Can I have an honest conversation about reddit?

Can I have an honest conversation about reddit?

>A little about me
I never really ask a question unless I've come to a dead end on research or am legit confused about something and can't figure it out. This really is rare. So I've been trying out new places online to ask a social community that may have a group of experienced individuals that aren't found local to my city. As such, in theory, reddit is a great place with all their sub sections.

However, when questions are indeed asked, they are ALWAYS met with people making assumptions and then getting upset over these assumptions.

Let's take a general question I've seen recently but wasn't the one asking. A person had requested information on a specific industry in Japan, and if there are programs that could help them get their foot in the door from the US as this is not related to JET or any home stay program. This is a legit industry of engineering and study. The question itself was completely legit and the person clearly tried figuring it out on their own but was struggling. Immediately, they were met with a bunch of negative comments that had NOTHING to do with the question.

I've posted only 3 questions in all the time I've used reddit and this same thing happened to me each time. I do not understand why reddit is like that. Sure, you get the same sort of thing here, but it is usually less assuming and more "just-angry." What is it about reddit that people go out of their way to get angry at their own literal stupidity and then take it out on people looking for advice or help? Do you think these people do the same thing in public when someone asks for directions? Just fly off the handle and accuse people of all sorts of things that had only been brought up by themselves. What is it about reddit that is perfect in theory, but false in practice?

Attached: Coffee.jpg (226x166, 8K)

All social media should be regarded as an entertainment platform. The reactions you're getting make sense when viewed through the lens of those users treating posts as stories for their own amusement.

Why do you give a shit? And seriously, what do you honestly expect us to tell you? Your post is literally just “reddit gives bad advice.” What are we supposed to do about it?

What you describe in your post happens exactly like that on this very fucking shitty website, no ifs, no buts, the exact same motherfucking thing happens on 4cuck
This is basically meant to help you realize 4cuck is just a parallel website to reddshit at this point, so expect the same exact kind of responses here whenever you do ask anything at all or try to discuss anything whatsoever, including this very thread
As for your question, there are simply too many retards online nowadays
My guess is as time goes by more and more people grow up ON the internet as opposed to with it or without it as it happened before, and the result is those people are generally literally really fucking retarded, and like to gather up with their fellow internet retards and circle jerk their fucking unbearable "all too real for reality's sake" stupidity, just like it happens on Reddit, and on Jow Forums, hence why you get those inexplicably fucking stupid replies to any kind of discussion you ever might make the mistake of trying to spark
Just watch those retards angrily reply out of their mind to this very post I'm making, even if it's with just a single buzzword or two, because they can't help the fact I'm hitting the nail right on the head
I on the other hand have a life outside of the internet and have values, and am greatly valued and highly regarded, so much so that whatever any of these retards say holds no weight and grants no response from me, just ignoring their cries into the void ad infinitum
Perhaps you should follow my example

>the exact same motherfucking thing happens on 4cuck
Not really, here is way worse. At least reddit has the point system so your dopamine receptors can be stimulated with the fake internet points.
But still, people do that here and there because they want approval. Here they get the approval by the quotes and there they get with the upvotes.

Reddit trains users to post like fags for upboats. Here we post like men. OP is not one though

I give a shit because it is an oddity that I wish to understand.

Ok, so if it is all social media and such, what exactly is the reason for this? Another example, I belong to a racing group that regularly goes to the track. In our group, we help each other out both in physical problems and mental ones to help everyone improve. We've formed this group because other groups often make fun of or deny new comers for being amateur, as though these "superior" people just started out professional and never had to grow into their shoes. We formed a group that is properly supportive and encourages new comers without issues, as such, we are growing while other groups are shrinking. We still have fun occasionally poking fun at amateur mistakes, though, but in a friendly banter sort of way. We never discourage interest.

reddit is just flat out insulting and often incorrect about accusations, assumptions, and go out of their way to just perpetuate the argument through this mentality. When I see it on Jow Forums, it is always a debate or an argument of opinions. On reddit, it is just people starting a fight, and then carrying on without any foundation other than, "Your question upset me."

Then give us a manly post and prove to us that you are worthy of being here.

holy fucking autism

Not at all, I just don't understand why people go so far out of their way to cause themselves such distress.

>calling someone an autist for being a part of a group that does stuff
I'm not sure you know what autism actually is.

>a person with autism might:
>Have difficulty understanding, or showing understanding, or other people’s feelings or their own
>Get upset by minor changes
>Have obsessive interests

Because reddit is full of repressed bugmen who crave a "safe" outlet for their sense of outrage and aggression the way normal humans crave drinking-water and sex.

On Jow Forums you flex your chutzpah by smugly making other people angry *at* you. On reddit you collect good-boy-points by flipping out and making other people angry *with* you.

>On reddit, it is just people starting a fight
>When I see it on Jow Forums, it is always a debate or an argument of opinions

You must have miswrote that.

Attached: verywrong.jpg (167x175, 13K)

Calm down incel, there's no need to be mean

>When I see it on Jow Forums, it is always a debate or an argument of opinions

Jow Forums as a whole has become a lot more neurotic, toxic and 'mean'. It used to not take itself, or the world, too seriously. shit like project chanology was seen as cringe, and anonymous was just a few scriptkiddies fucking around

then gamergate happened, a lot of angry neckbeards took refuge here, r9k went from being a weirder and more interesting /b/ to an incel cesspit of desperation, moot nuking then reviving Jow Forums didn't help at all, and blumpf winning the election (and the stormweenies taking over Jow Forums) convinced the newfafs that Jow Forums was always a right wing forum le hitler did nothing wrong etc., and now most boards have turned into 'right wing' identity politics and faggots who take themselves and their frog cartoons too seriously

it's fascinating

Jow Forums wasn't changed because of some le epic migration conspiracy that happened when Gamergate did (this started on Jow Forums btw), it changed because the culture changed. In 2008, you didn't even have SJW or tumblr culture. The social scene has become more ideological and, Jow Forums as a contrarian anonymous website, became a haven for reactionary thought. Migration happened continuously throughout Jow Forums's history, but phoneposting put the nail in the coffin.

You might be on to something, but it's also summer.

Reddit is retarded and not really a conglomerate forum anymore: its an guerilla advertising site. more popular posts rwlate to a product now. Ill be real theres one or two subs i follow even though I hate reddit because theres nowhere else to discuss this stuff, but apar from that the site has no significance. also whats youre question?

>Jow Forums as a contrarian anonymous website
go to Jow Forums and try to make fun of drumpf
Jow Forums USED to be contrarian and mostly apathetic/apolitical
not they're "contrarian" in the sense of being "anti liberal"
big difference there

No, in 2008 you had the roots of it, or rather the seeds. Its not even a conspiracy. theres been a few explosions of site migration. mainly anonymous/chanology, gamergate, fappening, etc. Same happens on every site. eitochan spiked with brenton whatever his last name is.

Reddit is filled with armchair detectives who sally into battle on moral high horses. They also lean heavily left. Really makes you think.

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So you admit you made a mistake in accusation? Nice job. You're a better man for it.

That sounded correct to me. What did you not get? The point was a two way thing on 4tards. On Reddit it is just senseless words. Op likely meant something like senseless words unrelated to op but about op. Which is what I've noticed too. But I haven't posted there in years because of it.

on Jow Forums, there aren't any "arguments" just HURR NIGGER NIGGER DRUMPF MAGA I'M RIGHT UR WRONG BECAUSE
plebbit actually has discussions and arguments past their lame memery and ass kissing due to their karma crap. you have to be absolutely delusional to pretend any sort of argument happens here at all (except a few of the more 'mature' boards ie lit or diy)

4chins leans heavily right on the back of a moron that lies straight to their face every day, multiple times and yet they keep thinking the "lefties" are the delusional ones. rly makes you think

okay that is not unique to there it happens in every site. someone gets emotionally triggered by something and rants it off in the comments and on repeat. people aren't robots and thus are irrational and annoying.

sorry this day of knowledge had to come to you