Christianity is based

I've had it with the constant shilling against Christianity.
It's literally the most based and redpilled faith on this planet and it makes kikes so angry.
>Galatians 3:28
>Mathew 19:21-24, Matthew 19:29
>Leviticus 19:33-34
How could anyone on Jow Forums even begin to disagree with all these BASED passages?

I'd really like to ask these atheists and FUCKING pagans how well off Europe would be without based christian figures such as Moses, Isaac, Abraham, Joshua, Job, David, Solomon, Ezekiel, or Yeshua? Yeah. That's what I thought.

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I'm on your side when it comes to atheists cum-stains and pagan larpers, ya ahlul-kitab

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Oh look, a mutt with his jew dick sucking cult !
Who could have guessed ?
You're not even a real christian yet you act as one.
Just like you're not white, but a filthy mongrel, yet act like one

Jesus taught that the goal of the Christian is to become as Jew-like as possible. Jews are the Christian's racial role models. Christians go to church in order to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the hirsute Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. He wore a yamaka. The Jewish messiah usually preached about Jews and the Jewish race-god. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus preposterous magical powers as an enticement to cross-breed with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Churches give the money they collect to Jews to convert and inter-marry with whites. Christians name their children with Jewish names. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a Jewish clerk that examines how Jewish you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted ideals based on hirsuteness and race. His only plan is to turn you into a Jew.

Not by works but by faith are ye saved

>if you agree with these passages all of them must be true

Christianity is just as bad as Islam. Same exact religion in a different package. I’m not denying a higher plane of existence; but why do you think your “god” trumps all others?

iunno but its aesthetic as hell and encourages some great quotes
"God will not have his work made manifest by cowards"

Islam is more based. Arranged marriage, modest clothing for women and a strong pimp hand.

>collapsed rome sending the west back technologically allowing mudslimes to rise
>cuck morality of pacifistic love
>slave morality of obeying your masters by being a bootlick
>killed millions of white pagans in crusades in europe trying to convert them
>cause the 30 years war which also destroyed millions of whites
>created schisms between white countries on the basis of what brand of cuckstianity they followed
overall it was a cringe religion that should have been relegated to the dustbin of history, christcucks sicken me.

Alpha and the Omega. Repent now before it's too late.

Crusaders are cucks and got buttraped by Russians

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lets be honest...russians are a fearless people

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>who was lod

It's funny because atheists and LARPagans suck muslim cock all day in hope to get some militant allies lmao

Is this enough repentance?

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so pathetic lol poor sheeps have no inner will, only have the free one... typical religious dummies

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy work be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread, and also gas the fucking kikes

Big true

good thread

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based user, keep up the good work

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Go to hell JIDF.


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if the jews win they will have plenty of christian shitskins to lord over

Nice copypasta JIDF.

The jews are terrified of Christianity, that's why they shill against it 24/7.

the only one defending jews here... is you!

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terrified of what, exactly? read and debunk it

t. butthurt kike

you too read , defeat it using your superior christian reasoning and historical knowledge

>Moses, Isaac, Abraham, Joshua, Job, David, Solomon, Ezekiel, or Yeshua
What about:
>Rembrandt, Poincare, Lagrange, Gauss, Fourier, Pascal, Newton, or Aristotle

I think we've found the problem here

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the problem here is that all the based "christians" cannot trace an ethnic origin to christianity, and very few of them would be considered actual christians by any standard (either of their own time, or today's).
Aristotle wasn't even a christian in the first place, but he was a big guy

Actions of men=/=Christianity, especially Charlemagne because usury is forbidden for everyone in the new testament, he was trying to con God and is almost certainly burning in hell.
Everyone you mentioned was white.

christians have the wrong heroes

>actions of men=/=Christianity
what you're saying is that christianity is useless.
And you're right! It is useless by design, because christians believe this world does not matter. The next world does, so fuck this one haha just be meek and listen to what Yeshua said.
What did Yeshua say?
1) Follow the 10 Commandments
2) Sell all your possessions and then follow me

He could not have made it simpler, user. Be a poor meek jew and you live forever once you rot.
You bought that?

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Christianism is online the Jewish version of a solar cult, i mean if you want a white "version" of christianism, take a look the mithraism, if christianism was made for peace and womens, mithraism was made for war and mens but both cults share the solar symbolism, the savior that make a sacrifice for our sins, the heaven, the final trial, etc etc etc

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Christianity can't be Jewish because Jews hated Jesus and we all know Jews NEVER infight with each other.

lots of old religions and cults used sun symbolism, it's a pretty based symbol that has little to do with christianity. It was mostly adopted during the "christianization" of Europe, where pagan europeans still clung to their ethnic religious roots.
This, when you see something like Stalin fighting Trotsky you have to pick one, you can't just oppose both you know.

What does Christianity have to say about living in the last embers of a dying world? It has plenty to say about a world destroyed in Hell-fire, but nothing about it just slowly collapsing in to grey and nothingness.

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latin mass catholic here, but i'll admit the amount of jewish cocksucking in paul makes (e.g. romans) me uneasy

you worship a jew

It says you soul is eternal.

the church is at its best when it's back is against the wall. no one but nietzsche really foresaw that apathy, not heresy, would be its downfall.

Actual brainlet omegalul.

Yes, but why would a perfect being create a world so weak? This is really the central issue that Christianity is facing in our world, one where the world isn't going out in an explosion of bloodshed and famine, but desertification.

This is somewhat my point though. I mean, we're approaching something more approaching Taoist collapse than Christian, where we're in an endless (spiritual) landscape of grey and absence.

>Yes, but why would a perfect being create a world so weak?
Because you are not God and you'll never be able to understand it. I think it's really fucked up myself, but you have the smartest kind of brain on the planet and you can try to figure something out during your short time being alive.

i really like dark souls as well, but i'm not sure foreign traditions can help the morass we're in. for better or worse, christianity is our heritage, and larping with another, be it eastern or pagan, isn't going to help.

I'm not LARPing with another heritage, I just think that our heritage has not prepared us for the future that awaits us. I think part of the reason that Japan's view of the end of the world (whether spiritually or physically) is why the art its creating on the subject is far more "peaceful" at a spiritual level than what our heritage has prepared us for. Maybe if we tried to re-capture a Heraclition (is that a word?) view of the world from our heritage we might be able to weather the nothing that is coming.

This is somewhat my point though. Nothing in Christian (or Abrahamic in general) thought really has anything to say about entropy either at a universal level or a local level. I mean, Revelation is the exact opposite of that.

Most self-described Christians don't know a damn thing about Revelation. At no time will you ever even know it exists in a Catholic church over here.

I will say something nice about the Mormons, despite my views about them. They put one of their bibles in every hotel room. Maybe it seems nerdy and weird, but it's an interesting read.

You should read the bible, cover-to-cover, user. If it makes you feel uneasy, don't worry, that just proves you're sane.

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the heraclitean cosmic cycle doesn't quite capture what's coming either, though. christianity, however, constantly goes through cycles of degeneracy and renewal. the church becomes rich and decadent, then men like st. francis or the monks of cluny (or luther, had he not gone too far) renew it's spirit, and it's stable for a time. but we're not in the kingdom of god, so nothing on earth is going to last stably forever. it sucks being in this part of the cycle, but in another sense, it's also exciting. something is coming, and we get to be a part of the force that shapes it within our communities. have hope, friend. it can't get much worse from here.

you have to have the dullest kind of brain on this planet to think that Yahweh, the torah, and the NT are truth.

the NT is the truth, and thankfully it calls for allegorizing the hell out of the OT until it makes sense.

The republican party makes them also angry - while they also control it. Jews and what they love or hate should absolutely not matter to us.

And just because there are some "based passages" doesn't mean that one should immediately subscribe to a dried up institution like that.
There are many passages in many other non-christian books of Aryan knowledge that one can connect to.

Our ancient Aryan cultures are far better in spiritual realizations than modern christianity could ever dream of.
Christianity is today nothing but a sell-out institution. God has nothing to do with their falsified books or labels.

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> constantly goes through cycles of degeneracy and renewal.
This is what I mean though. Things aren't degenerating, they're stopping. Say what you will about climate change, whether is gets hotter or colder doesn't matter while the biosphere is dying and the deserts are growing. This isn't "degeneration" so much as it is just nothing at all.

The point I'm making is more to do with the "fire and brimstone" view of the end of the world didn't prepare us at a spiritual or cultural level for what is actually happening.

Why do people say Jesus is God when he even said he wasn't God?

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The NT is predicated on the OT being true. Jesus (Yeshua) cannot be the Messiah of Jews unless judaism is true. This means that Genesis needs to have happened, Exodus needs to have happened, and all the other countless examples of magic and bullshit in the OT need to have happened.
This idea that the OT was allegorical to Jesus is fanfiction. Jesus called for his followers to keep Moses's commandments, with the addition that they followed him after selling their possessions.
The OT does not make sense. The NT does not make sense. Do you think turning water into wine happened? How about walking on water? Or resurrecting from a privately owned tomb and then showing yourself risen to a closed room containing a group of your most devoted followers?

Do you really think all of that happened?
he said he was the son of a god (something Augustus Caesar also did, with a bit more credibility). If he's god's seed then he's also god. If that doesn't make sense, that's only because it doesn't make any fucking sense.

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>If he's god's seed then he's also god. If that doesn't make sense, that's only because it doesn't make any fucking sense.
Well I mean even Jesus said he wasn't God. So I don't know what the issue is with these "Jesus is God" people.

Christianity has outlived its usefuleness

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if you have any metaphysical commitments at all, it doesn't make much sense that the emanations of the one lead to materiality eventually at all. god becoming man is about as good of a way to understand it as any.
augustine teaches that the old testament is a constant pre-revelation of christ, so i'll take that as a good enough authority to allegorize the hell out of it. the important parts of the OT for christianity are one line from books like isaiah, it's not particularly important to believe in the literal meaning of e.g. creation in genesis (hence the church abandoning it while retarded bush-era evangelicals held on).

Your own comment shows how the religion is basically just jewish fanfiction. One guy hundreds of years after the death of the main figure says "oh yeah this book we've anaylzed since the beginning of our church doesn't make sense... it can't be wrong, so it's an allegory" and since the church would kill anyone that disagreed with it everyone just goes along. Remember that Thomas Aquinas was branded a heretic and only canonized decades after his death, and he was the christian figure that tried to make Christ into the logos figure.
> it's not particularly important to believe in the literal meaning of e.g. creation in genesis
How can it not be important if it establishes that
1) Yahweh is real
2) Yahweh created everything
3) Adam and Eve sinned against God and doomed humanity to the eternal sin that Yeshua is said to have redeemed
??? it's incredibly important. If it's an allegory, or even fiction, then why not say the same about Jesus's works? Jesus didn't resurrect, it's an allegory. Revelation is an allegory. The miracles were all allegories.

If they're all allegories then it's just a book of fiction, and there are many other fictional books that present better morals and lessons.

>>Galatians 3:28
>>Mathew 19:21-24, Matthew 19:29
>>Leviticus 19:33-34

I know right? and the worst part about it is that's it's all right there in the book. Jow Forums's wannabe christcuck infestation don't even read their own holy texts.

It just means you have to post the links.
There is no time in history where we've been able to read shit by clicking mouse buttons. It just depends on what happens when you click it.