Decide to pursue the most meaningful things in life: writing, composition, painting, study, travel

>decide to pursue the most meaningful things in life: writing, composition, painting, study, travel
>realise you have two options
>get a job then realise you don't have enough time for what you really care about
>stay poor and lack the funds to do any of those things

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>get a job then realise you don't have enough time for what you really care about

You work 20hr days?

Fuck off, retard, travel would definitely be out, and you'd only have the time to do one other thing well.

Pretty much. If only there was a UBI so humans could finally screw around and do whatever they want. Life would be so much richer is everyone became who they really are.

Yeah because after a 9-5 the first thing you want to do is pick up a paintbrush or write a chapter.

Get a job with a flexible schedule, retard. Worked on construction for a small firm and chose my hours myself, could take week off for traveling as well.

Stop being a lazy, weak faggot and maybe you'd have the energy to do what you like after you do what you have to do.

gibe Yang bux


All those skills take an enourmous amount of time to hone and working a job until you're 65 is prison to a creative person.

Imagine having to put in hard work to yield something your proud of, that just sounds insane. I'd much prefer to have everything handed to me on a plate so I can dwell on how easy life is and ultimately kill myself as there are no stimulants to distract my brain.

All I hear I "wah wah wah I'm a special misunderstood artist who's too good for an honest days work." Maybe if your art was useful or important you people would make money off it. But guess what; it's not. Not even close. Grow up, kid.

>Imagine having to put in hard work to yield something your proud of, that just sounds insane. I'd much prefer to have everything handed to me on a plate
This but unironically

>Maybe if your art was useful or importan

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>I'm an artist; you wouldn't understand

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>implying that even if you were rich producing beautiful works of art wouldn't be difficult

Yes because if something can't make you money it's clearly worthless. Getting good at anything creative takes years of practice.

This is why “creative” types need to gtfo.

You guys seem like the sort of dudes that if a UBI was implemented you'd move rocks from one end of a dirt patch and back again "to put in a good honest days work".

So you don't enjoy art or music? What do you do for pleasure? Bash your head against a wall?

If I can have an easy route, I'd take it, who wouldn't? I'm simply saying the harder you try for something the higher the probability of producing at least something. OP here is saying work takes his time up too much. Let's say you finish work at 5 and get home for 6. You've got a 4 hour window there is you bed at 10. With that window of time most humans relax, consume media & wait for the next day whereas those who really really want something, they'll use every hour efficiently.

The beautiful outdoors is all the art I need. Nothing man-made could ever rival Mother Nature.

Listen to Liszt on your next nature walk and I guarantee it will enhance the experience.

You're so full of shit, boss

>listening to music while out
No. Then I can’t properly identify bird calls.

Low openess to experience correlates with low IQ

IQ is a biased, meaningless metric designed to perpetuate systemic discrimination against people of color, fucking racist ass cracker.

Why don't you try going on a hike without music, then? Learn bird calls and such too.

No wonder you're an aimless incel. I haven't cringed this much in a shithole of a thread in at least a year

He probably couldn’t tell a northern flicker from a canyon wren.

Excuse me, I think you meant to send this to

I couldn't either but I'd like to learn. Problem is there is no good hiking around me. I like in a fucking city and hate it. Hoping that I can make enough money to move away

>decides to pursue, among other things, writing
>fucks up green text