What do people mean when they say the world owes you nothing?
What do people mean when they say the world owes you nothing?
They mean that the way the issue is right now is beneficial for them and they would rather not change anything just to benefit you because it would conflict with their interests.
Notice how the rhetoric of feminists and lassez faire capitalists is so similar.
They mean it's up to you to make your own path. Although, a part of the world owes you something and that part is your parents. It's the only part of the world you can blame for your troubles and put a responsibility on to help fix it.
It means you don't pass as a woman.
>They mean that the way the issue is right now is beneficial for them and they would rather not change anything just to benefit you because it would conflict with their interests.
Hah! So true. Whenever you have a question why X is doing this, put yourself into their shoes. Why would you ever say to someone "Look. I owe you nothing"?
>They mean that the way the issue is right now is beneficial for them and they would rather not change anything just to benefit you because it would conflict with their interests.
basically this, nice trips. I don't understand the point about feminists and capitalists, but don't bother clarifying. I definitely agree with the above.
There's a positive and a negative way to take it, and both are important.
The positive way is to know that you're not a slave to society's expectations. Sometimes people will try to guilt you into keeping a responsible job instead of doing what you really want. You don't owe those people anything, you should be true to yourself regardless of the judgements of others.
The negative issue is, if you're doing anything, you'll get a lot further if you focus not on what it does for you, but what it does for other people. If you write a book purely for yourself, you'll cut any corners you want, you'll just make it good enough for you. But if you focus on making the best book you can possibly make, that other people will enjoy, then it could be a great book. If you work a retail job just so you can make a paycheck, you're gonna be miserable. If you empathize with your customers and try and help them out, you'll be better at your job and you'll enjoy it more.
It means quit expecting stuff based on you’re actions
It means stop expecting people to put themselves in your shoes. They got theirs and that's all that matters. Go crawl in a ditch and die for all they care, just don't complain
It means that you don't have a God-given right to be happy, find love and be successful. You don't deserve happiness, you need to work for it.
Are you spastic or something?
Not that guy, but your comment was retarded.
Don't be entitled, you have to work for things in life, it owes you nothing.
It means that whatever you want to get or achieve, you need to earn it. Feeling entitled to something is a massive mistake. Never feel like you should have something 'just because' or 'because i deserve it'. The world doesn't care about what you feel like you deserve.
Best example is how people believe they are entitled to sex, romantic affection and love. This is the result of shit like fictional movies and books where often times some loser dweeb ends up marrying the most beautiful girl in town because he's such a nice, pitiful guy and he finds himself somehow ending up in this beautiful romantic fairytale. If only this was real life....
However, as you grow up in the real world you'll realize that being a loser dweeb will make you end up alone and sexually frustrated. Because guess what! Girls don't care about how much you crave sex and affection. If you're not attractive, you're not getting laid. The real world is harsh, unfair and competitive with both losers and winners. The good thing however, is that the real world can be highly rewarding to those who outcompete others.
Care to elaborate? Because right now all I'm seeing is name calling.
The "world doesn't owe you shit" retort is generally indignation by haves at the pleas of the have nots. It doesn't matter what the resource in question is. Same as it's the tendency for the have nots to demand equality, justice and other haughty concepts. It's quite an obvious pattern.
It’s just a general saying. Just means you are not entitled to anything, so don’t complain. People like to use it in all sorts of context, it is pretty dumb.
It’s pretty dumb.
You are an ape who exists as a product of the reproduction of two previous apes. Luckily you were born into the modern era of relative societal success and widespread luxury, but all it takes is for a volcano to erupt, some rogue meteor to crash nearby, or a freaked-out infectious disease to turn you and everything you have ever known into dust.. which is effectively what you'll become down the line no matter what.
Everything you have is a blessing and a privilege. You don't deserve shit because your Father put his wiener in your Mother. You stand on the shoulders of giants so they say, but most of those giants are long dead or will die any moment.
What, exactly, has the world ever 'produced' for you and why would it do so twice?
I guess, "why the fuck would you ever expect nice things to just happen to you?"
It means invest in a good dictionary because the statement is about as self explanatory as you can get.
You are not entitled to anything, even if you put in effort. And don't take anything for granted. "Owing" is a social contract between you and other people, not you and the world at large. Even with other people, no physical law exists that makes other people return favors you do for them. That's a construct entirely in our heads. However, that also means that you don't owe the world anything: You're not physically obligated to return favors, do what's expected of you or stay in the role that society assigned to you.
>TL;DR There is no God pulling the strings on or for you. Do whatever the fuck you want and hope it works out in your favor.
It means you work for what you want and no one is a slave to your desires. People typically say it to spoilt brats who think they deserve something they didn’t earn or own.
>society keeps shitting on you
>expect you to be grateful