Have you not noticed that the words "on earth as it is in heaven" is another way of saying "as above so below"...

Have you not noticed that the words "on earth as it is in heaven" is another way of saying "as above so below"? Also another thing that you may find rather interesting is the Wikipedia page on saturn in mythology "The potential cruelty of Saturn was enhanced by his identification with Cronus, known for devouring his own children. He was thus used in translation when referring to gods from other cultures the Romans perceived as severe; he was equated with the Carthaginian god Baal Hammon, to whom children were sacrificed, and to Yahweh, whose Sabbath was referred to as Saturni dies, "Saturn's day," " i know someone will likely say "but the sabbath is on a sunday so the biblical god isn't saturn" well of course the Sabbath is now on a sunday because jesus is a solar jupiterian figure and he is the face of christianity (and is the figure of the age of pisces. notice all the fish symbolism and the mention of 153 fish being caught, 153 is the number of the vessica pisces) but god the father (a saturnic figure, who is depicted in exactly the same way as every other saturnic god/figure e.g saturn,odin,santa/father,cronus christmas etc and even satan. an old man with a beard often called father) is still worshipped by Christians. The point to this schizo sounding rant is i find it extremely funny that i've seen Christians on here go on about saturn cults but they haven't gone deep enough into researching astro theology, occultism and saturn in myth to realise that their religion is a Saturnic Jupiterian one. also remember in myth jupiter is the son of saturn e.g zeus and cronus or thor and odin. I used to be the pol flavour of Christian before going down the rabbit hole can't say i blame any of you for not looking deeper when it's way more comforting to be christian out of tradition and having a set world view aswell as being able to brush things of as demonic, it's so much easier to think saturn is the god of the synagogue of satan only.

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Other urls found in this thread:


good info, have a bump

as per usual, an interesting non-happening thread will die before it even gets started. thanks tho, user

I like these threads. Keep going...

You realize that most of your "Knowledge" is schizophrenic delusions of 19th century "occultists" (read: Loonies), right?

die Satanic scum, this is a Christian board and we hate you and you LARPagans.

straight stupid

But Kronos was thrown down by Zeus, so I don't think that they're the Father and the Son, or that Yahweh is the Father. I think they're Osiris and Horus.

Literally the kind of person i described in the end of my post. how new are you? people seem to only act like this in their first to second year of posting here.

>thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Changes everything. HIS WILL. Not humanity making below like above...

Sabbath isnt and never will be sunday. Satan perverts and copies, deceive?...

Notice how the baphomet is an androgyne? it is a symbol of the unification of opposites. The vessica pisces is also a symbol of union of duality (jesus is often depicted sat within it). The crucifix seems to be symbolic of a kabbalah concept known as da'at, the unification of opposites (the two pillars) in the sun sephirot. When the tree of life is overlaid on a human body the sun sephirot aligns with the heart area, the heart chakra has the star of david, a hexagram as it's symbol (to hex = to BIND magic) 9/11 = ritual destruction and union of 2 towers into 1 world trade building

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>muh theory
no one here cares about your nonsense.

The hexagram is a symbol of union between opposites and so is the masonic symbol. Though perhaps something of a stretch the norse rune inguz that resembles something.like XX means fertility,the creative act (so union of opposites) and binding. just so happens the roman numerals for 9/11 are IXXI looks rather similar to both the rune and the masonic symbol between the two pillars wouldn't you say?

Your first sentence is correct, but then you devolve into the typical rambling nonsense about Saturn and baby killing.

Jesus was an enlightened being and the Bibel was edited at things like the council of nicaea
But still christianity retains good teachings

Not like today's judaism that looks down on goyim and wants to kill them or like Islam that says to kill unbelievers

As above so below is not satanic in the least
What is satanic are inversions and perversions
The sign of saturn is a broken star of David, a Perversion, imbalance
Female energy is supposed to be at the perineum, male energy is supposed to be at the crown
Tha baphomet is the opposite, an inversion, imbalance
And kundalini in the representation of baphomet stops at the third chakra, representing being trapped in he material
It supposed to ascend to the crown


Matthew 22:30 "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Angels have a very androgynous / feminine look when depicted in art. Also there's a massive rise in trannies perhaps they are trying to force this union and transcend duality here.

>another thing that you may find rather interesting is the Wikipedia page on saturn in mythology
read Seth God of Confusion be Velde

very interesting that Seth/Saturn was always associated with homosexuality and immigration

You forgot to mention all the pagan symbols Christianity borrowed, like the Christmas tree and the cross.

And even though it is all true, the teachings of Jesus Christ are still based and jews fear His name, so it's still worth merit, but I do agree that everyone should be aware of this knowledge.

That was from the Wikipedia article on saturn i quoted to show even on Wikipedia the connection between these saturnic figures are there. Also the child eating is seemingly just another version of the ouroboros though humans may actually do it out of ritualistic retardation idk.

That is not transcension
That is an inversion or perversion
I don't know if they believe that but it won't have that effect

The baphomet is the yin and yang, opposites together.
all things come from God, thus all things were one at one point in time, God separated all things into opposites when he created the universe.
God is love, he separates all for us to come together, as it was in God. To bring opposites together is an act of love. Man and woman coming together creates life.
man and beast, day and night, spiritual and physical, all essential parts of existence we are separate and also together under God.

I know the Ancient Greek Saturn Myth, it has nothing to do with Hermeticism or Judaism, and just because an ancient story exists doesn't mean people act out what that character did in real life.

Duality, yes
However, the baphomet is an inversion of that

Were all slaves. Everything is controlled oppositions. Most especially religion. The books arent real, we are bipedal great apes that came from evolution. youtube.com/watch?v=xRwy_rKc7gI

Its just primate occult larping to justify their psychopathy, ie being born without remorse due to an inbred mutation.

Its SATURday, the sun is SETting, we lost the occult war as human beings a long time ago. But its not to late to wake up. First time is to stop giving so much power to fake occult symbols and words. Stop playing sides. Think rationally and free simian humanity.

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wrong video. youtube.com/watch?v=mD_WuRZkbCQ

I could go on for ages mate about loads of shit like this but i don't have the energy to dump it all especially not in a well written way. Look up the sigil of the spirit of jupiter, looks very similar to the vril symbol. Jupiter (and jupiterian figures) for some reason seems to be associated with salvation where saturn is limitation. saturn seems to always rule a lost golden age (e.g in roman myth and with the garden of eden) and saturnalia/Christmas is a remembrance of it where societal rules were turned on their head.

Well they do belive in the sabbatean idea of redemption through sin, so yeah

>Yahweh, whose Sabbath was referred to as Saturni dies, "Saturn's day,"

This was introduced under Rabbinical Judaism which was a Babylonian/Cannanite/Satanic counterfit of Torah Judaism. It was created by the Babylonians after the captivity as a hyrbid between Judaism and the Babylonian paganism (Satanism) which the Jews had fought a literal military campaign against

Nice try tho

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I love these types if threads, they are fascinating. I have nothing to contribute but I'm gullible so I'm eating this all up. I do find the similarities in words fascinating, more basic things like German and English mäichen and maiden, and taking that same concept of a common ancestor word, and applying it to things like Saturn/satan is very fascinating. Of course you run into the same mistake of convergent evolution rather than common ancestor, maybe two independent languages came up with a similar word without any shared roots.

Reminder that Yahweh was going to have Abraham murer Isaac as a sacrifice to him, but then went 'Wait, no, never mind.' and had him sacrifice a ram instead."

>In The Binding of Isaac, Religious Murders & Kabbalah, Lippman Bodoff argues that Abraham never intended to actually sacrifice his son, and that he had faith that God had no intention that he do so. Rabbi Ari Kahn (on the Orthodox Union website) elaborates this view as follows: Isaac's death was never a possibility — not as far as Abraham was concerned, and not as far as God was concerned. God's commandment to Abraham was very specific, and Abraham understood it very precisely: Isaac was to be "raised up as an offering", and God would use the opportunity to teach humankind, once and for all, that human sacrifice, child sacrifice, is not acceptable. This is precisely how the sages of the Talmud (Taanit 4a) understood the Akedah. Citing the Prophet Jeremiah's exhortation against child sacrifice (Chapter 19), they state unequivocally that such behavior "never crossed God’s mind", referring specifically to the sacrificial slaughter of Isaac. Though readers of this parashah throughout the generations have been disturbed, even horrified, by the Akedah, there was no miscommunication between God and Abraham. The thought of actually killing Isaac never crossed their minds

So wait, Talmudaic Jews are against child sacrifice? You could have fucking fooled me what with their abortion laws and blood libel.

Wow, a good occultism post. Nice job user.

So Christianity is witchcraft?

Goats head and the pentagram. Goats head = a reference to saturn and Capricorn (saturn house of Capricorn) and pentagram being the microcosm / man / mastery of material?

Except, God does not identify himself with Saturn, you cretin.

Exodus 3:14; "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

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so what are your favorite books op?

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Indo European languages are linked. Aryans were almost everywhere, it seems they did invade india as well.

Exactly. Are they brainlets, or just insane?

Moses is often depicted with horns as he was the figure of aries the ram, remember he got pissed off when he saw people worshipping the calf the symbol of the age before Taurus. Also jesus said he will be with us till the end of the age, why end of the age why not forever? then he says to follow a man carrying water into his house, a clear reference to the age of Aquarius

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dont you think its fun that the sigil of Jupiter looks like a 4? (4chans)

probably just a coincidence, but I find it amusing.

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WTF? I love satan worship now.

So no human was ever sacrificed to Yehowah. This was a test of faith

Yehowah not only prohibits child sacrifice numerous times in the old testament - but its mentioned as one of the primary reasons to wage war on the Cannanites

The Canaanites created Rabbinical Talmudic Judaism as a hybrid between their paganism (which revolves around human sacrifice) and Torah Judaism.

The Jews eventually reverted to this pagan mystery cult during their time in Babylon. The actual God of Rabbinical Judaism is Baal and Ishtar (the Rabbis secretly worship Satan of the Torah)

With the possible exception of the Karites and Sammaritans there are no actual Jews left

the ''Jews'' of today descend from the confederated near eastern royal lines from Canaan to Persia

It's not an inversion, it IS that, it's a representation of that.
Pentagram = 5 points, the 4 at the sides represents the 4 elements earth, fire, water, air, and the one at the top (or bottom) represents the spiritual world that governs the 4 elements/physical world.
It's upside down sometimes because Magicians wear it as a pendant around their neck so they can see it right side up from their perspective.

When did you realize that in Genesis is says

Literally the first page

"God /Creates The //Stars// ///for/// signs, days, seasons and years"?

Which also means

"As above
So below"

God you guys are so slow sometimes

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That's not what it means.
It means that which is true in the physical world is also true in the spiritual world and vice versa.
There is also as within, so without, which means that which is true in the real world is true on your emotional plane and vice versa.
All things are reflected in each plane of existence.

None of this shit is secret anymore, /x/ has an entire free library of all the main occult texts in pdf.
I don't know why Jow Forums doesn't just read them instead of making shit up about baby eating, Saturn and cubes.

12 Tribes of Israel
12 Sons of Jacob
12 Apostles
12 Astrological Signs
12 Hours
12 Months
There is only the physical world, it's always been Sun worship caked with larp and ''spirituality''

You're a psy-oping glownigger

Rather than eradicate the Torah completely the confederated royal tribes decided to hijack it and use Judaism and Christianity as fronts. All the while they practice paganism (satanism) on the inside and created mysticism (like Gnosticism) as a bridge from the Torah periphery to the Satanic core. This is how they structured every religion that they hijacked. It also allows them to blame the Torah and NT on crimes that they commit as part of their pagan sacraments (child molestation, child sacrifice ect). This is how the whole system operates (Catholic Church - Rabbinical Judaism - Sufi Islam ect). They themselves are descended from the nephalim and are not fully human. In many western countries they make up almost a quarter of the population. They are a pan ethnic bloodline (genetic group) that are controlled by literal demons...thats how the conspiracy seems beyond the human capacity for organisation. They appear normal but are controlled beyond EDI hive-mind that links into demons which are located in mental compartments created through trauma rituals. The engage in open signalling and communicate through a system of homonyms. The spirit communication can occur while the front personality remains unaware of whats happening. Think of them as an EDI occupation force. The Bible is very literal in terms of what needs to be done about them at the end

I've heard that the upwards pentagram = spirit above matter / transcendence and inverted pentagram = the spirit enslaved by matter/the descent into matter. also upside down fits the goat head goat refers to Capricorn and saturn perhaps saturn was seen as a demiurge?

How does Baphomet relate to Saturn?

Exactly its a spooky looking depiction of god/the universe. Also, Isaiah 45:7 King James Version (KJV)
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." and retards still believe god would be only a half of existence, only good. Makes far more sense to be all of it

Strange how it somewhat resembles an inverted version of the symbol of saturn aswell as a cross while saturns looks like a hammer and sickle or a cross with a tail or serpent attached to it

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they CONSTANTLY try to equate Yehowah with Baal and Satan through a plethora of easy to spot parlour tricks. All Rabbis do it, gnostics, priests - many christian preachers - new agers ect. Anyone who consistently pushes this is of the serpent seed and operates under demonic control (as it is a major heresy)

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Know the game snakes and ladders? oddly seems to be esoteric aswell the ladders = the celestial ladder to heaven jacobs ladder (the planets) and the snake being a reference to the fall. Snakes like the ouroboros symbolise eternity/a cycle, perhaps our rise and fall is cyclical as described by the idea of a gold silver bronze and dark/iron age.

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hey op i have a family member who was illuminati

then denied it all on his deathbed and returned to church



you aren’t the only le occult boi around but you are a dumb one like all of them

your gay rant trying to position yourself before christ is pathetic

you wrote a bunch of lies

that’s sad

you’re a bunch of retarded jewish ripoffs

have you noticed your entire temple lodge is a ripoff attempt

go worship your fathers cock

you loser

John 3:14 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" numbers 21:8 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live."

>sun worship
How about you just learn to read instead of making stuff up? The emerald tablet is free for anyone to read.
I'm not following Jow Forums obsession with Saturn.
>Saturn eats children in Greek mythology, Saturn is sixth planet, 666, the devil, devil is depicted as a goat, just like baphomet, baphomet has tits and a dick, just like trannies, trannies are promoted by the elites, the elites run secret child trafficking rings, elites want power, power from the kids, they must be eating the children to live forever in occult ritual to worshiping Saturn!
It just sounds like paranoid nonsense and doesn't have any foundation in occult literature.
The goat in baphomet represents all beasts as a duality of human. Why did he choose a goat of all animals? I don't know. Goat is used in the old testament to relieve people of their sins as a sacrifice, "scapegoat" essentially used as what Jesus' role was, being sacrificed for other's sins.
But y'all wanna hear bout that, or some more schizophrenic shit about Saturn?

The original book where Baphomet image was first designed is online, maybe he explains why he chose the goat. We can sit here and make shit up all day.

Christcucks are fucking cringe, kys gringolem

The bible is fiction

>this is a christian board

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You're an idiot. As above so below refers to how man is like a mini universe, and atoms are also like a mini universe. Same model no matter how big or small you go.

You're tripping over the religious syncretism of the classical west, which is in conflict with the monotheism of Judaism. Yes, the Roman's would see Yahweh and Baal as different names for Saturn. They always drew equivalence between their Gods and other's, even when it was a stretch (i.e. Thoth-Hermes). In classical Judaism other gods, particularly other semitic gods like Baal and Moloch, are explicitly portrayed as false Gods.

That said, you are right that Christianity draws far more heavily on western paganism than most Christians realize.

Goat, Because Capricorn symbolism and Azazel,azazel offered scapegoats. Pic related = sigil of both Azazel and saturn. The goat head is related to saturn/binah, understanding. Ever think about odin (a saturnic figure) and his desire for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Even hung himself on a tree to learn. Jesus hung from tree (cross made of wood) crucifix = da'at

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Binah or saturn is up on the top left to the right is chokmah. over a human body they are located at the third eye (beyond the heart chakra/sun sephirot the other sephirot are unified) they are shiva shakti, object and subject, passive and active, fuel and engine. There is still something above them though

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so men are good and women are evil?

Apparently it represents Mercury, not Saturn
>Levi's depiction of Baphomet is similar to that of The Devil in the early Tarot.[53] Lévi, working with correspondences different from those later used by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, "equated the Devil Tarot key with Mercury," giving "his figure Mercury's caduceus, rising like a phallus from his groin."
>But the adorers of this sign do not consider, as do we, that it is a representation of the devil; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan, the god of our modern schools of philosophy, the god of the Alexandrian theurgic school and of our own mystical Neoplatonists, the god of Lamartine and Victor Cousin, the god of Spinoza and Plato, the god of the primitive Gnostic schools; the Christ also of the dissident priesthood....

Interesting quality post OP

No, they're both good because they're both of God.

Note the two symbols in the sun sephiroth. Strangely enough the depiction of kether resembles a spirograph design similar to a top down torus field or a magnet on a supercell perhaps hinting to an electromagnetic universe and the ether. magnetic polarity. A singular duality, ying and yang

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Mostly accurate, but "they" are a bit more tricky than you would think. The "game" is much more complex than any human can understand. Hint: 1+5+3=9

9 is the significant number.

no, it means that Christianity did not arise in a vacuum, but continued on a long tradition of philosophical/religious ideas that culminated in the arrival of God on Earth (Jesus).

Of course, Muslims would argue that their religion is the perfected culmination of these ideas, but then so would Mormons and any other religion after Christ.
I would suggest reading Decline of the West (or at least the parts where Spengler talks about the evolution of Christianity from its pagan roots to its final form) and Robert Campbell's "Mythology" series.
The pagan roots of Christianity doesn't invalidate it, it actually makes Christianity make more sense when you know the "how" and "why" of it.

There's nothing pagan in Christianity. That's just the catholic church, which is thinly veiled paganism/satanism. Worshipping planets/stars is strictly forbidden in the Bible, which you should read instead of your esoteric heresy.

Shut your motherfucking mouth. At least he's trying.

proof that communism is a Saturnic/Cronus cult of evil

Very interesting, i have also seen odin associated with mercury (and hermes. The wanderer/traveller theme seems to connect them) another connection to mercury is odin/woden's day is. Mercury is the bridge and guide, keeper of boundaries. The symbol for mercury is the hermaphrodite symbol. I'm going to have to look into this properly.

Very well done, good sir. Remember... everything is a microcosm, macrocosm, or euphemism of a general structure strategy elsewhere. You're closer than you know, and I love you for it. Keep up the good work!

Hows all this occult bullshit working out for you? You must be a happy person from all this effort

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Ahhhhhh yes... The Vril society achieved their summons. I will remember you, good sir. Beautiful stuff here.

Thanks mate appreciate you sticking up for me, i don't know how people can be content enough with what their told and not have any uncertainty at all, no desire to challenge their ideas or try to learn more.

>Have you not noticed that the words "on earth as it is in heaven" is another way of saying "as above so below"?

No, I hadn't. Hmmmm... Good post user.

The Father, the Divine Being-Consciousness, is omnipresent and omnipotent; in other words, all-pervading Presence (or radiant Space) and Power (or Spirit-energy). The Son, the disciple’s Self (or Buddha)-nature, is the same Presence as the Father’s, but the disciple cannot realize his True nature as the Son (or Christ, or Self, or Buddha) until the Father’s Power (or Spirit-energy) blesses him to the degree of full en-Light-enment. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s dynamic Power, or Light-energy. It is deemed a separate or unique Person or Body to differentiate it from the Father’s static nature as Presence (or Source). Ultimately, Reality is a Monad, but this Monad, the all-subsuming, indivisible Supreme Being, can best be comprehended and apprehended when it is approached from a triadic, or trinitarian, perspective.

>just because an ancient story exists doesn't mean people act out what that character did in real life.
the stories are created and used for political purposes


Yahweh isn't God you retard and they try to corrupt Saturday the of rest with their naming changes.
Kill yourself.

They don't matter. You do. Great job. You'll be commended for it at some point. You might want to screencap this thread. I'm listening... "1".

3, 6 and 9? 9 being the number of completion, end of a cycle. one of the "god" or controlling numbers of the "matrix" that all numbers fit into? I'm not good with math at all

interesting you mention saturn eating his kid. that goes well with god sacrificing his only son (jesus on the cross). and then there is all that cross, cube, hexagon symbolism.

good work user

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>Christians on here go on about saturn cults but they haven't gone deep enough into researching astro theology, occultism
Occultism (as its commonly known by modern people) came after Christianity, often using Christian symbols as either an antithesis or a justification. Modern occultists borrow and pervert from every religious tradition, so why are you surprised to see parallels in religious traditions that don't involve magic cards and jack o'lanterns?

congratulations on noticing similar shapes

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Have you noticed that without classical music there would be no punk...

It's like Aleister Crowly, if it wasn't for Catholicism there would be no Thelema.

Just because something exists doesn't make it the source. Just because something is similar, doesn't make it the same.

Also stop comparing lesser gods with the creator god. All gods that are represented by living beings are lesser gods.

Also Jews are polytheists because they believe in many gods, but they only worship the creator.

Youre listening? "1"? closer to what? Hopefully not sacrifice/"suicide"lmao, Commended? acheived summons? Are you related in some way to a guy called bodhi mantra?

Very good! Not perfect yet... but you are extremely close as well, and will be commended for it.

No my very curious friend. 9 is everything. Consider it a "countdown."

i can go on

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Nah, both are good and both are evil, but they need to be in harmony for the good to triumph.
God, love, the joint institution of marriage are all harmonisers.
Oxytocin is the relevant hormone here, it's what's responsible for pair-bonding and happiness (conveniently).
Happiness can most easily be found in union with a like-minded counterpart, someone who understands this similarly.
A child is the ultimate gesture and exemplification of this principle.
It's why the synagogue of satan does everything in its power to break apart the family unit, to break apart the yin and yang, to push birth control medication to women so they can't even feel this let alone understand it.
It's why abortion is legalised. It's why contraception pills are subsidised. In my country men (and women alike) have to pay for condoms, yet women can walk into any old clinic and get a plan B for free.

Conflict makes very fertile soil for satan.
Ironically the very harmony that gets shoved down everyone's throat by delusional hippie women is what's necessary.
They're just looking at the wrong people to harmonise.

I must go now. Stay curious AND humorous. You seem to have that already figured out... and "let's hope not."


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"You might want to screencap this thread. I'm listening... "1"."??? pic related is me rn lol

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For the normal crowd, did jesus marry?
Women are the thing that lead to sin, to truly get closer to God you must be married to your faith.

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