Help me get a fucking girlfriend

>Ask a girl to the movies.
>They rarely say yes but this one did.
>Get excited, we go see Don't Let Go. Theater was empty so we got to talk and shit.
>Drive her home and she says she had fun, I say I'll text her later.
>Text her that night asking if she wants to do work together after class.
>She says her boyfriend helps her do her homework.

Is it me? I didn't say "lets go on a date" but I just assumed she knew because it was just us two at the movies. Should I have said more? How the fuck do I get a fucking girlfriend so help me god.

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Tell her boyfriend that she cheated on him in the cinema with you.

She shouldn't have said yes and is a bitch for doing that.

You have to be happy being alone and being yourself or else you'll never have a fulfilling relationship

>n't Let Go. Theater was empty so we got to talk and shit.
>>Drive her home and she says she had fun, I say I'll text her later.
The weirdest thing is after I bought her food and bought the tickets, she cashapp'd me the money back, so she isn't a bitch, but I'm still confused.

I'm not depressed but I'm seriously agitated. All the girls I meet are nice people, they're just not interested. And I don't really know what to do.

Focus on improving yourself, relationships are overrated unless you find "the one". They take up allot of time and money, which you can in the meantime use to focus on improving yourself.

Trial and error my fren

I'm not perfect. I'm not the most fit, and I am not the smartest. I'm not religious. But i see myself as enough. I just want to be loved, but I can't seem to find someone.

First rule: don't go with a girl somewhere where she can benefit from. So don't go to cinemas, restaurants or any place you will pay more than for a cup of coffee. This bitch just wanted to get some entertainment for free so she agreed to go with a cuck like you. Better ask her out for a walk (girls really like that) or for a cup of coffee like I wrote earlier.
Second rule:
>Should i have said more
No you didn't have to, but you could have just met a thot who uses unconscious guys like you to get free things. Sorry user but that's how the world works and there are many retards among us. Don't give up and ask out girls until you find a valuable one. Don't think about those thots after an unsuccessful date just go find another girl.

But she paid me back, that's what is odd. I thought she wasted my time too but then I saw the cashapp notification. It's so odd.

Ok so maybe she lied about having a boyfriend. She was interested in the beginning, but after your date she thought you're not her type. Sorry user, shit happens.
You also wrote
>Ask girls for dates, they rarely say yes
How do you ask girls out? Do you just approach girls you don't know and ask them out or what?

This girl just seems like an odd one imo, you didn't do anything wrong. Definitely seems like it was clearly a date to me. But like you said she paid you back, so it's not like she was taking advantage of you or anything. Just move on and don't give it too much thought.

I try and just be friends with them and if I like them and I feel like they'll say yes after around a couple weeks or a month I ask em to go out to eat or some shit. Usually they just say they're busy or can't that day which I take as a no.

Did you flirt with her at all? She might have just thought you were friendly

Well I'm retarded so no matter what I answer I think the correct answer is "terribly"

>Is it me? I didn't say "lets go on a date" but I just assumed she knew because it was just us two at the movies
Sorry for not reading previous posts, but how close are you two? I'm assuming not much because you didn't know she had a boyfriend. There is chance a girl could potentially think it is only a friendly invitation, but only if you already have a friendship established. Plus, asking someone to a movie is basically the most cliché date possible, so the chances are even more thin she was not aware

>How the fuck do I get a fucking girlfriend so help me god
How old are you? Also, how ugly/unattractive are you? I ask this because I was very clueless when i was younger. I kissed for the first time when I was 18 and she was drunk, and even after that I kept being very awkward when it came to girls for a good 4 years. I only got reasonably decent at getting girls after my 1st gf, which sort of happened out of (drunkenly) chance

My stance right now is that you should well, keep asking girls out. Asking for a movie is really an obvious date, and if she said yes it likely means you were at least decent up to that point (of asking her out). I haven't asked anyone out in a while but I suggest already saying your intentions upfront, as in:
>Hey, you seems really nice and I would love to go out with you sometime. How about a movie this Friday? I really want to see that Don't Let Go movie

1/2 cont

>I'm not
>I'm not
What the fuck are you besides an average fucking push over?
Fucking loser cunt

My actual suggestion, though, is NEVER try to impress a girl. That only seems either bad or desperate. When I was clueless I always tried to make smart remarks, or maybe push the conversation into some sexual stuff or something I was thought made me look cool, and it always turned out terrible. Now a days what I do is that I simply talk with girls with no real objetive of trying to impress them, and actually I get a lot of attention/positive feedback. I talk about things I think they might think is interesting, ask a little bit about them, tell a little bit about myself, make funny remarks

One thing I actively avoid (and sometimes make an effort to show how little I care) is trying to be cool/manly/whatever. I make jokes about myself if the situation calls for it, and admit when I don't know something or when I suck at something, and I never try to be manly at all. There is of course a matter of balance, but when done properly, it shows a lot of confidence, and confidence win girls. Also, I never lie, though I do often avoid some topics that could backfire. For instance, I'm a huge nerd for board games but I wouldn't bring it up unless I know the girl is also into it

Cont 2/3 it got big sorry

Here an actual example that shows a little bit of the things I said on : last time I had a date we went to a pub to drink and chat. Eventually I escorted her to her car and we started making out (ps: I remember that just before we kissed I was telling her how my mom destroyed me on the last family paintball session I went to). At a point she said she would like to go somewhere private, so I said we could go to my place, but since we were both driving we thought it made sense to go together with a single car. We then went to my place with her car, but when we got there and I was about to open the door, I remembered I left the keys to my place on my car. So I simply turned around and said:
>So, how much would you still want to make out with my if I told you that I forgot my keys back on my car downtown?

So what happened is that we had a little laugh, she drove me back downtown, I got my keys from my card, and she drove us back to my place and we banged. Sure, I felt stupid when I realized it, but since I was already screwed I just played cool and it worked. We actually dated for some time and that moment was our little joke

But my point about this story is because it really examples how I operate:
>just before we kissed I was telling her how my mom destroyed me on the last family paintball session
Just a tiny example of me not trying to look cool. My mom is a tiny old lady and she destroyed me on paintball

>We then went to my place with her car
A lot of man would feel the need to drive their own car, but I thought "letting" her drive would be a good way to show I don't care about showing off how manly I am

>So, how much would you still want to make out with my if I told you that I forgot my keys back on my car downtown?
I did something stupid, but hell, that happens. Whenever I do something stupid on a date I just roll with it and joke it off

3/3, hope that makes sense

I think she just wants to be friends anoon or she is fucking with you. You can become friends with her while you keep looking for someone else or I recommend running the fuck away, don't get caught up with any nonsense and don't listen to

Just run.

You will find someone

Don't be needy, don't seem too interested, don't be too boring either etc. All the same shit you have heard a hundred times but it works. You will probably fail many times but each time you do you have learned something and you will be better off for next time.

>I try and just be friends with them and if I like them and I feel like they'll say yes after around a couple weeks or a month I ask em to go out to eat or some shit. Usually they just say they're busy or can't that day which I take as a no.
This is way too long to wait to ask them out. Women usually show signs of interest pretty early on. Waiting this long and being friends shows you have a hidden agenda, and you're a beta. Both are hurting your chances. If you like a beautiful woman be up front and ask her out, and then get to know her on a date.

Do you have any passions? Find your passion, find your confidence in yourself to believe you are the best, and then find your girl.