I was so young and handsome

Guess who I am in the picture. Also who is your favorite? I need help with confidence.

Attached: AF5EC814-713C-4682-AECA-C2DC6E0991BA.jpg (764x574, 81K)

imagine the smell

None of those guys are handsome, are you the Adam Sandler looking ass in the background?

i like the shocked blonde
if that's you share recent pics


Attached: sniffff.jpg (512x384, 37K)

>None of those guys are handsome

I want to see the asshole of the girl on the right. Also post her feet pls

Gonna guess you're the grey shirt dude sitting down.

The blonde was Brittany. She stayed with me for a few nights.

I like Adam Sandler.

Ouch. Now I don’t want to say which one I am. Lol

You're the guy in the hoodie. You probably got fat and dress the same

Thanks for the non advice

Im the jew in the back rocking a jewfro

When you’re not handsome and not ugly, but caught in the middle, that’s a social limbo that sucks.

Everyone in this picture is ugly.

Looks like some fags and a couple sluts

So none of those guys are "handsome," but none are ugly. All of them just need some different styling which men almost never seem to think of doing for some reason. In terms of just faces I'd rate guy with the shitty hair and TERRIBLE SKULL HOODIE JESUS WHY WOULD AN ADULT WEAR THAT as the most handsome of the bunch.


It was the 2000s from the looks of it, EVERY human being dressed like utter shit then

You know what you're probably right. I was a kid then so my bad choices were understandable. That post makes me think you're skull hoodie guy OP defending yourself. Just be happy I called you almost-handsome.

looks like a bunch of brain dead and some random 10$ slut. consider killing yourself

Girl on the far right?

You forget to realize that 81% of men are considered below average in terms of dating sites. If you’re not attractive then you’re just plain ugly.

Not skull hoodie guy, I’m sitting down guy,

You’re the one with the smug smile

Lol none of these people are good looking. Sorry to say, either the alcohol melted their faces, or this is a really bad 90’s pic of a social distorted group of incel’s.