Be white in Africa

>be white in Africa
>complain about Africans

Racist boers are the worst and are fucking stupid for hating blacks yet insisting to live among them.

I'm black and like most of you I believe in homelands for all races. I cheer with you all when Tarrant mows down invaders so you should all cheer with me as invader whites are slaughtered in my homeland.

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why would we cheer if whites are superior to shitskins, genius


You're ignorant of your own history. When Europeans settled what is modern day South Africa; it was wholly empty. They built a White country and black Africans from all over Central and southern African flooded in to a White country.

Invasion implies military incursion followed in this fake case a conquest. There were civilians who settled empty land. It's not the same thing.

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Bantu are invaders.
The Khoisahn and then the Dutch were there first.
Niggers from central and west (everywhere to be honest) Africa are low IQ savages that destroy everything.
Proof in case, they voted the ANC in AGAIN.
And you dont even know your own countries history because you are a dumb nigger too.

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What do you have to say about things like this ?

>Theunemploymentrate for Black South Africans has increased from 23% in 1991 to 48% in 2002.Unemployment continues to rise
>South Africa endured one of the worst declines over the past 12 years for a country not at war.
>The country’s performance on a range of social, economic, and governance measures deteriorated more than any other nation not involved in an international or civil conflict,
>The developmental state project has failed. South Africa is now a fragile state, expected to continue to weaken,”

The christchurch shooting is the fakest shit ive ever seen in my life. my favorite part is when all the people died and piled themselves up in the corner before he came in the room

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BuT tHeRe WeRe No NiGgErS wHeN tHe BoErS aRrIvEd

You might want follow your own advise and look up actual researched South African history and not just post a meme map.

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Niggers need genocide
White guilters needs tortured viciously

The Bantu expansion almost drove the Khoisahn to extinction. Are you planning on giving them reparations or returning to Nigeria/Cameroon?

RT is Kremlin funded and Putin is still bitter that his puppet Jacob Zuma is no longer in power and that the new ANC government canceled the multi-billion dollar nuclear energy deal with Russia.Wouldnt depend on RT as a reputable news source.

>invader whites
Who lived there for 500 years already.

The Khoisan were still very much alive seeing as the Dutch found them living in the Western Cape when the first European settlers landed in Cape Town in 1652.Maybe,the Khoisan should go the Netherlands and ask for repetitions there seeing as they all but vanished under Dutch rule?

Hey genius. The Boers were there before you. When they -settled- South Africa, it was nearly completely empty. There were no Sub-Saharan Africans there. Like everything niggers do, they saw the chance to be provided for, and like children they flocked south and took advantage. Now they do nothing but breed and eat food created by others.

I'm sure you'll kill all the whites or drive them out, then come back after you're all starving because you do not know how to sustain an agriculture and beg for white people to come back and save you again. I'd rather wait until you're starving and all the whites are dead or gone, then nuke you into non-existence.

You don't deserve to live, shitskin.

I shot dead 3 nigger kids last year that broke into my house, i put a knife in one of their hands before i called the police, i was rightfully deemed a hero to the public.

you're welcome

I wasn't trying to promote any view. Just wanted to hear a South Africans view. The first part was from Wikipedia
>The unemployment rate for Black South Africans has increased from 23% in 1991 to 48% in 2002.Unemployment continues to rise

It was the first story that I saw when I searched south African economy. You can take your pick from any source they say similar things

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kys nigger

You fucking idiot, the portuguese found Bantu there when they arrived, and that was before the Dutch even came around. Christ, American education is shit.

South africa isnt your homeland. You and your bantu brethren migrated when whitey built all the infrastructure

SA's blacks are being replaced like whites in white countries. There are high levels if immigration from other black countries

Need more info on Linwood Mosques ??

Bantu are not native to South Africa dumbfuck, whites have lived there for longer.

>be black in america
>complain about whitey

Are you sure they weren't Hottentots?

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No they haven't you fucking idiot. The portuguese found them here when they arrived.

ANC is in league with globalist miners . They take the gold diamonds for little in tax

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The Dutch never treated them badly . They were highly religious and never enslaved them.

> Be white in America
> Complain about natives and Mexicans.

Oh, since it's your homeland then you must be Khoisan, and not one of those stupid murderous Bantu invaders.

But even if you were Khoisan, you would probably want whites around to stop the Bantu from genociding the last of your people.

Also if you weren't a stupid Bantu nigger you would know that killing the white farmers will result in your own starvation, followed by your government selling out all of South Africa's mineral resources to China for a few table scraps, followed by your enslavement and eventual extermination at the hands of the Chinese (who are not sympathetic fools like most white people are).

This doesn't really support your claim

>When the early Portuguese sailors (cf.Vasco Da GamaandBartholomew Dias) rounded theCape of Good Hopein the 15th century very few Bantu speakers were found there.

However few, they were there first.

Yes, AFRICA is my homelands and I'd like it free of both cumskins and chinks thank you very muc.

>b-b-but my zimbabwe

Don't care, I just want white invaders off my continent.

Can you not even spare the effort to read the link you're fucking posting? Go home congoid.

Just reading other sources it sounds like they weren't really settlers. Just in the little bit I've just looked into it, both groups claim to have been in the land first. In any case not sure where this whole argument is heading
Do the first people there get to lay claim to the land?
That seems basis for the argument.

>handful of bantu hunter gatherers in khoisan lands makes the bantu native whilst actual settlement by Europeans in numbers far outweighing bantu presence before European arrival doesn't.

lol k. Fuck off back to the jungle.

If white south Africans all left the whole society would collapse....

>The Dutch never treated them badly . They were highly religious and never enslaved them.
What sort of fairytales have you been reading?The Dutch attempted to enslave the Khoisan after stealing their lands.The Dutch were even forced to import slaves into South Africa from its colonies in Asia because the Khoisan were dying off.

You missed the point. You WON'T be able to get rid of the Chinese because they have a 30pt IQ advantage over you, and they are not sympathetic fools. You will end up much worse off than when Whitey was running the place. But you just can't resist putting your hand in the monkey trap. Because you're a nigger.

Then the blacks would leave too to go mooch off another society

Point is that the bantu persecute whites with the justification that the bantu are native despite that the bantu are actually congoids from the north that migrated south following the establishment of South African colonies and also frequently persecute the khoisan who are actually native.

Everyone complains about blacks, especially other blacks.
It's because blacks are LITERALLY 70iq

Good luck getting fuckin bombed after Iran

Blacks are like roaches.
No intelligence, disgusting and annoying but they breed so much you cant get rid of them.

You do know your country will be ran like trash if an Asian or white doesn’t run it

This. That’s all it comes down to, only white communities in South Africa are decent places to live in, pretty much only whites pay taxes, only whites have the know how to keep most industries going... Malema himself lives in a white neighborhood, has a white physician and a white bodyguard, even this nigger knows that niggers are absolute garbage.

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Meh. Africa is just a problem that is getting bigger with each passing year. Thank fuck nukes exist. God bless German Scientists.