How to tell if my GF is a narcissist or just a regular, immature woman? Serious question...

How to tell if my GF is a narcissist or just a regular, immature woman? Serious question. Because she has a lot of things:
>passive aggressive silence punishments
>has trouble sleeping and needs little sleep to function
>catch her in lies about weird, small things, and some big things
>when i start to love her seems to pull away, but when i pull away she chases
>likes taking pictures of herself for social media
>has laughed at her friends crying and being in pain
>very manipulative
>projects her own bullshit issues onto me
>rough relationship with family growing up
>beginning of relationship she was accommodating as fuck and treated me like a king, now she's bothered by everything and it's all about her

Like whats one sign that's surefire?

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With all the things you listed, does it even really matter whether or not you can put a label on it?

I see what you mean, there's a lot of things I like about her and I'm in love, so it's hard to just cut her off with all this bullshit arising.

Wow, are you dating my mother? Because my mother checks off EVERY SINGLE ONE of the things you listed and she is completely 100% narcissist and a pathological liar (does your gf go into rage mode when you call her out on her lie?) My mom probably could also be bi-polar or have PTSD from her childhood or whatever. Either way, it wasn't fun to grow up with that. Very emotionally scarring.

My advice to you is to run. narcissists are what's called "energy vampires". Anybody with empathy is their victim. Especially their partners. They drain you dry until you feel like you're an emotional husk, or going crazy, because they gas light you. It's horrible.


Break things off and go find you a girl who's more healthy for you to be around. ASAP.

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Maybe she wants you to be the one to end it

Doesn't matter. End it. I don't care you won't have anybody to fuck after, just grow a spine and go. If you don't end it now, it will just be over when the relationship sips every ounce of happiness from you.

Sounds like a vapid thot

>and I'm in love
What is wrong with you, to make you so undeserving, that you feel it's fair to love all of... that?

God damn it OP, I just got dumped by someone who exhibited all the same shit. I brought her flowers as a surprise, walked in on "something" (her naked, dude's boxers on the floor, recognizable vehicle out front). She stonewalled me for a week before finally raging at me and threatening to sue me for shit I said about her abuse the first time we broke up. The dude I thought was involved also recently posted something about manipulative people, so I think her mask is finally slipping, though.

user my ex was a narcissist and even when I loved him it was so difficult to deal with, very energy draining, and I only after it was over I realized the weight I was carrying that lifted. It was such a relief, it's unbelievable.
So I tell you, it's not worth it, even if you love her. I'm sure there's someone right for you waiting for you to be single, someone that won't stop treating you like a king once the novelty has worn off. My current partner is nothing like that and I couldn't be happier, please think on yourself and your mental wellbeing!

You can go to a professional for a diagnosis. But here I will tell you she sounds like a person who would be a horrible, life draining, dreadful, soul crushing person to marry or attempt to cohabitat with.

Just use your logic and reason of what you like about her and what you dislike. And then use your logic and reason to deduce that complete instability is the worst thing to deal with in life.

sounds like my ex who im fairly sure is a narcissist, leave before you get more involved

Hey I dated that girl. I’m pretty damn sure she’s a diagnosable narcissist.

How logn were you together? Thats so sad

>mfw my first relationship is a narc girl
>mfw pair bonding hit me hard and I ignored red flags from the getgo
>mfw its unraveling 4 months later

Damn. I guess this is why you shouldn't date with low self esteem

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I find that people can have a lapse in judgement when thinking with their dick. Stop thinking with your dick OP.

This. Run my friend.

break up

No retard, that's not just the normal way women act. Your bitch girlfriend is just a shitty person who doesn't appreciate you at all.

>How to tell if my GF is a narcissist or just a regular, immature woman?
doesn't matter, break up.

4 Years. It was similar shit. I had body image issues and she made me feel better about them...played me way, way up based on my social status as an artist and my abilities in the bedroom. Gradually broke me down by flirting with "friends", having affairs, calling me crazy, threatening to break up, etc. Then she went to therapy, appeared to get better, and then began using her therapy as a weapon against me in our arguments. No matter what she did, I had to be calm and collected. I wasn't allowed to raise my voice or she'd call it yelling and talk about her PTSD with her dad. We both have bad trauma and I've generally been the more responsible and stable one, so I found myself constantly drained and upset at her...I sometimes became the guy she said I was, even. I stopped going out because people would see us together and look at me weird. Idk if she would spread rumors about me, but it was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I'll never know anything she did/didn't do 100%, which makes me feel even more ambivalent towards the situation.

>tfw I'm your gf
>tfw I'm your mother
True... but also bs. If she has an ounce self-awareness she'll leave you and check herself into lifelong therapy.

I was too much of a pussy to murdersuicide at the time and now I've definitely mellowed with therapy but I still lowkey want someone to run me over.

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Are you sure you actually love her or are you just addicted to having sex with her/use her for emotional support