Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public

Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.

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have sex

women who breastfeed in public should be subject to any man who wants milky.

>women should be allowed [...] in public

Sure, I don't care but that child on the left seems a little to big to still breastfeed

have milk

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And if they do, I will shamelessly watch. Everybody wins.

Women shouldn't be allowed in public.

I think there should be breast feeding stations wherever there's a bathroom. Breast feeding is the healthiest option for babies but some effort should be taken to keep it truly out of "public" while making it an accessible option should the need arise.

If by public you mean private owned among family(public), not public as government owned on any street.


I don't mind. But don't be surprised when someone stares at your big milkies.

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Only if they're breastfeeding me.

*Beautiful women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.


There is no credibility to the "its natural" argument. Sex is "natural" and yet that is outlawed. So is urination and defecation and doing either in public is a finable offenses

pic related, its "natural".

>not to authorities and/or moderators: the attached image is from google and was censored long before I got it.

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Women shouldn’t even be allowed in public. The ferengi model for women is perfect.

This. Cover yourself with a blanket for fuck sakes.

Women are too fucking stupid to use common sense.

Women should be allowed to perform abortions in public alleyways.
Pedos should be allowed to jack it in the gay parade.
Poos should be allowed to stay in loo.

human breast milk has cannabinoids in it
this is why every baby calms down after sucking a tit and why men crave big tits


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I honestly don't care. But, why is this such a hot button item for females?

Cool. Do what you gotta do.

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Breastfeeding is perfectly natural and healthy. Like nudity, sex, pissing, and taking a shit. Just because things are "natural" doesn't mean it's polite to do those things in public. I'd rather a woman breastfeed her kids in public than let them literally starve, but most children aren't going to die if they have to wait a few minutes for a woman to find a more private place to breastfeed.

Am I offended by a woman breastfeeding? No. I'm not offended by people wiping their asses or women changing their tampons either. But it's impolite to do such things in public and since women can't be relied on to to be polite on their own (too stupid) we need laws to force them.

Do people not have this in western countries?
Everybody uses this here.
You can just bring it to a restaurant etc. Easy to put over yourself.

Dont tell me people just are like OPs pic lol
How are some of you fine with your wife showing breast in public, wtf.

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Sexualization of women's breasts is a fairly recent phenomena. In the past, both men and women were not allowed to expose hardly any bare skin and a shirtless male would be equally indecent.

Stop being boomer-tier tit fetishists and allow women to do the healthiest thing for their offspring, or do you want even more chinless mouth-breathers?

Sweet and a little nutty

>Sexualization of women's breasts is a fairly recent phenomena.
I would say the sexualization of the BUTT is a fairly recent phenomena.
Everywhere in murrika media, I wonder why.

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pissing or taking a shit is a natural thing to do too. just look at california. they are acknowledge this natural behavior. breastfeed? diarrhea? diabetic urination? all OK

>why is this such a hot button item for females?
Women have the minds of children and are constantly challenging any restrictions placed on their behavior. Tell them they can't breastfeed in public and they demand the 'right' to do it. Tell them they can't walk around naked in public and they demand the 'right' to do it. Now, this isn't "all women" but it's enough that it gets back in the news every few months.

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They love to imagine they are the victims of vast societal oppression and are bravely overcoming patriarchal bonds

>its j-just like a handmaids tale!

In reality outside of fancy restaurants no one ever, EVER criticises breastfeeding mothers even though it is extremely uncomfortable for everyone around. If anything there is actually huge pressure from health officials for mothers to breastfeed. They are so sensitive that this firm advice is also taken as a criticism. They turn into petulant teenagers shouting 'you can't tell me what to do!'

sex, pissing, and taking shits are way more disgusting to see others do because they are dirty acts full of germs
breastfeeding is clean and ordinary but you act like its too sexual to do in public

That woman has already failed as a mother. The fact that the girl is still on the boob at her age means they didn't properly introduce her to solids or have allowed her to use the breast as a comfort mechanism. Most likely because mommy didn't want to cut the cord either.
My 10 month old took herself of the breast fully before the 6 month mark as soon as we started feeding her real food.

it's thinner than cows milk and mildly sweet. No sugary sweet, just noticeable

I don't know why people are kvetching over it. I don't get aroused by breastfeeding if I'm not theone sucking the delicious mamamilk

>How are some of you fine with your wife showing breast in public, wtf.
we are fine when our wifes are getting penetrated by mighty bbc, why would showing breasts on public bother us.

every normal woman does this
normal women don't want to bare their tits for everyone to see, so they'll either retire to a designated nursing room or cover themselves up if they can't find one within a comfortable distance
the ones who make an issue out of this only do it for political reasons, most of them will never have children in the first place

While we're on the subject of tits let's all take a moment to laugh at African women who aren't allowed to have tits.

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Worry about something pressing for once.

OPs pic is a rare exception to common practice in the west. Basement bound incels here like to pretend mothers are running around with their tits out everywhere. In reality, most every mother has a blanket that they drape over babies while they feed because they are actually a bit self-conscious about baring their breasts in public.
It's a non-issue until some rabid femnazi gets butthurt about being asked to show some modesty at a dinner table somewhere in the world and the media blow it up into a "hot button" topic

>because they are dirty acts full of germs
It's hilarious that you don't think babies are walking germ factories, virgin. There's nothing more "full of germs" than an infant. Piss is sterile, a baby's mouth is akin to a komodo dragon's.

>you act like its too sexual to do in public
Where did I "act" like it was sexual? I said it was impolite. Like changing a tampon, or pissing. Neither of those is sexual, but they're also impolite. Picking your nose is also "ordinary" but simultaneously impolite to do in public.

It has a coppery taste like blood to be honest. It doesn't taste good.

No. Breastfeeding is a sin. You're making god cry.

Dual-wielding is poor game design

Only if they aren't niggers.

Aren't they already? I've seen breastfeeding mommies in the park and nobody really gives a shit.

its not about the babies being dirty though
nobody minds seeing babies in public and nobody should mind seeing breastfeeding in public either because there's no chance any of those germs are going to stick around or leave a mess like taking a shit or piss
there's nothing impolite about feeding a baby
picking your boogers is fine too so long as you keep it clean and use tissues

women who breast feed should be in the kitchen or home.. there fore public breast feeding means she's out doing the mans work of providing..
relaxing and taking care of her kids.
fuck jews.

Pepperidge farm remembers

God I wish that were me.

why do they never swallow..

>there's no chance any of those germs are going to stick around or leave a mess
If you piss in a grate there's "no chance of those germs" sticking around either. Babies drool and spit up when they're burped too, so don't act like they're somehow perfectly clean little angels. I'm really getting the impression you've never actually held a baby before.
>picking your boogers [in public] is fine too so long as you keep it clean and use tissues
And you never will.

Even if they have children, it does not mean that they are not whoring for attention
They USE their babies to have men look at them and give them attention when breatfeeding
You idiots will never learn.

Well seeing as abortion is banned they are gonna have to more and more.

Imagine being so completely full of shit and acting like you are spouting fact.

Why this retarded isn't banned for life from pol?



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this man knows what's up. also checked.


she's lactose intolerant

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Because if they did you wouldn't be able to tell how overflowing with milkies the source was


>Women should be allowed to breastfeed in public.
Of course. It's what they're for you muppet.

almond milk

wow cnn straw poll for trump vs... anyone 2016

Salty milk and coins.

>Women should be allowed to breastfeed me in public.


>Why this retarded isn't banned

Aren't they ?

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Same reason we don't wear masks while we're sick. We're inconsiderate.


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Sure by why don't they simple put a vail over their tit/kid?

Thanks for clarifying it user.
Looking at online comments only it seems that OPs pic is normal.

You dumb fuckin abo inbred piece of shit emu worshipping faggot, you're supposed to breastfeed children for at least a year.


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based nip showing how it's done

Ahh, good old fashioned dick shitting nipples.

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*ahem* shitting dick nipples ackshually

Women should do things that PLEASE MEN.

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Why should they? You can use your own milk from a bottle or formula. It's public indecency. By the same logic, I should be able to shit in the street, I could use a toilet or wear a nappy, but I choose to shit in the street. Exactly the same thing. Fucking degenerate braindead breeders

Yeah I am in for free Bobs pics











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Babies drink ape milk to grow stronger.

wtf is wrong with you bong it's fucking nature and babies are obnoxoxious would you rather listen to a shit brat cry on a flight or look at some fat titties you fucking faggot what is wrong with you????


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Put that milk in a bottle, if you're breastfeeding a child it's probably in a pram so you have storage space for a cool box for your previously pumped milk. If your kids too big for a pushchair it's too old for the tit. Just more bullshit false empowerment from braindead women

They are allowed to breastfeed in public, that's why they do it retard.

can't blame the suckee for spitting out katerina hartlovas aids milk, that retarded eastern-euro slut did preggo porn.
fucking skag

Women will keep pushing the boundaries until their own destruction. Let them run riot, watch the world burn, then we re-dominate the planet and sort the mess out. You then use the historical facts of "women caNot be allowed power or freedom" to stop any future feminist uprisings

Holy FUCK. Where can I find more?
I'm so into breastfeeding but 99% of the stuff I find are unattractive women.

i'd rather chrilden were seen and not heard, preferably not seen at all.

fuck I want this

Id rather not take public transport like a peasant and/or punt the little shit out of the door as we left the runway. Fuck nature, kids should be grown in a lab. Breeders are low IQ reactionary retards who function like apes protecting their young. Enjoy school sports day while I snort Peruvian off my wife's tits faggot

i was agreeing with you until you said you had a wife and were snorting coke.
fucking sexhaver

sure but not around muslamms or kneegrows, they get chimpy when they see a titty.