Can a beta male convert to become a true alpha male?

Can a beta male convert to become a true alpha male?

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Possible yes, likely no.

explain pls

Just lift bro

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It takes a lot of hard work and dealing with constant rejection/other betas trying to drag you down to become alpha.
Most betas are innate quitters, which is why they are beta in the first place.

No. As humans we evolved and separated ourselves from other animals, we don’t have alphas or betas. You’re thinking of wolves or gorillas. For us, it’s a meme.

the kid in the pic literally just got older

Is anyone gonna mention the gayest tattoo on Earth?

This, but don't let it discourage you.

Very few people do anything worthwhile. Very few people write good books, record good albums, or make good movies. Very few people are brave enough to explore uncharted terrain. Very few people become billionaire tech entrepreneurs.

Here's the thing: you're just as good as anyone who has achieved all those things. Yes, IQ and talent are considerations, but IQ has plateaus in achievement, and the fact is, people with 115+ IQs can succeed in pretty much any field they dedicate themselves too. If you can write a coherent sentence, there's a good chance you're at least in that category. Hell, a quarter of the population is.

How do you achieve those things? Break it down into the mundane, boring pieces, and get to fucking work. Watch videos on positioning. Read up on reps. Talk to fit friends about their routines. Just start doing stuff every day. Schedule one appointment with a trainer, just so you have the perfect form for basics like curls, bench press, and squats. And just start doing it. If you miss a day, don't feel guilty. You have no time for guilt. Just get back to work. Want to be a writer? Write a short story. It's okay if it's shit. If it's your first one, it is shit. If you want, delete it. Write another one. Do it again. Everything is reps.

I don't have time to lift. I work 12 hour nights and have a wife and kids to tend to.

Based as fuck.

those kids aren't yours.

No. If you think being alpha or beta has something to do with how much muscles or hair you do have you've already lost.

ugh what a total daddy

This. A true alpha male is someone that is a boss and runs shit not a pretty boy wageslave with some muscles.


Alpha is a mindset, genuinely and unequivocally.
Being alpha is the effective expression of your will.
How best to develop your will?
Try to force, negotiate, cajole, seduce, others.
Mundanely, a sales job is the best way to start this.
You learn the ability to project your desires onto others.
You learn to accept rejection.
You learn to get what you want and still make others happy.
You learn to keep going.

When other men start asking you for help, that's when you know you've made it.


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There is no such thing as alpha and beta structures for superiority/inferiority. Both serve, just different purposes.

Man, that's some good advice. Thank you!

>Unironically people believing that being alpha has anything to do about your summer bod.

It actually has to do with the fact that u don't give a damn about it. Dadbods is the real alpha male body, it proves that you care to be strong and make your female feel safe and that you eat whatever you please without restricting yourself to rules hidden behind fake "healthy lifestyle" labels.

For starters stop making excuses, that’s only a way for you to stay where you feel comfortable- as a soft sniffling little beta cuck. I’m gonna assume you’re in your 30s. Get blood work done and see about either starting TRT or if you can’t afford it do your research and start cycling testosterone. It will give you the energy you need to lift, as well as enable you to make the gains. For example your OP pic related is clearly using gear to go from beta to alpha, as most people do. Having higher test will also change your behaviors to that of a more dominant man, and that whole alpha mindset tends to stick with you even off cycle. Again, do all your research and don’t even think about using orals because you’re a massive pussy whose afraid of needles. Your first cycle should be test only for 12 weeks and 500mg/week. Read up extensively on PCT(post cycle therapy) and know everything before starting, always get bloodwork done every 4-6 weeks and you will be safe.

Shut the fuck up you actual cuckold. Honestly kill yourself, like really follow through with it.

Wow fuck.

Was just lurkan but needed this today.

if you view the world in terms of alpha and beta then no, you've already lost and are trapped as a beta

nothing is more unattractive to a woman than an man who is insecure