I'm sick of being alone :(

I'm a socially awkward square with no redeeming qualities. None that matter to women anyway.
I feel like I'd have to transform into a completely different person just to have a sniff of a relationship.

Attached: 8u0epilki5o01.jpg (1272x1781, 201K)

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yes unless you can suddenly pull those qualities out of your ass its best you distract yourself from this loneliness

tv, anime, vidya, fitness; combine all of them

fap or starve yourself

Have sex incel
You are not entitled to a woman's body.

dont have sex
it'll only make you feel worse

dilate tranny

Yes, yes I am

>fap or starve yourself

I wonder about that. When I do NoFap, I find I have more energy and I'm more productive. However, I also get hornier and then that frustration turns to loneliness.

Then do so. Work hard and become a better person.

What does it mean to be a "better person" in relation to attraction?
Money? Status? Looks?

OP do the following:
-Improve your diet.
-Go to the gym, begin to lift weights.
-Consider your career. Where do you want it to go? Decide on something and follow it.
-Start putting money aside. Even if it's a little, do it.
-Realise that there are millions of women in the world. Being rejected by a few doesn't matter. Try to forget about it and move on. There's someone out there for you user.

I did this since I was the age of 7, I am now 25 ... when I said I was going to change or die by the age of 17. Guess I should do it now or never. No more excuses, no more conditions, no more revenge plans. I need to die. (right after buying these hot headphones so I can listen to some heavenly music before going to heaven.... yeaah... gonna... get to it... right away...)

What do you do when you have the ability to get girls but don’t because you’re scared?

My roommate is an attractive female and she’s made it pretty obvious over the past few weeks she wants to hook up with me. I haven’t allowed it to happen because I’m scared.

Well OP I'm pretty bisexual so this might not work for you, but just think about yourself: "would I fuck me?", if not, develop qualities that you think are attractive in yourself.

And if you are physically unattractive, just develop your humor!

Oh and OP, it is fine to masturbate to 10/10 women, but if you find women you meet in your surrounding not arousing, it might be a good idea to masturbate less or watch more amateur videos.

Attached: Knipsel.png (1290x681, 556K)

I would never fuck myself in any circumstance

You just need to start lifting and do professional development

Not even If I was jacked or rich would fuck myself

THIS OP. Women will come once you've developed these.

How many girls have you asked on date this year?

Attached: ask for her number-date dingus!.png (740x173, 38K)

OP stop being autistic and try to understand what I tried to tell you. Develop character traits that you think are attractive. Some of these are typically male such as charisma, but others such as good humor or empathy are just general attractive characteristics.

Kill yourself, autist. Stop posting this.

How many girls have you asked on date this year? Why are you angry at such simple question? Its very important and related to OP.

Yeah, like that faggot who asked out 100 girls and was known as the creep of that town, you fucking autistic piece of shit. Leave the poor guy alone, you shitskin.

I haven't asked any out. I have little interaction with women as I'm a socially inept shut-in

If she's made it obvious, where's the problem? The question you gotta ask yourself is, what's the alternative. Being rejected sucks but not forever. However, suffering from loneliness until the end of your life is very hard to deal with.
Just proceed with a little caution. Hooking up with roommates always has a lot of potential for conflicts later down the road (that old saying of don't eat where you shit or something). I'm not saying don't do it, but just be careful with whatever might come after that.

I haven’t done it because I think hooking up is bad and the risks are too high

Pic related, dancing lessons, okcupid, night clubs, EVO, alcohol.

Attached: stop asperger.jpg (1545x2402, 273K)


charles manson read that book?


What does EVO mean?

Pointless. 80/20 rule means that any semi-cute girls will be looking for the cream of the crop. Any average/semi-attractive guys will be left with 3/10s


Tldr: its a social event for people with the highest autism levels: people who are capable of playing fighting games with both insane high skill floors and ceilings. If you ever wanted to meet autistic weeb girl, it will be there. But you still have to ask her on date there.

I dont see a problem with settling for some fatty. Fat pussy is still pussy.

We are on /adv, if you dont like my advice then provide better one. Its not my problem you just want to shitpost and "have fun". You are on wrong board kiddo.

>We are on /adv, if you dont like my advice then provide better one.
kill yourself

thats my advice

>I dont see a problem with settling for some fatty. Fat pussy is still pussy.
>associating your image with a fat disgusting pig

Thing is, I don't know where I fall on the spectrum. I want to a Meetup for people with social anxiety and I was the only one attempting conversation. Everyone just sat there in awkward silence staring into their drinks. I'm not too bad talking to people, I'm just not attractive to women.

It takes two to habe convo. One of the biggest mistake many autists on Jow Forums make is that they want equally damaged gf. Thats nonsense. If you are autist you should want gf who will do all the talking herself aka social butterfly. There are plenty of women like that. They say like 300 words and they all you have to say is
>uh huh
And they will say another 300. It gives you illusion you are actually good at convo :3

Tldr go practice socialising more. And dancing lessons ofc.

Attached: is this autism.png (629x1046, 403K)

i feel exactly the same
i'd have to do a serious 180 on my lifestyle and well that's kinda hard and i like my loner hobbies
but then i'm reminded i haven't had a single relationship in 28 years of existence and feel like i'm missing out on something huge :/