ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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>Friend at work is busy but says she has something to tell me later. Sounds important.
>We don't cross paths for the rest of the day as she needs to leave early.
>Send her a snapchat asking what she wanted to talk about
>Reads it 14 hours later but doesn't reply.

Girls, do you do this? Why is she like this?

Do i still have a chance if the girl texts back only 1-2 times per day?
We write pretty big messages to each other

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Yes dude, its fine
Message length isnt as important as the info itself

She chickened out
Incels do it all the time, so dont be pissy
Girls arent indesicive
PEOPLE are indesicive

this girl likes me
i don't know if i'm attracted to her
should i ask her out for shits and giggs?
sidenote: we work together

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of massaging and kissing, which is better for for play?

Ya dude thats what dating is for
Go out, and be prepared to tell her later that you dont think you're compatible if you arent

I fucking love being kissed in a way that Im SLIGHTLY pinned down. I can wiggle but its like
He gonna get me
(Because hes my bf and i wanna fuckhhim


A girl at my work has just gone completely radio silent. We talk every night outside of work and have so for like 6 months and then at the start of this week she is ghosting every message I send.

As far as I know I haven't done or said anything to cause it.

At work she is still talking to me but is not sticking around to chat like usual.

What should I do? Just wait and hope she makes contact? Confront her?

I've tried to spark a conversation over snapchat each night but this is day 3 of getting left on read so its clearly intentional and not an "oh she is busy" sort of deal.

she's hard to read thoguh
she's really smart
she got into Barrett

she's dropped a few clues but nothing big. i've caught her staring at my crotch several times and she's caught me looking at her tits a few times haha

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Probably started fucking some other guy.

How much do women's preferences in male appearance differ? Clearly they are not as wide-ranging as men's are for women but now narrow are they, are all women only ever attracted to a certain ballpark of bone structure and other physical traits, or is there actually a woman for almost every man under the sun?

Yes. Out of the billions of women you can find them liking any type of guy.

>Incels do it all the time
What? Ghosting is pretty much exclusively a girl thing because females are selfish creatures and incapable of feeling empathy for men.

Also, I like how you offered no advice to that user and just said "nu-uh, girls aren't bad, incels are bad XD".

No it’s not. Guys do it too. Only because you don’t, dosent mean you represent all guys. And when a girl ghost you, dosent represent all women. Weird how that works, huh.

>Ghosting is pretty much exclusively a girl thing because females are selfish creatures and incapable of feeling empathy for men
I'm not a woman, but it's obvious why they are more likely to do it. They're hardwired to be skittish and afraid of direct conflict, because if it ever came to blows they would get steamrolled by any man. It's not so much a rational calculation as it is instinct.

Lol, I don't even know why I bother arguing with women, childish retards.
True that. I know I need to stop seeing girls as equals, but years of brainwashing have done a number on me and I assume quite a few other men also.

dont confront her, it makes you look weak

her ghosting you is her sending you a message that she doesnt want to talk to you. You in turn should just remove your attention. If she never speaks to you again then you dont want her in your life because she has shown her true colours. If she does, she should apologise

What are girls' experiences being cold approached by guys? Is it annoying? Is it a compliment? Do you appreciate that a guy has the balls to try ask you out? Does the situation/location matter?

and what are the odds of finding such a womyn?

Do guys like seeing their girlfriend a little tipsy? I often see my boyfriend after going to events with free alcohol. This ends up with me being tipsy/drunkish (definitely not incredibly sloppy or anything). It just makes me kind of playful and extra horny, but I’m worried its not coming off well. Hes never said anything or complained, but I just wanted to hear some other guys opinions. Its definitely not an every time we meet up thing either, maybe 25% of the time.

Depends on the guy. Some find it hot, some find it annoying(this depends on how you act) and some dont realize you are actually horny. You should talk to him about it and see what he says. Do you lile it when he's tipsy?

There's a girl I work with. We used to talk all the time(strictly as friends) anyway we stopped having our longer talks because her hours changed and I have gotten really busy so I decided to start by asking her if it bothered her that we stopped talk because we really got along. She said it wasn't that big a deal and then I asked her if she had any social media. She said yeah she has facebook and I asked her if she wanted to be friends on there so we can talk more often then we are now. She said she's mostly on there for that type of thing anyway. So I go on facebook and there are two accounts with her name and face and mutuals. I assuming one is an inactive account while the other isnt. I send a request and get nothing back. Should I send a request to the other account or talk to her or do nothing and give up?

It's obviously somewhat flattering but I find it very annoying overall.
The whole interaction feels really bothersome when I haven't signalled to you in any way I wanted to interact, yet you feel entitled to talk to me because you thought I was cute and I have to interrupt what I'm doing to talk to you. Also the concept that the only reason why you want to date me is that I'm pretty makes me feel a little shitty.
I don't appreciate it. I find it annoying and a little lousy.

Obviously I'm thinking of cold approaching as "I hit on a random girl in the street", if we're at a social event and you talk to me it doesn't matter.

Is it really weak to be like "hey what's going on?"

I think that women's tastes differ a lot.
Just by looking at the guys my friends date or the guys they find attractive, I really can tell that we definitely have not the same taste in men.
Obviously there are some traits that are conventionally attractive for men, as there are some conventionally attractive traits for women, but plenty of people have differing tastes.

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I dont think I act annoying, just like extra cute haha

Ive never seen him get drunk cause hes kind of a heavyweight, meanwhile Im tipsy on 2 to 3 glasses

If your guy rests his full weight on you after sex to stay in is your reaction
[ ] Ouch, can't breathe
[ ] Uncomfy but I'll deal
[ ] Feels good man

Capcha was select all traffic lights and I highlighted a sign with lights on it and still got it lol

I love the feeling, but after a bit it gets a little painful. I also might ask him to get off if I feel a lot of weight just on my chest in a way that doesn't make me breathe.
It also, obviously, heavily depends on how much he weights. My ex was 140 lbs and he could do it as long as he wanted, my boyfriend is 190 lbs and that definitely feels like *something* straight away.

I've heard from a guy in same situation, and he was a bit self conscious that she felt she "needed" to be drunk to be with him, like he wasn't attractive enough so that's how she coped.
He never said anything to her, but the worry was there.

Femanons, whats your thoughts on bi boyfriends? There seems to be a perception that we're degenerate cheaters that can't be trusted amongst the LGBT communities and I wonder if maybe its the same with straights.

You think you act cute but you should know what he feels like when you are tipsy. You might think you are being cute but are actually being annoying. You can't just wait and find out if something bothers him or not you have to talk to him so he can express himself without worrying about things. Basically you need to make sure he is able to be fully open with you.

Why do guys hate tall girls so much?

Never hated tall girls

Have dated a few taller than me and I'm 5'11"

Will admit it did trigger a little insecurity, but NBD

tall girls are hot

Girls do you ever finger your ass during masturbation/sex?

If so who got you into it? Yourself or a guy?

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How tall are you?

>Meet 6'1 QT in college.
>Ask her if she ever wears heels.
>"I love heels but my date's always feel self conscious and ask me not to wear them."
>"I command you to wear the tallest pair of heels you own on our next date."
>"O-okay user"
>mfw I walk into the bar with my arm around the waist of a 6'6 QT.

Shit was SO cash.

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I'm 6 feet tall wanna go out sometime?

Girls what do you think of short guys?
Asking for a friend.

It will be a turn off If I ask my gf why she likes me?

You have to ask sarcastically.


>What did you ever see on me to begin with?

My grillfriend said she thought I had money.

Lol jokes on her, I'm broke as fuck

As a fellow dude I will say it's a bad idea depending in when you ask. You should ask instead what about yourself attracted her towards you.

Guys, is it wise to confess to colleague?
I feel like it's bad because it will reach point of no return, and ruin my own working environment, if i failed.
But on the other hand, i like this girl and feel like this is my only chance to be in a relationship, especially after being alone for my whole 28 years life.

>You should ask instead what about yourself attracted her towards you.
But I don't make idea

Huh? I dont know what you mean user explain better.

Idk what attracted her in first place, maybe lack of options

Well that's why you ask her what about yourself made her want to be with you. See what she says then come back for another thread and tell us how it went bro? Make sure to also tell her what about her made you want to be with her.

To "confess" is always bad and stupid, so is your, "my one chance to get a gf"
To ask her to have a beverage or lunch or something and see how you get along is just fine and won't ruin anything if you acknowledge you are just two people hanging out.

Trust me it's better to not ask at all. If she likes you then who cares what about she likes, so just keep doing what you are doing.

what could happen If I ask

do girls preferred circumcised dicks and can I diy this with toenail clippers?

Why are you all so bad at killing yourselves? You just do it for attention right? You already have all the attention in the world

Short men are worthless kys

>To ask her to have a beverage or lunch or something and see how you get along is just fine
But i already did that and i want more.
I don't want to just be 2 friends and couldn't advance our relationship.
And i can assure you it's extremely hard for me to find a gf, especially one that i would like her as well, instead of just finding one gf just so i can have one.

How did it go when you asked her out? How many times?
Did you flirt? Touch hands or anywhere?
Normal people escalate not confess.

>message a girl for the first time with a simple yes/no question
>she reads it and doesn't reply
>she replies 3 days later
Why do girls do this?

I'm fine as long as they're not much tinier than me. I'm 5'6" and 140 lbs, a guy who is shorter and thinner would be a turn off.

I think most women just want a painless and not gruesome way to go, and think pill are a good way because suicide by overdose is romanticised as "you fall asleep and never wake up again". When it's really not the case.
They're not.

I Hate to say it, but yes. You shouldn't pursue this anymore. You've already reached it for her and she ignores it. Do not text this chick and move on user.

I dislike tinder/bumble. I feel like it's making me swipe too impulsively and not carefully consider men who I might be a good fit with. I'm looking for a personality match too and it's not really easy with the limited info on the profiles.

Hinge is just slowed down bumble/tinder. But with even less information on the person. It seems worse so far.

Is okcupid my only other option? I have been filling out questions without a photo/lurking and the guys in there look a little too onions'd up and a little to left leaning for me. I'm in the PNW so it's very pronounced.

I think I'd be a little extra careful, especially if I know he has a history of being promiscuous or cheating.

I also usually try to set some boundaries about opposite gender friends because I've been cheated on before, so things like "going out one on one and getting drunk with my female bff" wouldn't fly with me. I find it'd make me a little bit more self conscious to alo have to worry about guys.

How damaging is it to spend time with men that don't really care about me even if I enjoy their company?

*Onions= onions'd up. Soft-looking or look like they'll want a poly relationship with a purple haired hamplanet at some point. Sorry if that's mean

As long as you fully understand the implications, not much.
Just behave responsibly and be aware of what you're doing.

It is to women. Especially the kind that ghost. Most women have low self esteem. If you continue on after they ghosted you, they are going to assume you cant do better than their shitty self.

Women are weird my man.

she liked me but I was scared and avoided her and now Im alone :(

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What do guys get out of playing and leading women on? I don't understand, why say you want a friend when you want to just make me fall for you?

They're trying to get sex.

What are women supposed to do? Guys that don't aggressively flirt aren't sexually attractive, but those kinds of guys usually aren't really interested. It's obviously more complicated than this, but how can I change my own behavior to find the middle ground in this?

Even if I explicitly said I'm not going to do that?

Lol I noticed that too about OKC
My friend met his wife on match, but you have to pay, but he said that filters out fuckboys

>Underage girls check me out
>Older women check me out
>My age group largely ignores me
What the fuck is this bullshit, it feels like cosmic trolling

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>Guys that don't aggressively flirt aren't sexually attractive
This sounds like incel bullshit more than anything else.
Guys who aggressively flirt are trashy, and almost no one I know actually enjoys that kind of behaviour.

Get to know people and develop normal relationships.

Yes, anonette. Don't expect much out of friendship with men.
Especially if they're single, and the lonely sad boi type, it's almost assured that they will hit on you.

I've met one guy in 27 years who was single, willing to be my friend and didn't hit on me.

Lol girls check you out at all. I'm 26, not ugly,dress decently and am 6 feet tall and onky once have a known a girl looked at me that way and thats only because I was with my mom and she said some girl walking past gace me googly eyes but I never even saw her. God!

Sadly as guys we just want closeness with girls but we don't gst that anywhere.

I understand it.
I just stopped investing in friendship with men unless they have a stable girlfriend or a wife and are pretty well adjusted people because it's not worth it. I always ended up wasting my time building a relationship with a person and just being manipulated.

are girls really scared of rejection more as guys

have a girl that never hints me to ask her out or suggest we should get together but couple days ago she ran into me and literally said "casually" we should get coffer or something which means she wants to spend time with me, but why cant she say or hint it in a text, weird

it is cause if youre in person the feelings are much stronger ?

I often say "we should get a coffee" without actually meaning it, so don't take it too seriously.

Girls, would you date a guy who was 6ft 1in in the morning but shrank to 6ft 0.6in throughout the day?

I fear I'll not be able to get a gf as 6ft 3in is the perfect height and I'm too short.

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Just to fill you in, the perfect height is 6ft 2.5in.
Also you will probably lose more girls by being an insecure faggot than for being a manlet.

>the perfect height is 6ft 2.5in
It's not, it's 6ft 3in.

I'd wear heel inserts or lift shoes but I'd feel so bad if anyone found out.

>It's not, it's 6ft 3in.
Factually wrong.

Also, really, no one cares. As long as you're taller than the girl it's good, and if you're taller than 6 is golden.

Women with graduate degrees
Would you marry a fighter pilot?

Sure, why not? Seems really cool.

> if you're taller than 6 is golden
I don't feel this way and I'm not happy being short, I think it's a major setback to my confidence, a girl has no reason to date me over someone taller.

If there were two versions of me and one was 6ft 3in instead of 6ft 1-0.5in no one would pick the shorter one.

There aren't two versions of you.
You're not only your height, you're a whole person with many traits despite your height, and a person will date you for those too.

Also you're not short.

What year did he meet her?
People keep saying alot of the apps have changed recently to make you stay on the app longer/pay money to see matches. Just wondering if maybe match changed too

Till you realize they can't be over 5'9"
Also gone for months at a time

How do I get a 6ft tall gf if I'm 5'9"?

3 years ago

I don't care about height much, as long as you're taller than me we're good.
And I don't mind long distance, as long as we can talk. I'd care for the children, tho, that's mostly it.

My ex and her sister originally thought I was a “player” I guess for whatever reason. My ex actually approached me, and asked me if I was DTF/wanted to date which turned into a relationship. I guess women approaching men isn’t that common.

Am I right to assume I’m attractive? Personally I hate myself and hate seeing myself in pictures and actively avoid taking them/being in them—but considering the former I’m thinking I might just be fucked in the head.

But then on the other hand, my ex was controlling and manipulative, and generally unstable—so I wonder if that negates the fact that she made the first approach.

Same way you get a gf that's shorter than you. You'll have to find a tall girl who's insecure about it though so she's willing to literally date down.

Definitely happens, my buddy took the virginity of a 6'4 girl in college. He's 5'9

weve been out a couple times already and i kissed her neck so theres that ,so it deff. had meaning,i just want some initiative from her side but it boggles me she cant do it thru text but when we ran into each other she can hint it

shes very submissive and receptive doesnt seem to innitiate much and is somewhat self concuious