They're cruel, fickle, faithless and irrational. Unless you're a Chad they'll fuck you while thinking about someone else. Is it wrong to hate them for this?
Is it wrong to hate women?
>Is it wrong to hate them for this?
If you don't mind being a miserable hunk of shit that is so depressed and toxic that nobody wants to get within 100 feet of you and you don't hurt anybody then no, there isn't anything wrong with it. You're entitled to be as mentally ill as you want to be.
How can you defend their behavior?
>Is it wrong to hate women?
it is wrong to hate all women because some of them are crew, fickle, faithless and irrational.
Stop with the extremist attitude, there are plenty of good women out there, but you are blinded by your hatred.
>They're cruel, fickle, faithless and irrational. Unless you're a Chad they'll fuck you while thinking about someone else.
What experience gas lead you to believe this.
Women don't even find most men physically attractive. When you have sex she will be fantasizing about someone like Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth or one of her hawter exes.
And you know this because you've read the minds of women you've had sex with I guess?
Stop with these cuck fantasy bait threads please and thank you
Just common sense, dude
This mindset is toxic mainly for yourself. Once you realize that women are beneath you and treat them as such, then you will start being surrounded by them. There was a post a while back about how women are like pet dogs. You need to love them and take care of them, but also realize that you're in charge. I wish I still had that screencap
>How can you defend their behavior?
Defend whose behavior? A few billion people? I've met lots of great women and a lot of shitty ones. Same for dudes. Some are cool. Some aren't. Your inability to understand nuance and insistence on generalizing impossibly large groups of people you've never met is not the world's problem, OP, its yours.
You can't defend it. But girls aren't some monolithic hivemind. They're humans, which as a species is capable of a lot of things. That includes some horrendous and revolting things. But generalization will kill you. This world often feels like its crammed fully of shitty people who're devoid of heart, morals and accountability, but you need to cling onto some form of optimism so you don't wind up drown yourself. Let those bastards drown themselves in their own sin and misery.
For every 100 shitty women, there will be 10 genuinely good ones. I understand if you don't want to take the risk of dating women with those odds but just know it isn't as absolute as it seems. Be the best person you can be and hopefully you'll find someone who complements you well.
That works for children
My girlfriend left me. A few months later she hooked up with a guy a lot younger than her. That's basically her way of saying I fuck like an old man. And I bet she always imagining someone else when we did it.
Fuck off autist
Imagine being this delusional.
>They're cruel, fickle, faithless and irrational
Some are, some aren't. So yeah I'd call that wrong.
Piece of nigger-shit
Hey it works for me lmao
That was a bit uncalled for, wasn't it?
I'm sure it does, but only for 5/10 degenerates maybe. It's one thing to attract a girl, another to attract a good one.
The pet dog thing in the screen cap was an analogy. It says that if you treat a dog well and do dog things with it, like going for walks everyday, playing fetch etc. then you'll have a happy dog that is a good companion. You wouldn't do these dog things otherwise but you do them because they make the dog a happy, content and loyal companion. And if you treat it the wrong way and expect it to be content with not doing these things the dog will turn out bad.
No, you are totally right. They Are evil whores.
What does her getting a new bf have to do with you?
why the fuck did you need to bump your post?
It really doesn't. Unless she's telling you, there's no bearing here on your life at all.
Telling you everything about him I mean, sorry.
Please dont blame yourself, it's really not healthy to dwell on it. If you had relationship problems then both of you should have talked it
There is if I still have feelings for her
Understandable. I know it feels like she's getting back at you, but she's just simply doing what she wants now.
Yeah, I guess so... Oh well, back to foreveralone
It's a waste of time to hate, just be indifferent. Besides that you've never met shitty guys before? Watch one of those prison shows, you'll realize everyone's stupid.
Actually fuck that. She didn't give a fuck about my happiness. So long as she's ok that all that matters? Selfish bitch. This proves my point. Women only care about themselves, and men are completely dispensable.
I'm going to use this one, thanks user.
That's humans in general.
I go out of my way to help people. It's a sort of affirmation of masculinity for me. I run this shit. I have extra. I can help. It brings me out of a dark mood when I feel like someone is unfairly looking down on me.
But I always go an extra mile to help someone who I smell key traits in. Honesty, loyalty, charity (in conversation, that is, even if I make a terrific faux pas, they usually recognize it for what it is, sometimes running with whatever crass joke it was). I made my best friend that way. Yeah, he kinda smells funny and is mgtow as fuck, but he's astonishingly wise in most things, and I don't think I could have actually made a better friend. I disagreed with him on something, and he said something along the lines of, "this is why I like hanging out with you. You think for yourself." And that just made my day.
Weird as it is, I learned something from him. I wasn't desperate for a friend. I built a relationship with him organically.
The problem with men when it comes to women is that we're desperate. We often limit ourselves to obsessing with "that one who I worked up the courage to hit on" for way too long, and we'll take whatever we can get. It'll suck for 50% of the women around you, but you need to ask everyone like it's fucking lfg. The other 45% will be flattered, but not take you seriously, either because you're less worldly or because they have a different type. 5% or so, depending on what you're working with an who you're asking, should at least agree to a date, and at that moment they're entering the pool, not proclaiming "I'm the one and I'm perfect for you."
Also, wash, brush, shave (if you're not combing and shaping it it's unkempt) see your dentist, and make sure your feet are well-dried before putting your socks on.
Man, have you ever fucked an ugly chick and thought of another woman? Stop being a dense motherfucker.
I'm a dude and I try to look at it through a women's point of view every time.
No, I'm saying that her "desires" and what you imagine she does (if you do at all) are not reality and therefore not your concern.
It's all in your head man, your younger self couldn't never predicted the torture you're going though now.
Best of luck user, just a little sad to see someone bump their posts three times.
Males are even more disgusting fuck off
Females are literally just females and hardly something can go wrong with them
>Is it wrong to generalize half the population based of my shitty experiences with a handful of women?
Yeah probably dude.
it isn't wrong, but it isn't right either.
The replies to this thread VS the replies to the misandrist thread the other day validate OP's feelings quite nicely.
Well done hysterical malefems, you did your job spectacularly.
It's not wrong to despise whores, but it is wrong to conflate whores with women. You must also recognize that men aren't all saints, either. To a woman with standards, she could see the same depths of depravity in men that you now see in women. It's not something inherent to the gender; the only gendered thing is the way in which garbage people will act out their impulses.
For example, a male jackass would have a much easier time getting into physical fights, whereas a female would have to be more deceptive to hurt someone.
Recall the tale of the scorpion and the frog. Basically, the scorpion got a ride on a frogs back across a river, promising not to sting the frog. Just as they were almost across the scorpion stung the frog, ensuring both their deaths. The Frog asks why and the scorpion says it's his nature.
It's a woman's nature to be as you described, but should you hate them for it? It is neither right nor wrong to hate women, but you have to decide if it will negatively influence your life and if it is worth it for some bullshit.
Trying to control women's thoughts and mad that you can't....based
hating them still wont get em to fuck you user
>Just common sense, dude
No it's just wildly jumping to conclusions with no evidence or logic behind it.
yes. it is wrong.
Not at all. Society will hate you for knowing the truth. Women are big spenders and the ones without good jobs need husbands with money to keep the economy going. If you dont contribute to the cycle they want to get rid of you. They get the media to belittle your happy bachelor lifestyle. We know it but dont say it, do it. Your doing okay my man.
Wrong. It's inductive logic which is a perfectly valid scientific method.
Men are gold miners... We understand that to get gold we have to do a bunch of really stupid and painful shit, it takes time, dedication, equipment, and sometimes you have to chase off other men from your mineral claim. But damn is it rewarding to get that gold.
You have left the river and are wondering around the town broke as fuck bitching about how hard mining is.
Go fuck yourself, loser. You're fuckin lazy, pathetic, and can't see the value in investments. Personally I am glad that you have removed yourself rom the dating pool, the more you fuckups go full incel the more women there are available to choose from for the men like myself who don't mind putting in a little work for the gold.
I sincerely wish you die alone.
>Hates women
>posts a pic of a woman.
I think you need to be less obsessed with women user. Sex isn't as good as you think it is.
Obviously you think the only women in the world are Instagram thots. Leave your house and meet actual normal women that don’t care about retarded chad.
>Is it wrong to hate women?
they don't deserve the attention
Oh great, another /lgbt/ raid. Why do we have so many gay psyops now?
Jow Forums was a hot topic in inner circles because it was a gathering place for anonymous people to share their real thoughts. This is directly conflicting with their agenda now and is seen as a threat so they are putting a lot more effort into misinformation, stirring shit online to create confusion and propaganda.