How can I lose my virginity as a 35 year old man without having to pay for sex?

How can I lose my virginity as a 35 year old man without having to pay for sex?

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Does it have to be a woman?

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How did you stay virgin so long?
Are you disgustingly fat or disabled or what

the same way a non virgin would
meet women you want to fuck

Haha incel

you always pay for sex

Go to a bar and offer drinks, start an indroductive conversation, make is simple and clean, dont carry most of the conversation. While yall are talking brig more drinks in. That or hit up a sugerbaby.

How many women have you asked on date this year?

Attached: ask for her number-date dingus!.png (740x173, 38K)

Same way a 20yo would.

tinder. worked for me. just don't talk too much about personal issues. or do, I don't know.

My question is why would you want to. Around 25 -28 sex and orgasms become less and less enjoyable each year. Doing it now would probably feel like nothing, especially considering you've spent all those years jerking off to porn. Your cock won't know how to react to an actual woman

this. if you don't have sex like me since i was 17 you won't ever enjoy it

this guy understands it, it may not be your dollars but its something.

the feels bro, this is sadly the truth


not at all
most women don't like being approached on their commute

He could Nofap for 90 days and his dick will feel like it’s 16 again

Ultimately women like to feel like they're in control of the initial courtship. My boyfriend is a somewhat shy NEET who works graveyard shifts at a gas station. He's of a small stature and looks young so I thought he was at least 28. I found out about his past relationships and realized he was kind of seeing a woman closer to his age before I pursued him. He gets through life by being a nice and rational person who gives good advice. He knows how to make people feel good about themselves and enjoys this process instead of internalizing it into self-loathing. Point is, chivalry really isn't dead and women still appreciate a courteous man who respects their boundaries. I found that relationships tend to become a little easier as you age because the shallowness of youth is wearing off and companionship is settling in. You're not really so focused on looks as much as you're focused on finding someone you can click with. Even one-night stands are more based off a personal connection between people then how bangeable they might be. If I man can make me laugh legitimately he becomes 100% more fuckable to me.

This is false, women do not like men to respect their boundary, from the vaginal perspective.

>chivalry really isn't dead and women still appreciate a courteous man who respects their boundaries
always nice to see that women can have the best of both worlds not matter how society changes.

>woman giving advice on anything

Kill yourself you used up whore.

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You can't. You're done.

>My boyfriend is a somewhat shy NEET who works
>NEET who works


She’s a woman, clearly had no idea what she’s talking about and should be ignored

>without having to pay for sex?
Just pay for sex and get it out of your system, idiot. I guarantee you nothing in your psyche will change anyways.

I'd give you a BJ and let you fuck me silly OP.

Based and redpilled

Bestiality. Fuck a nigger.

Not Op, but are you anywhere near Detroit?

where are you from?