

I'm a nineteen year old brazilian girl, and I just discovered I'm three weeks pregnant. How can I proceed to a homemade abortion? (aborting is ilegal in Brazil)

I found lots of sources in the internet describing teas that might help, are they legit? Apart from Cytotec, are there other way out? Is Cytotec all that dangerous?

Please help me. I just can't have this baby.

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Can you find a back alley doctor?

Push this point, it is alternatively known as the baby killer.

Attached: 0564FB51-F050-4854-8D80-3C1D2EC74675.jpg (1175x1500, 75K)

abortion pills

lots of vitamin C i believe

The ol' coathanger

this is why you shouldn't have sex.

Dont do this.

You'll kill a living human and the soul of your baby will go to the limbo of infants. You'll condemn him to eternal suffering.

What's your temporal suffering compared to enternal suffering? Do you wish this to someone?

Have courage and do the right thing. Have this baby and do your best to take care of him. Pray to God that He may help you on this task.

And dont do this. This is worst than killing a person. You would destroy his body and condemn his soul since he will never got the chance to be baptized.

First and foremost, stay away from alcohol and or drugs. Those will only cause more problems
Strenuous exercise is enough to stop periods so in theory it should cause the body to abort naturally
If I find or think of any other ways I'll let you know
Best of wishes and please try to stay safe

Jow Forums isn't the place to find this information. If you are serious about getting a backyard/diy abortion, I'd start with /xxchromosome subbreddit or other feminist subbreddits. Also check Brazilian feminist websites and forums or even twitter. You're going to want local advice and help.

Good luck and godspeed. My advice is to not kill your baby and make the best of it, giving her or him up for adoption if possible and striving to be the best mother you can otherwise. You have stumbled into the most momentous crossroads of your life. Whatever you choose will have dire consequences on your life going forward. There is no easy way out, including abortion.

Or, since she's living in Brazil, she could abort and safe her child the suffering that is living in a third world country

>living human
>3 week pregnancy

Good pasta. I would also suggest removing the ''limbo of infants'' part, because that makes it seem like nonsense as opossed to an actual mother who wrote this on Facebook

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Vitamin C can raise progesterone which is the opposite of what this girl needs

Is this legit?

I'll try. Thanks.

I understand your point of view, but I really just can't have the baby. Thanks for the words tho.

Strenuous exercise? I'll look into it, thanks.

I'm aware there's no easy way out. Wish there was.

You're still very early on in your pregnancy so there's still chance for spontaneous abortion
In the meantime just try to make your hormones as unbalanced as possible, particularly try getting your progesterone levels low

I already had an spontaneous abortion. How can I make my progesterone levels low?

Thanks for all the help friends. I wish my country didn't made this so hard.


no one will miss a brazilian child. Chances are he'd get killed dealing drugs in a favela at age 16 regardless.

Eating nuts, flax seeds, and onions can increase your estrogen levels which causes progesterone to decrease
There's also estrogen pills which should be legal in Brazil but I'm not sure

Don’t vitammin c OD will
Destroy your kidneys

Go online and buy abortion pills.

Limbo of the infants is a natural paradise senpai.

Anyway yeah OP get a time machine; no sympathy for people who fuck around and know abortion is illegal.

Also try overdosing or drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning.

It can trigger a miscarriage.

This is probably the fairest way to do it because it puts your life at risk too.

Just have the baby.
In 20 years it will be a beautiful strong and vibrant person that you will love more than anything else in your life.
Sorry that your whoring days came to an end early but one day you'll realize that it was a blessing in disguise.


Im drunk but more serious than you could ever believe, id lick your cunt on a whim.

Damn religious fanatics. where does it stand, that those children will not be spared from suffering you retarded pseudo-believer?

You are like a snake whispering in ears.

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Lots of alcohol and exhausting physical activity.
If you have a strong body it won't work.

You could also be an asshole who wants to abort his gf child without knowing her. With pills or some shit like that. It´s best not to help you.

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>There are people encouraging a 19 year old girl from a second World country to have a child
This board is fucking retarded

Can you find a way to travel somewhere where it is legal and have a safe medical abortion?