>IQ is 103
I'm tired of being a brainlet. How do I increase my IQ at least 20 points higher
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You can't. There is no way to increase your general intelligence. That's why people hate the tests and think they are racist
Just learn the test.
You’ll still be a dummy, but you can raise your IQ score
No you can't
What about this a genius explains how you can raise your IQ
Yes you can. IQ is all about patterns, you can easily learn that shit.
I just wanna improve my thought process without having to have a brain fart every two seconds, that's all
Being healthy and studying the test will help you somewhat. I find it hard to believe however that an IQ test in itself is what worries you. What parts of everyday life is it that you find troublesome that you attribute a lack of intelligence to?
You absolutely can. There are for sure some highly intelligent people out there, but IQ tests are never accurate.
I struggle to articulate things to people in a conversation and can't critically think and absorb information
That usually means you lack the experience. Do you talk to people every day?
Yeah, but it seems like every time I try to explain something, I autisticly get to a conclusion that doesn't properly link to the basis of what I say which bothers me because I want to be a smarter person
The number you get from an IQ test can be increased through practice, but your actual intelligence is genetic. Sorry, user. We all have some bad rolls. Learning how to cope with them is part of growing up.
Then spend time writing your thoughts down to complete your thoughts when you are alone. You can also just talk things out with yourself so you are used to talk about things.
If something is hard but important to your life, spend more time with it.
Start reading books and start a journal.
Alright user
Higher intelligence will assist in learning the skills you described at a faster pace, but you're not precluded from possessing them in the first place.
Your time is better spent practicing those skills than trying to improve your intelligence.
Op here
To everyone in this thread. What is your IQ?
Is something like an adhd diagnosis something that others have suggested to you, then that might be a possibility. I you're just trying to sharpen your wits then a course in argumentation analysis (or just by a course book that includes practice questions). I took such a course at university, best thing I ever did.
The patterns are all different and you need to work your way to the solution logically, even if you know the gist of it. And the correct answers are not public.
You probably don't read enough and lack confidence.
>I want to be a smarter person
I want to be tall and handsome, but life's life.
You are both stupid as fuck and do not understand what an IQ test actually is
Absolutely haven't been recommended one
Correct. I just took the online one a few times to score high for me e-peen.
The IQ test by it's very nature cannot be studied for. It is similar to the SAT, which is essentially a crappy version if an IQ test that pretends to be a test of academic ability. Neither will see significantly improved scores due to study, though the SAT has some basic required marry knowledge that an IQ test does not.
People are being intentionally confused about the nature of IQ testing because it brings up very difficult realities that parents and certain egalitarians don't want to hear. Yes, there are people smarter than you, that understand things more deeply than you without any effort. There are people who can get straight A's without studying, they live in a world we cannot, by our very nature, understand - but they are perfectly capable of understanding what it is like to be dumber like us. It's just life. Learn all the information you want. Become a skilled professional. Nothing you do will teach you abstraction. You so never be as good as a high IQ version of yourself would be, and you will never see and understand the world the way a high IQ version of yourself would. That's how it is. If IQ didn't exist, you could teach a stripper physics or a downs syndrome carrier how to code in java
The answer isn't important, how you work out what the answer is is.
You don't memorize every math problem or every book, you learn building blocks and pieze them together.
The biggest problem with an IQ test is nobody is taught how to answer them.
If you spent a year or two as a child solving problems like that in school, you would be great at it.
People who code in Java already have downs.
I tested at 135 in elementary school and get the same score on the online tests. When you compare that IQ number to my SAT score, it is almost exact. Meanwhile friends who make 3x more than me test lower on IQ and SAT score, and they correlate just like mine.
IQ is real but does not determine your level of success. There is an upper limit where it stops being helpful and starts making you neurotic, but it's still real and can only be lowered, not raised
>123 IQ here, you'll only feel more retarded
>IQ test is nobody is taught how to answer them.
That's wrong, because IQ tests are designed in a way that you solve them using your naturally developed logic. They're designed in a way that the "building blocks" are explained to you within the first 10 minutes of an IQ test.
You cannot compare it to school math because math includes concepts and mental mechanisms that require learning and exercise. A more suitable math-related comparison would be the fact that a person with an average IQ will never be able to tackle mathematical problems of the highest level simply because they lack the intelligence to do it, and no amount of mathematical knowledge and solved problems will enable them to do it.
I went to a testing at Mensa and it turned out that their test only goes as high as 135. If your IQ is above 135, they just mail you a letter telling you that it's somewhere above 135. They only care that you're in top 2%, which is around 130, I think.
They are in that IQ range where average people are like screaming violent apes and it slowly drives them insane and into an IT back office making $200k as a 30 year old virgin with a BMW and massive autistic hobby budget. Then one day they do acid and buy a suit jacket and get some 4/10 hottie gf who they immediately think they can do better than so they go polyamorous and end up divorced reading Drudge report in 2050 thinking about genocide or retiring to a third world country to slowly go insane in
don't worry about it.
126 here, still useless, and i'm sure it just makes me more miserable
I feel you, bro. It's even worse for me cause autism.
I'm autistic with low IQ (110), especially when it comes to words im so bad i don't know.
On the test one of the very simple questions was what do apples, lemons, oranges, and berries have in common and I wrote 2 syllables instead of they are all fruits because i thought it meant it was talking about the WORD only and not the meaning behind that word as the question clearly asked what do the words have in common.
The only thing I'm good for is some dumb job like administrative assistant where I origanize and shit because im very autistic about organizing and doing assigments EXACTLY as the outline papers says. In university I used to email my professors about the assignments we had to do every day tot he point that they thought I was mentally ill because I am.
Kinda hard to get a job as a male administrative assistant so im fucked in so many ways.
>Java programmer
Cmon, man.
>average people are like screaming violent apes
Anyone who thinks this just has mental issues.
IQ isn't as important as you think it is.
there are a lot of simple(stupid) people that have great jobs and great lives, in the end it really comes down to the amount of effort you are willing to put into your life, and maybe some luck.
so figure out what you actually want to do, right now.
don't stop until you find that niche and then grind the shit out of it.
between 124-26.
enough to be above average, and smart enough to ruminate on all of my faults until it probably kills me.
Around 150 here. I work in IT - complex enough to be entertaining, easy enough to never stress about it. I pursue my destiny in my free time until I can monetize it.
Practically, I want to buy land, build a house and just get on with wherever my hobbies take me.
Op, learn a third or fourth language to improve your pattern detection. It helps all around.
Besides that look up quality books. Go through the classics that interest you the most etc.
you can raise your score, and increase your knowledge but your innate intelligence isn't something you can change
You shouldn't have taken that test. It did nothing to you. It didn't make you dumber, it didn't make you smarter.
All you did was label your intelligence.
be glad that humans can't create perfect tests, and that there is always the chance that your test is inaccurate.
Still be humble, just know that your IQ test score is not the ultimate defining factor for your IQ and also know that tests are fundamentally bad at measuring abstract thought because they are definable
You can rely on your ability to produce abstract thought and keep working at things.
You're always going to be haunted by the thought of the IQ score from now on, but that is your fault for taking it.
You wanna be smart, recognize good advice, and learn a lesson from this test.
Also this posters image is a decent example of what I am saying, however the post itself is pathetic.
Your brain is genetic, your experience is not, your mind and how you use it is shaped by experience, and if you strive to put yourself in situations where you will gain experience, and create vivid memories and strong lessons for yourself you will grow.
If I had to pick between a life with plenty of "intelligence" (as defined by our "intelligent people"), but seldom chance to use it
Or a life which lacked intelligence, but offered many experiences.
I would take the latter, and be arguably the better man. The wiser man, and honestly the more respected man.
Intellect is a tool
just because you don't have it doesn't mean you can't make use of someone who does. There are plenty of willing geniuses out there who would gladly sacrifice their time for an inferior reward. What do you think a full time job is for most people in low tier white collar professions.
Suffice to say, you're not out of options. Asking for advice is the right thing to do, but dwelling on your perceived problems and having pity on yourself is one of the many simple minded things one might do. Don't do that
my IQ is ~130 and I can tell you it is a completely meaningless metric
Intelligent people - especially intps - have daily brainfarts. There are different parts of intelligence.
Also eat well and google noopept.
Also be happy to be "dumb". If you're too intelligent you're more likely to get depressed and suicidal. Connecting with people also gets harder.
IQ is poor judge of intelligence. Get a masters in mathematics.
I did a psychometric test that was identical to an IQ test to get accepted into my course. I went from 60th percentile when I first did it to 93rd percentile after a couple months of practicing.
My friend was a more extreme example. He didn't understand the test at all at first and was at like 40th percentile. When he did the final test he was 99th.
Psychometric tests are flawed because you definitely CAN study for them. If you think you can't it's either because you haven't tried or you're bad at studying.
Literally no one cares about IQ except americans
Anyone smart enough to 'beat' an IQ test is already beyond the scope of the test
My tested IQ was supposedly 135 composite (around 120 verbal and 150 nonverbal, iirc), but that was when I was a kid. Online tests put me around 130.
>I want to buy land, build a house and just get on with wherever my hobbies take me.
Take LSD