Im 19 year old straight male who has never had a trans thought in my head my whole life until I was put in prison for possesion of illegal substances and raped multiple times. I held in the trama after I got out of prison until I had a mental breakdown and was sent to a mental hospital for a 72 hrs and released.
Afterwards I found myself disassociating with myself to create a new person. A more feminine light hearted personality. And began taking up feminine traits.
I genuinely dont know if im trans or if im just trying to cope with the trauma i dealt with. It feels good to be "reborn" in these new clothes interests, and personality, and I envy the kindness woman are treated with but it feels like im avoiding something. Im not sure where to go from here.
If you dont believe me fine, go ask "experts" in You arent trans, you are just coping with stress in an unhealthy way. Please consider going to see psychologist.
It's a little of both probably, don't let anyone tell you who to be. It doesn't why if ot makes you feel good and it won't go away. I thought I could just spend the same amount of money on drugs. I still disappointed my family, I still get discriminated against (can't get high at home with out caring fake piss) and now I built a life I have to destroy just to be me... Aw fuck it, harder drugs here we go. Easier to hide than a dress, and less dangerous to boot.
Seriously try yourself out, don't be like me
Dylan Garcia
>dude weed lmao I hope the prolapsed anus was worth it, pothead
William Perry
how did you manage to get raped not once, but many times. were you always a fag?
David Allen
They actully told me to transition
So im just getting a second opinions Fighting 5 or so men is harder than you would think
So in case you needed to be reminded of the obvious, then: No, crossdressing and fucking up your body with drugs and surgeries in a crude imitation of a woman isn't going to make your trauma over your experiences go away. And yes, your intuition that you're "avoiding something" with all these bizarre fantasies is very obviously spot on.
You need to reclaim yourself, not give up on yourself and try to be somebody else. Good luck.
Sebastian Cook
Is it really that hard to imagine how social life goes in average usa prison where barely legal 18 years old junkies are mixed with actual 40+ years old jaded criminals who are there for actual crimes like robberies, rapes, murders and similiar? A men who havent seen a woman in a decade?
Welp i havent been to lgbt for months, but even then stupid junkie like you should still be able to tell apart trolls and actual help. If you cant these two apart, then you are truly done for.
BEING RAPED IN ASS DOESNT MAKE YOU MAGICALLY GIRL OP! Even if by some miracle you liked it. Stop trying to cope in such unhealthy way.
Christopher Howard
actually getting physically pinned down and raped is very rare in prisons, 40 year olds are still men and most of them them still find gaysex disgusting.
Grayson Price
>t. never been in American prison
Parker Murphy
Prisons have acute over representation of >low iq >low or no inhibitions >sociopaths >racism, hardcore one, not just saying nigger and wipio >sadists You can get raped by a spoon, just for fun. You know how some small children torture animals for fun? They dont see anything wrong with it because their brain havent developed the empathy center yet. Prisons are full of people who never got the empathy skill. Or the life fucked them over so hard they literally dont care.
But you are correct, in majority of 1st and 2nd world prisons are pretty safe, because they are meant to REHABILITATE citizens. But in usa the system is ethernally fucked up. Prisons are privately owned and their only purpouse is to maximalize profit (and one way how to do it is to make its visitors to stay there longer via bad behavior or to make crime once released so they can go right back). Empty prison after all doesnt make money, does it?
There are different states with different laws and prisons user. Not everybody gets raped and not everybody gets mixed with actual murderers.
Still dont confuse official propaganda with the not so ideal reality.
Easton Thompson
Hi OP,
I'm really sorry that happened to you. An experience that bad can drive people to severely retreat mentally and emotionally, but know that it is actually not who *you* are.
Being a woman isn't about having "light-hearted personality", "feminine traits" (or whatever you may think 'feminine' counts as anyway), or wearing the “cute clothes” that they do. You can still be all of those and be a well adjusted healthy man vice versa. Contrary to majority Jow Forums and your beliefs, women don’t actually get treated much better than men. But see, that won’t even matter because to the rest of society you will never be seen as a ‘real woman’ if you actually went through with it. To them, they’d just assume that you’re just a cosplaying freak that probably got raped for him to be in the current state that he is right now.
This isn’t a gender dysphoria issue. You already know this. You are just running away from your issues. I’m not invalidating the severity of those problems, because I’m sure that it was horrifying in ways that I’m sure all of these retards replying in the thread cannot fathom it. But this is just not the way to deal with your problem. See a professional.
Ian Allen
>trusting attention whoring tripfags >on /lgbt/
You get strong by not falling deeper into the submissive victim mindset that was raped into you. Adopting a feminine persona due to rape seems to me like you're trying to process and reconcile the very brutal way you got treated in prison. I've seen it many times in people who got molested as children. You need to follow especially that last bit. Don't let trauma define you.
I think it might be helpful if I dug deeper into why exactly you are dissociating into a new personality and helped you discuss and challenge those thoughts. I am not a professional and unlike those insidious creeps on /lgbt/ my final advice is to seek out professional mental health services who specialize in PTSD or post trauma counselling.
I am here to listen as much as an online stranger can, offer viewpoints on your thoughts you may not have had, should you want it.
>getting gender dysphoria and autogenophilia after coping with being fucked in the ass a few times. >using so many mental gymnastics after getting your asshole owned epic style that you start considering that you may like it. LMFAO, this is a new one. Call a shrink, he will probably get a Nobel all just because of you
Damn OP, that's harsh mayne, you can always smoke some of that good ol' crack to cooopeee with it mayne
Asher Perry
>I'm really sorry that happened to you He is a criminal, he deserves anything and everything that happens to him and so deserves to be mocked mercilessly.
Zachary Adams
>Being a woman isn't about having "light-hearted personality" Estrongen makes people more empathic, and estrogen realease is related with oxytocin release, reason why there are 5 times more autistic people who are males rather than females.
Kayden Anderson
Jesus Christ, the gas lighting going on here is borderline cult initiation, giving into these feelings won't heal his mental trauma, only mask it.
Ryder Ortiz
>actual trans kek
Connor Gonzalez
Like did you even read the first one? user said OP was too old to be trans
Logan Carter
Obviously b8. Prison is for sentences of over a year, not something you'd get with a simple possession charge.
Sebastian Flores
My dad's friend did 10 years in state penitentiary for attempted murder (stabbed someone while drunk), I asked him about the raping and he said nobody got raped when he was in prison and that stuff is made up for movies.
>actual trans people All of them need psychological help
Liam Campbell
>implying trannies aren't loonies Fag
Noah Turner
I gotta psych degree and youre not fucking trans man.
this fad of transgenderism is fucking psychtic. do you realize how many people are actuall trans in this world? Now, compare that number to the data from 5 years ago? the media is fucking you up and the political left too.
Your experience is what people with Dissociative Identity Dissorder go through. Everyone of those people with DID have been brutally raped. This is their coping mechanism.
Youre not alone man. Rape is more traumatic for men than for women. Women grow up knowing it can happen. Men dont.
Go see a trained PSYCHOLOGIST not a stupid fucking psychiatrist. Fuck those dickheads.
Even though you fucked up majorly, my heart goes out for you.
Good Luck man
Carter Gomez
>actual loonies need psychological help more news at 12