Is this a good idea or will I ruin my children's future?
Is this a good idea or will I ruin my children's future?
If you are from America no one gives a shit because your whole country is literal freak show. Might as well pump as many clowns as you can so rest of world can laugh.
You might be forgetting that the first step is to get any girl interested in you in the first place. Which has never happened to you before.
Great idea, most beautiful kids.
One one hand, your children will be niglets. On the other hand, they can just call themselves “black” and reap all of the societal benefits.
With you as their father, of course your children will be fucked up.
As long as you raise the kids it won't be bad. But they will have a more miserable life. Black community's shit on mulattos as well as white community. Effectively they'll kinda blend in everywhere and kind not fit in anywhere. And depending on which culture you raise them in they could feel more ostracized from the other. In other words. You'll be fine your kids will just have to deal with your choice.
Unless you live in literal Nazi Germany, nobody even gives a shit.
Most people like blends even, cause they tend to combine the prettiest features.
Go outside, you are completely divorced from actual reality you freak.
This. Mullato girls are qute asf
Are you saying there is no discrimination against blacks?
Also ignore these faggots.
They are silly white liberals that only see race mixing as good and ignore the issues that it can bring upon the child and the family. They would most likely happily let their children mutilate their privates and get rapped by mudslimes for the sake of diversity.
Yeah, listen to this guy, he sounds reasonable and well adjusted.
Impeccable spelling, too.
Oh no my spelling is bad. I guess my whole argument is out the window. Please sir go back to sucking cock unmolested by my comments.
I'm adjusted just fine. Not my fault that I'd rather not make children go through an identity crisis. But liberals would rather fuck children then help them grow up into rational adults.
>They are silly white liberals that only see race mixing as good and ignore the issues that it can bring upon the child and the family.
That directly contradicts the idea that blacks are discriminated against. How can liberals live with such cognitive dissonance?
I don't know they seem pretty good at living that way. Besides it's not to difficult to believe in two opposing ideas if you're an idiot. So I'm sure most Lefty's do alright.
Yeah, liberals wanna kill them to drink the blood of the innocent, while the conservative heroes in shining armor want to protect us from the evil hordes!
Everything is black and white, those guys are bad, and the guys you chose are good!
This is literally how the world works, like a comic book.
>Great idea, most beautiful kids.
horrible idea
It's debatable if niggers are actually human. If you even put aside that your kids are likely going to be much dumber than you are, there are health issues and donor problems in mutt children.
In terms of society, it's only acceptable in mutt countries, in civilized countries race mixing is frowned upon, people want children to look like them.
Looks better than 99% of white trailer trash "babies"
>Yeah, liberals wanna kill them to drink the blood of the innocent
Who blacks or children? I'm assuming children. No you kill them because you're incapable of taking responsibility for children. Kinda like blacks.
>while the conservative heroes in shining armor want to protect us from the evil hordes!
>Everything is black and white, those guys are bad, and the guys you chose are good!
I could just as easily shout this about the left. "Oh god drumf is Cheeto Hitler!!"
>This is literally how the world works, like a comic book.
That's putting down comic books. Plenty portray the world with shades of grey. You should read more.
>You should read more
>In reference to comic books
This is the new right wing, everybody.
It's all frogs and body pillows from here.
Gotta agree with you my man
That's the only thing your able to attack about my argument eh? Running out of steam ?
And yes. You read comic books. Last time I check there are words there.
>The state of liberals today
Good idea.
>my children
Bad idea.
Yes. That’s why every halfbreed chooses to identify as black.
There is more discrimination in favor of blacks.
You didn't make an argument.
You are doing this weird Jow Forums thing where you are half taunting half just saying "nuh uh".
I can't take you seriously pal. You probably have a tally of "won internet arguments" lmao.
And I was making fun of the fact that you seem to think comic books are literature that should be mentioned in the context of "you should read more".
No, you should read more actual books user.
Without pictures. If anything you should read WAY less comic books.
Im 1/4 black, your kid will hate themselves and you depending on how ugly they inevitably are, if they are a girl they can turn out cute keyword CAN not will. Ive talked to a few mutts and they all have identity problems as do i although im not hideous so its not terrible but its there if you race mix you are causing undue suffering in the lives of your kids as they will never truly belong anywhere.
Lmao I am european and almost all mixed kids look ugly af, really dont understand why americans get their dicks hard / vaginas wet by blacks as most of them look, well, rather ape like desu.
>You didn't make an argument.
Ahh yes all those responses were not an argument. Are you retarded?
>You are doing this weird Jow Forums thing where you are half taunting half just saying "nuh uh".
I respond to your dribble and you just keep changing what you're talking about. Every time you bring up a point you abandon it the very next post.
>I can't take you seriously pal. You probably have a tally of "won internet arguments" lmao.
Yeah and every time you post I add a checkmark.
>And I was making fun of the fact that you seem to think comic books are literature that should be mentioned in the context of "you should read more".
>No, you should read more actual books user.
>Without pictures. If anything you should read WAY less comic books.
You're the one who initially brought up comic books. And I was making fun of the fact that you decided to use comic books as medium for your insult. In other words I didn't take it seriously but I'm glad to see you took my jab to heart.
You really are pathetic aren't you?
Because fact is only 30% of America is white. Most posters there are racemixed and even they themselves dont know what race are they. America has late stage cancer and unless balkanization wont happen America will not survive the Russian/Chinese onslaught.
You identify as a member of the community that, because surrounded by whites, you were made to believe you belonged to. But you'll learn the hard way you're not part that even this community shits on you. You're part of no community. The only community you're part of is the mixed community. Even there you will constantly compare yourself to others, being happy when you meet a less lucky one, a less white than you one.
As a mutt can confirm
This. Humans are naturally ethnically tribal.
This is your mind on 10% white genes.
yes that might be true. Went to america last year and visited some big cities and damn the people are well mixed and ugly af. Barely saw any blue eyes and blonde hair while it is plenty where I am from and they are also short, like, dwarf short.
I really hope the west and east coast begin the balkanisation. America is the source of all this interracial cancer
I am sorry for the kid but that looks like an albino gremlin
I’m a mutt myself and I’m usually denounced by blacks and I’m darker than white so I can’t stick with them either. Over the years I’ve stopped caring to pick a side and just gave up. Now I’m comfortable with just being a mutt. Luckily, I’m not ugly as fuck or I’d be totally screwed. Your children will have identity problems for sure. Be aware of this.
"For a multiracial person, the chances are usually even worse. Athena Mari Asklipiadis, the founder of the California-based Mixed Marrow, one of the only outreach groups devoted to recruiting mixed race donors, says "the numbers are quite staggering ... People compare it to winning the lottery."
“Bone marrow matches get more complicated the more racially mixed we are, and makes things much more difficult for patients,” said Jill Kendall-Erb, program director for the Be the Match program at City of Hope."
Your kids will lose their white privilege, it’s not worth it
Who cares
>obvious bait thread
>guaranteed replies
Nice job Jow Forums, you're becoming Jow Forums lite.
Remember her hair is fake
Look up STD rates for black women
all babies look weird. how is that proof adults will look weird?
The kids will be fine as long as you give them boring names that are pronounced the way they're spelled. If she wants to give your kid some black person name that she probably made up herself maybe you can compromise and make it a middle name.
>tfw half-latino
don't do it
OP you wont
Mulatto kids, they're a minority.
so they'll have to face that, they'll be in a sub-group of the population that experiences stresses like, not knowing where they belong, being half this and half that, but its a struggle like anyone has.
Like being white, what's being white? It's having white skin, but it's also potentially coming from a wide range of places, potentially russia, europe, north america, nordic countries, etc...
The struggles they might face would be, if shes a woman, having to wear wigs to look like they have white people hair instead of the frizzy african hair.
Shape of nose and lips, potentially curvature of the spine in some black people. Maybe a tendency to suffer from hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, maybe even strokes.
It's hard being a mulatto kids, because some think you're the enemy, some people will think you're not really black, other people not really white or anything at all.
As long as you love the person you're with, and you want to raise a kid with, or without her, I think thats all that matter.
And if you dont wanna raise that kid, it's fine too. Then lets hope the mom is able to raise that kid herself. Its frequent, and single moms do fine, it varies individually but its part of the struggle of being alive, finding purpose, stability or lack thereof, and ultimately the pursuit of some kind of ideal.