One of the hardest and most expensive travel visas in the world

>one of the hardest and most expensive travel visas in the world
>let’s millions of illegal Mexicans in yearly

What the fuck kind of double think is this that we have going on here in the US?

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Do you ever think the goyim will figure out?

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>Oh quite simple really, do what I do
Have an American passport but just don't live there BOOM!

US wants cheap labor, not expensive.

Sal Manila


>cheap labor

Maria with her 3 bastard kids isn’t coming here looking for a job.

Republicans need their cheap labor

Green card lottery doesn't happen anymore in decades because they let illegals get is so easily.

sure they do
they work doing house keeping at place like the Mar-a-Lago

getting a us visa is pretty simple if you didn't flunk college and get horrible grades, which everyone he probably did, its fucking Jow Forums

its more of democrat problem, they want demographic change.

If only we let Europeans in free and didn’t round them up if they had anchor babbies.

Dude have you looked at a construction site in the last 9 years?

There are so many Brazilians around here that come over on tourist or student visas and just stay indefinitely. They seem to have no problem finding work both under the table or at legitimate employers. Obviously nobody is enforcing immigration laws in this state and if the Feds attempt to deport someone, the state officials and judges impede them and refuse to cooperate. I studied Spanish in school but I should have learned fucking Portuguese.

Brazilians in the states are usually pretty well educated and financially secure enough to establish a stable living situation and gainful employment. They don’t do remittances and they don’t play border jumper. It’s not like Central America; Brazilians who are here are here to stay and by and large, they do well for themselves. It’s just that in the US, there’s way more European portuguese than Portuguese Brazilians.

>makes it nearly impossible to get a green card for an educated and skilled individual by putting walls of bureaucracy.
>walk in the streets of Los Angeles
>there are people living there that can't even speak English
How does it work?

America has been absolutely fucked for decades.

Looking back you can't help but come away feeling as though this was all planned.

More and more taxes compared to 100 years ago. Everything's more expensive. Wages flat. White people can't even be good white people without being called nazis.

The bad guys won WW2

As far as immigrants go, the Brazilians are pretty good for the most part. There is a well established Portuguese community in my state due to the old fishing industry so I guess it makes sense that Brazilians came here. The fact remains that many of them are breaking the law by overstaying their visas and nobody does shit about it.


Winner winner chicken dinner

wtf is wrong with burgers? and they take $200 for visa application which is non refundable. Someone did a research here and found out that Nepalese spend and give more money to the US for visa applications than the whole aid they give to this shithole. lmao
May be it's the jews. It is quite possible. Who knows