she is a lesbian as she dresses and acts quite feminine. Know her since school, we are now at 30s. Never seen her with man or anything having to do with one. Always had the best opinion of her. See her a sexually neutral, not as a sexual being, except for a brief time in our teens. I made lots of money these past few years, along with some inheritance, i have become stinking rich. My girlfriend died 2 years ago in car accident with her family. I always trusted my friend with pretty much everything. Maybe too much, i know i am a moron. I got depressed to a degree and lost my balance, so to cut it short i become severely infatuated (6+months) with my lesbian friend. To a degree i let it happen since i felt as she is a lesbian she would not want me so i entered a bewildering fantasy that i thought was self-contained. Its confusing just thinking about it. I tell her, half-jokingly that "if i was a young beautiful woman i would ask you to marry me" and to cut things short we end up having sex, i was half-drunk so not really in control of what i was saying, or rather she has sex with me as i was in a state of ecstatic awe. This has been going on for a month. We just have sex and have not dated out of the house. A Female friend, that never liked her ever though, tells me she just wants to seduce me for money. I have no sources of information.

How i feel? Physically, emotionally i want to be inside her 24/7. Mentally feeling kind of paranoid in the style of "what the fuck are you doing you moron? Just disengage and withdraw" or cut your losses and run.
What should i do? Please advise, especially any wise lesbian anons.

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Just keep fucking her but look for a gf while you have your fun with her.
You should talk to a fiduciary about putting your money in a trust or some other way of protecting it from gold diggers anyways.

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This x2. Have fun but don't under any circumstances marry her. That's asking for her to take your shit.

Find a woman who professes that she's straight. I get the feeling if the lesbian friend ropes you into a relationship she'll cheat and tell you that you knew she liked women.

does she even know you have money? also did she know about your infatuation beforehand? or not until you dropped the cheesy line

if she didnt know and fucked you after the cheesy line she is actually in love with you. all other situations be wary

Knows all about the money, did the "moment" i got them pretty much. I was very trusting and open towards her. Friends have told me i am smart but at the same innocently moronic.

It seems that she figured it out beforehand as in retrospect as she caught 2-3 times staring at her when we were out, with a "guilty" expression.

I maybe caught up in this, but she could be detached, i don't want to see it perhaps, and doing her thing.

I want her to be in love with me! (i am an Idiot).

>Find a woman who professes that she's straight.
don't know how i am going to do that

Did you ever just straight up ask why she's okay with having sex with you as a "lesbian"? To me all I see is that she's bi and prefers girls to guys but you seem to be that guy or she could still be lesbian and is comfortable with you because she's known you for so long.

anyway does she ask you for money, talk about money problems with you, or inquire about financials in any odd ways?
This to me would be some basic red flags but even if she was in it for the long con you could just ask her to sign a prenup.

Afraid to ask as why or if she is just bi. I don't know how these things function but i take it everyone is unique. Sex is great, and its like i am would be complaining or showing mistrust if i asky why.

She normal financially, we have not really done any activity out of the house. She does not have to ask as i have vomited all info on my own.

Prenup; how do you even bring that up?

>Prenup; how do you even bring that up?
You tell the bitch, if you're going to marry her or you live in a State where Common Law Marriage is a thing, that she ain't shacking up with you unless she hires her own lawyer and signs a prenup.

Will someone that was also a friend fuck me up that bad? Or am being ignorant?
If our relationship gets to marriage i will keep this in mind. Seems she wants to move-in as fast as possible, she threw some hints.

If it was not for the mind keeping things in some check i would have totally been absorbed by lust, desire, passion and the sex in general.

Women can't be lesbians you moron they a just a lot more susceptible to societal trends she always liked dick and always will
Anyway I think you should break things off with her completly

Could a lesbian (of course as mentioned by others in the thread she could be bi or something) push herself to do this? Can she be this detached from things and such a convincing actress? Its like she is a porn star or something. I can't really tell due to the pleasure.

>i would ask you to marry me

only now, right now, i realize just how cheesy and stupid that was. Wow i am impressed.

Hold on here. She wants to move in right away even though you haven't been on an actual proper date in public? Red Flag.

Some women are gold diggers, and some of those will marry you and take your shit, others don't need to marry are just opportunistic. Knew a guy who won a decent lotto prize, like an average years salary of an average person, about how much he made a year. Woman within earshot of this in the extended friend circle starts dating the guy. They date, go out, take a few trips, he probably paid a few of her bills. Money goes quick and so did the woman.

Just be smart OP.

I asked as stealthily and discreetly as i could find that would know anything and person 1 of 6 (yeah that's not alot of people) said that she definitely did some escorting, with women/men as clients as well, but does not know how long this may have lasted. Which makes me feel pretty bad. But this is sort of hearsay which at the same time is not unbased and person 1 would not say and did not utter such things lightly. Person 1 says that she is a lesbian that just "tolerates" men.

Male relationships seem non-existent. Even in our school years. Utterly absent outside of sex during escorting (can't believe she did this) assuming this is true. Which seems to be, sadly.

Note that she knows i am super helpful towards friends and am considered the problem-solver by our circle.

Would women truly go that far and cold for money? A lesbian marrying or having a relationship with a guy, with frequent sex, just for money. With the fact that he is a friend that she knows would love her and take care of her?

If she is lesbian exclusively and is just tricking me then i am gonna get cheated on by some other women and dumped.

I need to get some balance and head to some decision. At the same time want her to ride me to no end and fuck her brains out like there is no tomorrow.

She is beautiful and her hair smell like cinnamon.

>oman within earshot of this in the extended friend circle starts dating the guy. They date, go out, take a few trips, he probably paid a few of her bills. Money goes quick and so did the woman

That seems so petty. So petty.

-Ok, verified as much as it can be that she did an orgy/orgies as well during escorting. I feel weird. Escorting seems to have lasted 3 years but can't really know for sure.

She has literally had sex for money in the past. She is also a lesbian.
She is now having sex with a man who has money.

>to cut things short
To cut them short, i am in an addicted sexual relationship boosted tremendously by previous loneliness and infatuation for the particular person and other than a healthy dose of paranoid in the mind and Jow Forums anons there are n't that many tools to use in order to dislodge myself from this situation.

I assume this is going to feel like;

I am infatuated/in love with A, she looks like a goddess send from heaven.

The cosmos tears down the illusion; she looks like a moldy potato and it hurts like hell, plus losses on other levels related to how much the bond has been established. Emotional, Financial etc.

I tear down the illusion; she looks like a moldy potato but it hurts much less and takes great effort. Minimal losses, but all acceptable. Lesson learned.

How to begin.

Yes, greed is a powerful thing breh

>Would women truly go that far and cold for money?
>A lesbian marrying or having a relationship with a guy, with frequent sex, just for money.

Shouldn't they feel some aversion towards this? Towards having sex with a man?

Can i even tell?