Do you guys care about a guy's bodycount?
To the women of adv
If he hasn't fucked he's disregarded. Cba teaching some underachiever. No offense.
Yeah, somewhat. Not too few and not too many.
I've had two longterm boyfriends and both of them were inexperienced when I started dating them. One, maybe two partners before me. So I wanted to cut them some slack.
When they were reluctant to eat pussy, I thought "oh they're just inexperienced let's not judge them too harshly let's not rush them into oral" and guess what. In both cases I got locked into THREE YEARS of not getting my pussy eaten because I had emotionally invested in selfish dudes who were terrible in bed.
So you know what, next time I'm gonna pick a guy who /is/ sexually experienced and knows for a fact whether he likes eating pussy or not
>Not too few
What does this mean?
Maybe your pussy stinks
No virgins incel have sex
How is that even possible? I've never been with a guy who didn't want to.
but how do i have sex if girl with which do i want to have sex says no because im virgin but i want to lose my virginity so they wont say no next time?
If I'm going to date him then yes it matters because of reasons that this user said
It means this, but i would say it less harsh, lol.
I’ve had my first bf and done the virgin stuff and then dated an inexperienced guy. Now i want someone who can fuck like a pornstar.
I guess I wouldn't care that much unless he didn't use condoms. If that was the case and he slept with a bunch of women, no thanks. I'm not risking my health for it.
Lie about not being a virgin, fuck them and let them find out you lied the hard way and repeat ad infinitum until you're experienced.
but what if they find out before sex even if i lied?
Then you're a bad liar, try again.
Hello Miss,
I hear you like having your pussy eaten.
Well I would like to tell you that I love eating pussy.
ya boi
You find other virgins or inexperienced girls you dummy. Do you look at a sport and think; hey I’m going to play with the pro’s.
How entitled is that...
I would agree with you, but even inexperienced girls don't want inexperienced guys. Really only way around it if you're not in fucking highschool is just lie until you get your dick wet and then bail and repeat until you've garnered a significant bodycount. I straight up lied to my current gf about my inexperience and she didn't end up caring too much, sometimes people can be pretty superficial and forget that in an actual relationship sex and bodycount isn't everything.
It seems to me there's clearly something wrong with a man that hasn't slept with anyone before the age of 24.
What have you been doing all that time?
I know what I want. If I was looking today (since I already have one), I would be looking for a serious boyfriend not an R&D project. Even if you have everything else, if you can't satisfy me sexually it will never work. Plus, there must be a reason he's never had sex. That's not normal at all. How am I supposed to trust him and believe he could make a capable of husband?
By the age of 25, a man should have at least a years worth of sexual experience. If he doesn't, I will know and make an excuse to dump him.
But there are no virgin girls unless i go 18 under
>What have you been doing all that time?
Masturbating to superior 2D girls.
Imagine being this fucking roasty and imagine writing this.
Males have far lower chance to have sex because there is simply not enought women. There is more males born than women. This post actually made me rage because it was clearly written somene who never ever in their entire life had struggle. Effortless being. Nothing to fight for nothing to die for.
Coward in it's final form. A woman.
>emotionally invested in selfish dudes who were terrible in bed
>putting up with Chad for so long despite being treated like shit
Ftfy. Ah, the power of Chad looks.
>"next time i'm gonna pick a guy who.."
Lol as if you're the one who has any say! You'll fall for more perfect face height and frame, be pumped and dumped and go 4 more years without your stinky pussy eaten.
Except you're wrong, in the U.S alone there are 97 males for every 100 females. There are far more women in the world than men.
My gf and i were both virgins at first. We sucked for a while but now we have crazy wild sex. It's fun learning together.
And now count fertile women 18 to 50. There is more women because they live longer. Fertile women are far lower count.
The birth ratio is about 105:100 males to females--it's just that women have higher life expectancies in almost all countries. If you look at statistics of young singles, there's pretty much always a surplus of men, although most of the time it isn't as severe as the other user made it sound like.
I lost it at 26 and nobody's ever given me shit for it like you would. So suck it, sloppy roastie beef curtains!
With uncontrolled immigration into Europe and America there is far bigger sulprus of men from third world than native men. Making effectivelly more and more incels which will incline to right wing ideas than any ideology in the history of humanking ever could.
Virgin girls wants non-virgin guys. I know this for a fact.
Shitskins generally stick to there own. But fuck it, i saw a 10/10 white-looking but still middle eastern chick in a hijab. I wished she would have sucked my dick and let me use her hijab for a cum rag.
>Shitskins generally stick to there own
This is biggest lie ever. Shitskins dont stick to their own the arab slave trade biggest profits were from European girls whom they kidnaped on their raids into Europe.
It's a bit of a powder keg in its own right (iirc, Sweden is royally fucked with a ratio of almost 130-100 among young adults), but despite official propaganda most people date within their race and culture, so the 'incels' are going to be disproportionately foreign.
Incels in any case aren't right wing, at least not by definition.
Girls who are virgins by choice (i.e the good ones) don't necessarily want nonvirgin men. It's simply that nonvirgin men have already shown their ability to attract women--but you can do that while consciously staying a virgin.
I doubt a girl waiting until marriage would prefer, say, a guy who regularly sees escorts as opposed to a successful and financially stable dude who is also waiting. True, if they were given a choice between a successful guy who saw prostitutes, or a directionless guy with very strong morals, they'd probably choose the former. But that's not an issue of virginity.
The incels are the revolutionaries who will kickstart the war. Every fascist regime since dawn of men had more men than women. The thirst for expansion, colonialism and war will grow stronger. Ideas of killing other men will simply become so unbearable they will create goverment which will be heavy militaristic, racially homogenous keen on technocratic meritrocracy. Why? It's because simply men trust other men who are same race. The incels are in fact the future. The one who women love to shame so much will one day rule over them with fist harder than iron and diamond combined.
If you're sleeping with a different person every weekend then it's a huge red flag. Otherwise not really.
Though 20+ can be a red flag
Do you understand that some women have never mocked an incel a day in their lives?
And that women DONT LIKE INCELS because you idiots group all women together
Quintessentially based and redpilled
It wasn't normal in the past but it's normal now. Modern women have extremely high standards
You lie if they ask. Don't make up a crazy number either.. Maybe a neighbor or friend of a friend.. You shouldn't bring up their body count either- that isn't a thing until you are thinking about a relationship. Remember women are deceptive, so you can't really trust what her number is anyway. After you've done it with a few you won't remember what was so special or hard about the first time.Talk to all women and take it further with the interesting ones. I wouldn't go for the special one first.
If it's super high I'd be worried about how he views sex. Like 50+? There would have to be a reason for it (like he was molested) and he would have to be going or have gone to a therapist. Otherwise I would think that it's an issue he isn't dealing with, or he just doesn't view sex in the same way that I do.
A total virgin at my dating range (30's) would be unusual as well. If he was saving himself for marriage but didn't mind that I had slept with other people I would respect that. If it was because of some anxiety issue (body image, thinking sex is shameful, etc) he'd have to be serious about going to a therapist and working on it with me. If he was just a virgin because of rotten luck and not quite finding the right person that's fine too.
If he was a virgin because he had zero interest in sex that would be a dealbreaker for me. It's an important part of a relationship for me.
this is literally the same as getting your first job
"all" jobs require experience yet bla bla
lo and behold people still get jobs
how can that possibly be!
there's just no way!
He better be a virgin like me and date me with the goal of marriage, or he gets the boot. I want to grow and learn more together, not with a used up male. Helps that I'm 18, I still have time to find a good guy.
>inb4 L O N D O N
how do you go on for so many years without fixing such a basic issue
you must be really bad at communication, at least as bad as they were
Eating pussy is literally worse than being cuck.
How do you find a girl with zero sex drive apart from procreation? I don't want sex but I do want offspring.
>By the age of 25, a man should have at least a years worth of sexual experience.
Fuck righto. I've had like 3 different women and defiantly don't have a years worth of experience. I have more important things to do in my life than sex... It's good but I'll take it or leave it doesn't really bother me and Im nearing my mid 20's
I've considered starting some sort of incel commune where we could live simple lives away from a society that hates us. If something was to happen would fellow incels ever consider it?
yo coochie stank