What programming language is this? It looks beautiful

What programming language is this? It looks beautiful.

Attached: Screenshot_20190908-180311_Parallel Space 64Bit Support.jpg (1079x1282, 508K)

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Not OP. Can a person with zero computer knowledge learn it? I problem I had with coding was to learn the main subject at hand you need to know the basics and learning the basics takes up a lot of time. I am willing to spend a lot of time, but how many years is it going to take for me to completely understand it?

it looks like shit you cretin

The problem*

>completely understand
Odd goal.
Programming language is like mathematics; you only bother learning the bits you are actually going to use.
Don't sit there and think "I want to learn this language", sit there and think "I need to solve this problem using this language". Then you learn the basics through some short online tutorial then you use stackexchange to learn/find everything else you need to solve the problem.

Learning a programming language is not actually like learning a language.

Can't see the image for some reason, so I'm going to assume it's anything but Javascript.
Just joking, I actually like Javascript, come at me.

Its not a programming language

Sorry if I sound dumb. But, would I be able to do it if I've no computer knowledge whatsoever? Can I just get into python directly and only learn python? Or is it interlinked with other computer subjects? Say for example if I was an uneducated person who starts studying electrodynamics, I'll easily understand the basic reading part of it(definition part of it), but if I wanted to go in depth, It would be necessary for me to understand Calculus for its mathematical applications, Mechanics and other some other things.

Not OP, but I always hear people say "you need to solve a problem using this programming language" as if there needs to be a problem or I need to have an end goal in mind in order to even start learning the language. So what do you and others mean by that, and where are you supposed to start if you're a complete beginner? I know very little about coding and don't even know what I'd like to do with it besides learn some languges to potentially switch careers down the line, but I'd like to start learning.


It's python.

python is literally a script language for script kiddies.

It's retard friendly.

well, you must have some interesting project you wanna make.

if there's some compiler errors, you google them.
programming is like learning to play the piano, you learn it by doing it.

And yes, a non CS grad can learn to code, like me.

Yeah, but what kind of projects can you do with Python? I mean something 100% specific, not "lol whatever you want bro"

well, pretty much anything you want.
It has libraries to do almost anything, from games to AI to music analisys.

Right now I'm installing python on lubuntu to see if I can use a kinect I bought to do motion capture and maybe 3D scanning.

Programming is basically telling a computer to do whatever you want it to do.

Some people make crypto bot traders, others make 2D games, others make accounting software, others make AI machines that drives cars.

Again, it depends on whatever you want to make.

Attached: kinect.png (2423x900, 445K)

Well it's more "what can I do easily", with python you just use prebuilt libraries from the community. So instead of coding an email server by yourself with 1000s of lines just do "import email" (there's a bit more to it than that actually)

It's easy to learn and work with compared to other languages it's very clean.

As for what you can do with it I only used it for college and I had to make this voting application for single transferable vote. It was cool and I gave it a graphical interface using the tkinter library with graphs and to show how people voted (that took a while bear in mind).

Stack overflow & pip are your friends

Like others have stated, there are lots of existing libraries available. Most companies (e.g. Stripe, Twilio, Amazon, etc.) will also put up Python libraries and tutorials as well.

There are lots of different kinds of projects you can make with Python. I've used Python to create marketplace websites (Stripe), an appointment reminder system to send out emails and SMS messages (Twilio) on a massive scale. I've also used Python to automatically crawl and scrape websites for contact information.

>liking python

It looks like shit. It's for queers and it's made to look pretty with all the colors.

It's like a language in that sense. You can easily learn how to do certain things, like ordering dinner at a restaurant in a foreign language. But if you want to be a master, you need to know how code works on the lower levels and how memory calls and accesses interacts with the CPU. Knowing kernel calls and hard drive functions is also of some help.

Python. Fucking graphs.

As someone doing python for work, I can tell you it gets a lot less beautiful pretty fast.

Wait until you need some relative imports.


Learn hardware too. Learn how your code interacts with it. Code that isn't cache friendly won't run any faster on your machine than it would on a Commodore 64.

Learn about the cache. Learn about the branch predictor. Learn about the prefetcher. That's the ONLY way to write efficient code.

branch predictor. When those queer fuckers put statistics into the beauty of machine code. I can't detest them enough.

>Learning a programming language is not actually like learning a language.
it actually is if you dont learn it skin deep.

The whole nature of modern computing is like that. Caches and prefetchers are the same way.

Only real way to cover the memory wall. Like I said, without it, your code will run way slower.

We could maybe reduce our dependence on stuff like that with some alternative CPU designs, but nothing that wouldn't require a radical departure from the standard. More radical than the Itanium likely. Even then, we still couldn't get rid of it all.

That said, it's generally simpler than you'd expect. It's mostly that taking the same path over and over is WAY faster than taking random paths through code. With caches, how you organize data in memory makes a big difference, as does temporal locality (reusing recently used data is WAY cheaper than loading new data from RAM). If you depend on RAM, there are fundamental limits thanks to the speed of light, and your computer will be stuck at 80s level performance. With the prefetcher, there are simple memory access patterns that the CPU likes, and others it doesn't like. If you use ones it likes, it can cover some of the pitfalls of the cache.

That's what they all say and it's bullshit. Same thing when they started putting heat sinks on cpu chips and later fans. Gotta laugh. Mediocre design all over the place. I don't blame those who don't know any better, though. If I knew nothing at all about practical hardware design I'd probably swallow the same crap. I saw it all come down and it's why I quit the fucking industry. Am I glad I did.

I'm actually someone who goes against the grain on a lot of hardware stuff. There's merit to some of this stuff, and not other stuff. We really need to rip out Out of order execution. Replace it with something VLIW-like. More scratchpad memory. Bring back blitter cores. Put USB/network/disk controllers, etc. in the ISA so that we don't need a million lines of driver code to run basic stuff.

What about something as simple as true signal sync starting with video. None of that "asynchronous" access bullshit. Top level priority to video and input instead of network. It makes me furious just to think about it. All the shit that could have been avoided with just so fucking little.

>so that we don't need a million lines of driver code to run basic stuff.
Don't get me started with the fucking "drivers". I hope I don't have to see the fuckers who came up with the concept face to face.

That's another improvement too. I'm mostly just focused on other issues.

Just curious, you wouldn't happen to follow Jon Blow or Casey Muratori, would you? You sound a bit like them (not a bad thing).

No, I'll read about them.



What I mentioned is very closely tied to the core of what you said. For example, very few people today are clueless as to why the true function of some simple hardware boards from the 70s cannot be reproduced today by even the fastest of computers. They can only be simulated (emulated) and only to a degree. Examples, try re-creating the output of a Yamaha DX7's board on a "smart"phone or a computer. Not possible. Try it with pretty much any video game hardware board from the 80s down, not possible. Machines running at 1MHz speed with rather "simple" hardware, and they did get it right. No wonder hard science research labs can't even use most computers today for precision instrumentation (hardware) work, other than perhaps as 'desktop' office data terminals. It's pathetic.

Right on it.

Alexander Bus, nice touch. I'll see the entire material. Very nice catch, user, thks.

I haven't finished watching the clips yet but I'll say this before the thread is archived: This Jon Blow dude is right about many things and very very WRONG on some simple fundamental ones. I wish some old school guy would tell him this and where he's wrong, but fat chance in my opinion.
Old school ain't talking. Jon Blow is lost pretty much like the rest, but at least it seems like he KNOWS he's lost and he seems to be trying hard. Good for him. Don't give up. In my regard, it would be a cold day in hell before I let anything more of what little I know fall into the hands of this twisted, vapid, arrogant, pretentious and corrupted generation of bratty little turds. Very good clips, thanks once again. Cheers.

>not using solarized

I learned it and I'm an artist who sucks at math. I use it to make my art process more efficient. Python is super easy to read and understand. I'm sure some elitist chucklefucks are already in the thread circle jerking over "muh special secret langauge club", but if you want easy, Python is easy.

I finished the first clip. My goodness this is sad. And think of the odds, game-making is something I do for fun, but only in the hardware game programming kind of way, the way it used to be. This generation is screwed. If you're friends with this Jon guy, tell him to keep going hard. His effort is very valued and seen from the low level itself. I'll try the other clip. Good job user.

Shut the fuck up. You're an "artist", not a programmer, so just be content with what you get, math idiot fag.

>"you need to solve a problem using this programming language"
Let's use an analogy. Problem: You must dig a pit large enough for you to fit in entirely, but not large enough for, say, 5 people. This is a laborious task and time consuming task with only your hands, and can also be dangerous. If you want to reduce your exerted efforts, using a tool would be a good solution to this problem. There are many different tools, and some are not designed for your task. A shovel works well in this case. You could achieve your task using a drill, but you would have to use the tool in a manner that its design is not intended for, and it would be less effective than a shovel by far. An excavator could achieve this too, but would likely remove too much dirt. You'd have to make efforts to replace the missing dirt you need, and that dirt would probably not be stable.

Every tool (language) is something that has been invented and improved by those who came before you. Learning the basics of programming is the equivalent of learning how to abstractly equip any tool with some safety, but does not teach you what each individual tool is for, or the proper technique specific to that tool. Practicing with a tool hones your knowledge of how to use it, and when to use it. You don't see people going outside using an auger in their front yard every day for 3 hours to "just be prepared" for when they need it though - practice is and should be synonymous with trying to accomplish a goal once you are beyond the basics of safety and a particular tool's usage technique (syntax).

If you really want to learn, you can start hearing all sort of bullshit by going to college or by taking half assed advice from educated idiots like college grad coders or whatever, or you can toy around with the stuff yourself. Try this little playground, for example:
> ideone.com
For instructions read the faq and use the internet for good tutorials. If you're really into it you should have your first working program maybe in minutes. At first, take some sample code, "run" it and try to see how it works by changing one single little thing here and there. Here is something for you to do: Make a program that shows the result of the addition "2+2". Once you get it done, you should be on your way.

Just finished the second clip. There's much more to comment about than this kind of thread would allow. Sad.

There is a very important tenet in engineering which is "Keep it simple, stupid". If doing something with Python is easier than with another language, that's a strong point of Python. You should always use the simplest tool that gets the job done.

And python gets pretty much almost everything you might want done. There is a reason why Python programmers are the 2nd highest paid programmers language wise.

>There is a reason why Python programmers are the 2nd highest paid programmers language wise.
Sure is. Idiocracythemovie.mp4

This is what differentiates programmers from engineers btw. Code monkeys love to make shit harder than it has to be.

That's also why engineers make double what programmers do.

>There is a very important tenet in engineering which is "Keep it simple, stupid".
Quite accurate and descriptive, because it is for the "engineering" of stupidity. Keep on dreaming that current software programmers are engineers because a college degree says so.
>littlefucks seething as usual

Seems you measure "engineers" by the money they make. What a little fuck. I'm glad I'm running into one. What are you doing off reddit? Posting for advice on depression here?

>Code monkeys love to make shit harder than it has to be.
Harder for whom? For cock-loving talentless dimwits who think copypasting pretty code is good programming?

I can teach almost anyone how to go from not knowing anything to independently working on projects in 6 months, 6h/week. It is not that hard.
If you do it by yourself, make a plan for what you want to know and then follow that plan. Implement something you know how should work and expand on it to use as many things as possible.
My degree was basically 5 years of trying to get an LED to blink in the most complicated ways we could think of.
Start simple though.

>My degree was basically 5 years of trying to get an LED to blink in the most complicated ways we could think of.
Jow Forums always delivers.