God. Fucking. Damn. It. All. To. Hell

God. Fucking. Damn. It. All. To. Hell.


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Just go to a trade school and let the world descend into Idiocracy by elevating the mediocre. You're only here for a short time anyways, so who cares what these faggots do to the place as long as it doesn't affect your ability to enjoy your toys?

Why is the daily mail comment section so redpilled?

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So now niggers will be studying for the SAT by committing armed robberies and assualts.

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sounds exactly the same as the current system

>Be 1/32nd native american
>Have kids pull a Warren and identify as native american
>Move to ghetto shithole and homeschool kids
>Minority + Crime ravaged shithole = Absolutely astronomical SAT numbers
>Kids get into Space Force Academy with almost zero effort

Wow/thread with one post, nice.

>lowering standards for people who can't make the cut means it's fair

Just another day on clown island

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I dunno, I got close to 1200 back in 1993. I got a shitty public education though. I would have learned a lot better if I could have just concentrated on a few subjects that interested me such as science and music. History is for the curious and you can get the equivalent of a PhD with online reading, the danger is in censorship and history written by psychopaths which isn't history.

>kid makes the space force
>realizes it's full of retards and niggers
>gets picked to go on first manned mission to the sun
>at night
>dies in a trashcan
>after Tyrone ignites the bottle rockets and propane tanks underneath it

Asian parents will now start getting criminal records and fake divorces to raise their child's adversity score.

Because 1+1=5 when you've had adversity. Just hang these people before they completely fuck up what's left of an educational system.

if everyone was equal as leftards profess then there shouldn't be any effort to "level the playing field"

Even your peps are posh
Classic Anglos gotta love em

>I married and dirorced the my rife 300 times


it's fucked m8

So what happens if an asian guy says he's transnigger?

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Universities are making themselves irrelevant so no one will take these SAT scores seriously anyway.

We're all going to die when these affirmative action cases get their medical degrees.

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Jews getting po boxes in baltimore and taking the test in baltimore....

US is going to have a USSR style fate thanks to the jews

And American education just found a way to become even more worthless by international standards.

This is unreal. I have no words for this. We literally live in clown world where logic and critical thinking doesn’t exist anymore. I actually was so taken back by reading this I just laughed out loud involuntarily.

>Because 1+1=5 when you've had adversity

manic obsession with diversity...these people are destroyers of civilization.

So they use an algorithm to literally add points to black and Hispanic scores? It's not even a separate measure, it's hidden as part of the performance measure?

Reminder to everyone as pissed as I am: America is not the only country in the world and you can have a much better life if you move. The main goal would be to stop providing the American Federal government with the products of your effort and labor

More or less as white men end up in low-paying positions (if they're lucky) just like the wealthy and educated in communist countries.

time for a lawsuit. jew up.

We were all going to die anyway, user.

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>1/32nd native american

Did exactly this and I can never go back to clown world.

>no HR to cry to when someone hurts your fee fees
>if someone doesn’t like you they have no problem letting you know exactly why
>it’s survival Of the fittest, nobodies there to defend you or help you out, toughen up or cry and go home and try college again for 4th time.
>nobody tolerates clown world bullshit and they will let you know how much a pussy snowflake you are
>Man the fuck up, sink or swim

Just a few points

I'm glad I just got my Master degree and I don't have to deal with the college system anymore.

This is a great idea. Some smart real estate entrepreneur will buy up all the 1 dollar homes in Gary, Indiana and repurpose them for professional Polyamorous Co-Parents looking for a nice crime ridden neighborhood to send their trans daughter to school in so she can use her free college to go to Harvard for Feminist Gaming Studies.

The market solves all.

these fucking creatures.

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how come Jew is not on the chart??

We had to sign antiharassment documents when I worked as a flagger. YMMV.

I'm going to build the WoW classic guild version of this, wish me luck bros

no, it's true. fuck clown world and working around women.

Probably to identify as white for an edge over the (rice) Asians.

I bet theres some hidden part that makes it not apply to Jewish students, as that would be Antisemitism

lmao niggers are so fucking stupid that the unfair bonuses they get on college admissions and employment consideration still wasn't enough so they just give them a bonus 20% on SAT now.

the absolute fucking state of niggers

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>how american universities TRIPLED their attrition rates with this one weird trick

This is just passing the buck. They will get the minimum qualifications for whatever professional degree they choose. They accrue debt in pursuit of it. They enter the workforce. Corporations make tougher exams and interviews to compensate for this cheatcode because they require and desire the most qualified candidates. They are unable to compete because they haven't had to earn their qualifications as much as other candidates (universities have less and less restrictions to advancement these days, so they aren't the stop check).

The economy cannot support people getting thing they haven't earned. It is competitive and gamefied by its very structure. The Invisible Hand is going to slap them but now they've got tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

They're welcome to chase down humanities degrees with no law or medical school to follow it up with but we know that's a dead end too. The end game of this is just delayed punishment. Whoever decides on these policies aren't helping anybody long-term.

tl;dr: You're actively harming disadvantaged students by handing out gibs. Quit doing this shit.

>no one pointing out that if the US Supreme Court doesn't decide to rule in the favor of removing affirmative action, that the College Board will likely still keep the new standards and likely the university will continue to give sympathy points, only making it much worse than you'd think

>implying universities aren't constantly lowering the bar and just passing niggers through engineering programs to meet diversity quotas

i know, right?

I've got a bachelor of science degree and I've never taken an SAT. What is it and who cares that it just became (more) useless?

Don’t play the game when it’s rigged against you

It’s just so they can hide the fact the bell curve exists and when us Nazis start kicking up a fuss about how bad they all are they can say “look how smart they are, they are smarter than whypepo”

because they control the admissions into a lot of schools and just let their own in regardless of any of these gay systems.

Corporations still hire them to "improve" their demographics and just give them easy work.

It's more insidious. What you describe is illegal and they've recently got fucked over in some lawsuit over it, so now what they're doing is approximating race with secondary statistics.

This is how they get control of the system.

>create/co opt systems of accreditation
>manufacture "authority" figures, who will obey -your- will.
>Use faux-authority to dictate on your behalf.

I hate them -but I cant blame them...Knowing how controllable and stupid the average human is, I cant help but think that I would do the same, if I were to have the power. I just wish they would rescue those who arent plebs.

People of color are making a major comeback. Thanks to liberal whites and Jews.

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It's a standardized aptitude test crafted to test you aptitude irrespective of things like race, gender, height, sexual orientation or financial background. In its inception, it was designed to be distributed to all high school students in order to seek out the best candidates who may have been undiscovered.

It's not been corrupted and its original purpose completely discarded. It was once beautiful and admirable. It's now another manifestation of one's identity being more important than one's ability.

The end goal is 90 iq niggers being your doctors and fat mexican goblins designing the building you're in.

You soon wont be able to escape this cancer.

The idea is to prevent multigenerational wealth. You get to 120k a year, the government ensures it’s harder for your kids to go to school than if they were poor, and makes you pay for other people’s kids to go while directly restricting your own.
This way middle class families get shuffled to lower, and vice versa, perpetually.

They're trying to recreate the same system but hidden with plausible deniability so no one can sue them or point out how it's literally the government deciding the winners and losers in life. It's social engineering designed to predominately fuck over white and now east asian men to drop their birth rates and maximize miscegenation.

you didn't complain when not-so-secret adversity scores outright banned people of color and women from education institutions. in fact you still think fondly of those days. you're the most heinous kind of hypocrites.


People are becoming more and more conservative. These quotas will be discarded the moment people are unafraid to criticize them. Corporations do not want to waste money on employees for feel good points.

Again, long-term this helps nobody. We all see the snap back to centre or right coming because we're living in it. These people pushed through to universities because of their skin colour (and only because of their skin colour) are going to be punished. It's not fair they didn't get to properly compete.

Our countries were homogeneous and were mostly meritocratic. Kill yourself.

Lunacy, utter lunacy

How long can this go?

Who are you talking to? No one here was alive back then. That some ancestor of your family got fucked over doesn’t mean we perpetuate it, retard.
The answer is stop fucking people over, not going back and forth on it.

>in fact you still think fondly of those days
absolutely. before forced and unconstitutional de-segregation, blacks were much better off. in the 1950s, 80% of black families had both parents, black academic achievement was higher, black crime rates were lower, black unemployment was lower, etc. niggers need a leash.

Where do you think is better?

Be a second class citizen in Asia? Move to even more insane progressive Europe?

Unironically this. They are scum.

It's definitely going to fuck over East Asian kids but they're fucking unstoppable anyway. The only positive I see from this is they become even more capable to surmount these artificial restrictions and we have cancer cured within a generation.

What do they think is going to happen?

"Oh, wow, he went to Yale *and* he's Asian? He must be super mega genius level smart."

"Oh, she went to Harvard but she's black. She's probably just a little bit smart."

There's no fucking win case here.

Not if corporations are forced to hire them through diversity quotas and force White and Asian men to work harder to make up for the lost productivity.

>WoW any version
In a game that caters to pussies? Good luck.

we need to meme "why no jewish category?" into existence

They just want more people to get in so they can get more federal loan bucks and put more retards in debt. It is a huge scam.

This is why we aren't gonna make it to Mars, lads.

We cant ignore this kikery. Evetually, it turns against us.

Because Drudge Report links to them a lot, and they already leaned conservative anyway.

This is already the case.

>White and Asian men to work harder to make up for the lost productivity
nigger, they already have to do that!

the poor universities are afraid that they'll receive less future interest via guaranteed loans because the courts will stop allowing as many people who are less likely to ever fully pay them off when their entire business model is making more money year-after-year which will come to a swift end if the college board doesn't do something like this

niggers have an IQ that is 30% less than whites.

>>David Coleman


The discrimination isn't as bad against east Asians yet. They get a bit of it in US schools (mostly elite schools) but not in employment or any of the other stuff yet. They'd have huge issues if the same shit being done to white guys were done to them.

Maybe they're just trying to be creative in how they kill us. A game for their amusement. Camps or minority doctor.

in the book 1984, there was a permanent underclass of working poor people who the State more or less left to their own devices, so long as they didn't get too out of line. not directing that at you, but it's something I always notice when I think about how people not in white collar professions and don't waste time with social media are pretty much immune to the current cuckening

Does anyone have stats/sources on the different ways blacks are worse off now than during segregation.

>entire classes of people outright banned regardless of their merit
retarded leaf, imagine my surprise

>how dare someone suggest someone else receive the benefits my entire ancestry (myself included) received
>how does anyone expect I succeed if I don't have the ill gotten head start advantage over my peers
>durr not fair, clown world, white man having to get good SAT scores >:(

>let me tell you why it was better for blacks to be systematically discriminated and disenfranchised
>proofs: picture of a jazz band in suits; stormfront.org infographic


It takes once case to go through the supreme court to establish precedent that these quotas are gross and weird and the whole castle comes crashing down. The end of this shit is coming because the system can only be strained to far in one direction. It's precarious enough as is and they just keep on pushing.

Fucking with university admissions may be the proverbial straw. Imagine this: "My family just came here from China, I studied hard, aced all my exams and am denied the education I am due because my skin colour is wrong." That's a hard thing even for libs to argue against.

Glad to see you're starting to see the funny side user

Look at OPs graph. They're slated to be punished even more severely that whites. This won't end well for anybody.

White men should just destroy this civilization.

Our women responded to generations of white men scouring the world for exotic goods by demanding political power and then using it to screw us over in such a manner that we cant meet any standard set for us while removing standards for orcs.

Kill every government

I never understood the whole “poor people are dumber” argument. Poor people have HIGHER IQs, unless they’re not white or East Asian.

Historyfag here. It's very fucking dangerous to brazenly deny opportunities to people who know they're qualified and give jobs/money/resources etc to the less qualified. The reason isn't just systemwide inefficiency (that too), but it's that smart people tend also to be highly motivated, and frequently organise to absolutely fuck everything up. See: Meiji restoration, French revolution, etc.
It's an exceptionally dangerous game, and once the normies cotton on that their 18 year old son is getting shafted, there's a good chance they'll start to do something about it.

The aNgl*sphere truly is pathetic.

>If your school doesn't offer our College Board-approved AP courses, you'll get a higher score on our College Board-approved SAT.
Top-tier business planning right there.

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read some of sowell's books. Economic Facts and Fallacies is a good start for this line of investigation

here's a video of him:

>proofs: picture of a jazz band in suits
see the video above, sweetie

where can you go that's less cucked than the USA? Not that we're in great shape but at least we still have the First and Second