I just killed a dog

For some time I as having very violent urges. I just wanted to hurt someone. So I found this dog on the street and took it to my home. I tied it up, waited for the night and took it to the forest where I just smashed it's head with a stone that I found nearby. I had gloves so that I wouldn't leave fingerprints.

What the fuck is wrong with me? What should I do?

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Get help before this escalates. Never tell anyone what you did, unless they refuse to help you or try to tell you its fine.

Run dont walk.

How did it feel to kill the animal?

When will you begin on your real quest and start capturing and torturing women?

Seek professional help. Its not normal to be violent and have desires to harm another living thing.

or atleast put it towards something productive. Join the military and actually destroy enemies for society.

One of the major warning signs of any serial killer in the making.

At first I hesitated a lot before actually hitting it but after that I felt relieved.
>Mrs. Shrink I want to kill people.

>kill animal
>worry about leaving fingerprints behind
Jow Forums has such shit quality these days. These bait and then there's being a fucking retard.

Thread hidden.

I admit. I'm a bit paranoid

You don't outright say that you want to kill people. Consider that if you continue on the current path you're on, you very likely WILL be forcibly institutionalized. And then you're absolutely fucked harder than a loli at a pedobear convention.
When you go in to the office, you tell the lady at the desk that you'd like to talk to someone, right now, and you have a lot on your mind. Don't get specific with the receptionist. She isn't under HIPAA until you've signed papers.
When someone screens you for intake before your assigned doctor gets to you, say something along these lines:
"I keep having these violent urges that I'm progressively becoming worse at warding off, and I feel that I need to get help before I actually do finally give in to them and hurt someone. I want to fix this before it becomes a major issue. I DO NOT (stress this part) want to give in to these urges, but they're becoming much harder to resist, and I feel that if I don't fix this issue, it may lead to something very bad in the future. I don't like the idea of that, so I'm choosing to get help now. I don't want to be locked up in a ward, I just want somebody to talk to on a regular basis and maybe some medicine that will help me along until I get it all under control. If you think that putting me in a ward is the absolute best choice right now, I at least want to be given the chance to sign myself in so that it doesn't become a black mark on my legal medical record."
You mention the dog in the 3rd or 4th session with the actual doctor. You talk about it with regret dripping from your voice. You talk about it as if it was the breaking point which led you to seek help. You don't like what you're becoming.
Ultimately, yes, you'll likely be diagnosed with something, but it's better than prison or being locked up with the criminally insane. Remember, being diagnosed is not an issue if you are WILLINGLY being treated. Being FORCIBLY commited to a mental institution is a black mark.

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>What should I do?
Kill yourself. Preferably by slitting your stomach with a dull knife and spreading dog shit and barbed wire in the wound. You are lower than garbage, and whatever pain you feel in ridding the planet of your existence won't be enough.

That's mean.

Yeah that's pretty much what's gonna happen but for a basket case like you it's justified. Have fun

Dude, you can get help or try and live with this. It seems like you arent having fun with the second

a diagnosis wont ruin your life, and in some cases can help you get benefits

Just dont fucking tell your social circles your diagnosis if it bothers you

But at this point you're posing a threat to society and you have a civil duty, to yourself and others, to get help

Yeah smashing a dogs head in is fine tho OP.

Yeah killing a dog isn't the thing that ruins your life, getting a diagnosis is.

You are a fucking nutcase OP the sooner you understand the better.

go smash your own skull in with a rock
thats the advice I would honestly give you

>What should I do?
Kill yourself, quickly. Realize you are scum, and that scum doesn't belong in society.

Tell me user
What makes you so angry?

Why do you feel the desire to hurt someone?

Meditate on compassion and selflessness.
Grow a spine and confront your "oppressors".
Learn to strategize if you think head on approaches aren't going to be effective.

Anger is one of the obvious transference emotions.
Ex: boss yells at the father;father comes home yell at mom; mom tells at child; child beats the dog; dog bites the man.

Learn to get angry at vicious cycles rather than getting enveloped by them.

I wasn't angry at it. It just presented itself as an opportunity

Why did you choose to take the opportunity?

What are you afraid to admit to yourself?

>Dog appeared so I killed it.
>Woman appeared so I raped it.
>Child appears
I hope you get exiled from society

OP give proof. So many falling for this bait.

You said you have been feeling violent

Why did you choose to engage in your violent desires?

Can you think of any reason why you are feeling violent?
What pisses you off?
How old are you?
Do you have much parental supervision?

How much violence are you surrounded by and what type of violence is it?

I'm not OP.

>Its not normal to be violent and have desires to harm another living thing
Im not advocating for murder or anything, but is that really wrong?
And something else, havent most people killed insects in their life? Why is that ok compared to something like a dog?

the dog is more developed entity than the insect.

In what way? Why is that justification for one life being worth more than another?

>took it to my home
>waited for the night
>took it to the forest
This took planning. You had the idea to hurt it all along. You are not crazy, but you are damaged and immoral.
>smashed it's head
Violent and bloody. Probable antisocial personality disorder.
>found nearby
Not a specific plan. Not organized enough to be a psychopath, unless you also have other mental illnesses.
>had gloves ... fingerprints.
Knew your actions were frowned upon. Did not want to get caught. Had presence of mind to act to prevent this. Again not crazy, in the psychotic illogical schizoid way, just damaged, probably a sociopath.
>wrong with me
You are most likely a sociopath.
>What should I do
It is very unlikely you will follow any advice given. You will try to find a loophole in the advice because you think you can outsmart everyone. The best thing for the long run is to turn yourself in. Getting a suspended sentence and a fine is better than thinking you can get away with this and in the long run escalating to something that gets you the needle. In the very least you need to have a consultation with a lawyer.

In general, there is no difference between a microbe and a human. But in human society, if the animal is smart, the more protection it needs. I think this is just a human attitude towards these things.

>What should I do?

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I don't think saying you have violent urges to a therapist is enough for them to throw you in a facility. Though at this point I don't see why it's such a big deal even if they do. You killed a dog. You need help so you can deal with your urges. Whatever they do it's not like your boss or whoever can just see records like that. No one will have information you don't tell them.

Where do you live OP I don't wanna live anywhere near you, don't wanna be killed just because you're feeling edgy

So would it be wrong of me to value all nonhuman life the same way?
Say to me a dog's life is the same as a fly's, but I value a gorilla more than both due to gorillas being an endangered species. Is that wrong?

And to purge from society degenerate elements like this is why we need the death penalty.

What you did is not illegal. There was no reason to wear gloves.

As long as you don't torture the animal, you have the right to take strays off the street and destroy them responsibly. What you did was maybe creepy, but not wrong.

I lived in Waco Texas for just a pinch of time and I remember there were stray dogs everywhere and it made me sad. I tried calling animal control but there wasn't one. The shelters are free and crowded and the dog's lives would just continue to be miserable anyway... So I took it upon myself to capture and destroy them. I looked up the laws before I did it and it was totally fine. Also if they were lost or had a collar, of course I didn't kill them I would just wall the owner.

It's still wrong you autistic fucks

You're trying way too hard to be deep

You have more rational thinking than other people. Human often tends to feel, not to think.
I have the same thoughts, so I guess it is normal for some way. But in my case this is different scenario, I guess.

Get brain scan could be tumor

>reddit moved to r9k
>r9k moved to adv
things have changed a lot over the last 7 years

>dog owners triggered: 0
Truly the high IQ board.

That's the harsh reality I guess

Dog's shows empathy towards humans that's why we don't fucking pet flies

I'd give it about 2 years and he'll be rape-killing roasties

Shitty bait thread

Humanity relies on empathy and you seem to have actually none, that's what keep us living and don't kill each other just to try or for the experience.
A dog shows empathy towards humans in there way that's why we just don't kill dogs period

A kid who I went to schoil with had drug a cat behind a car witg a rope around its neck, then beat it until its eyeball popped out and it could couldn't breathe.

He had a history of rape and psychological abuse towards his sister and nurses. Took a nurse hostage once.

But he kept getting let off because of our stupjd fucking judicial system not wanting to jail the mentally insane.

After this, he went to jail for a felony and had the book thrown at him. He wasn't secret about it. He posted it on his Facebook. The whole video. I still have it saved.

He wanted to get caught because he knew he needed help. I had friends who hung out with him and I was around him sometimes. He always wanted to get caught for the things he did.

You have to realize who you are. I realkze I'm a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies, and because of that I take precautions in my own life not to hurt other people. You should do the same.

Yea, this is the right word for it. I'm not a , but the question is: should empathy be applied to all living beings or only to those who show sympathy for man? I do not understand: for example, if I decide to eat a horse, will it look bad?

Somebody heard you user
It's only a matter of time before you're discovered.
shoot yourself before they throw you in the looney bin

Frankly, I agree. Kill yourself, OP.

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No judicial system is good enough to 100% prove most cases. You'd just be killing innocents.


Alphonse, I heard you were putting Jow Forums before your gf.
That's shitty bro

It's illegal in civilised countries, and even in some third world ones.

This guy is in onto the real issue here. Discussing the ethics of it all is pointless. Every healthy and sane individual feels some empathy towards other mammals. OP is a ticking bomb and needs professional treatment.

Bringing a dog into your house and killing him just because is in no way normal.

Imply that you killed animals as a kid and have violent urges

>no op is a nigger jokes yet
I’m disappointed in you Jow Forums

they eat hose in france bro and germany

Bait but I'll bite anyway. Whatever you did to the dog, real or imagined, will happen to you in hell for eternity.

Jumping on this wagon as well. Op theres very few things lower than torture and killing of something that is defenseless and unaware. Would have tons more respect if youd hurt or killed someone that at least wronged you or someone close. But since you chose this route, the only redeemable and acceptable decision is to remove yourself from this existence.

Killing innocent defenceless animals is 100% white guy territory.

I used to do the same thing when i was 12, killed a dog and some cats, threw a dog in a well and smashed cats with rocks

Karma will come back to you.
In one or the other way.

>whatever you did real or imagined will happen to you in hell for eternity
Quick hypothetical say i imagined being fucked by a horse, would that happen for all eternity?

Thisnis true but its very much so black neighborhood behavior

>So I found this dog on the street
Unless you live in some third world country, there aren't dogs roaming the streets. Shit bait would be more believable if you instead replaced it with a cat.