The holocaust never happ

The holocaust never happ....

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you are correct, it was typhus and starvation. everyone in germany was suffering from it at the end. it should have happened though.

The holocaust never happened.

why aren't they burned and turned into ash then? were those bodies lying down in the gas chambers and dragged out when the germans didnt have time to cremate them?
does the holocaust just mean jews died now?

>Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the Holocaust was a Jewish fraud.
>Recently released documents, closed for years, show that the total number of deaths in "concentration camps" is only 271,301.
>There were 6 million Jews dead: this claim is an ordinary fabrication *.

Fucking Germans used noclip to put 6 million bodies in 1 cart

i saw your thread on this last night leafbro, the red cross claim has been been long argued and makes sense
is that link anything new on it or anything official by the poles?
because if not it will just be ignored as usual, sadly

Meh, there was a systemic effort to intern the heebs. Used for slave labor and some were de-facto death camps. Most died due to food shortages and diseases sweeping through the camps though, after the allies bombed the infrastructure to shit.

Still doesn't excuse their thieving ways and the fact that WW2 was a battle of Fascism vs Communism, where the US solidified it's grasp and became the first superpower. Europe was brought to it's knees and is to this day and age subject to falsified record of history to shame their people in compliance.

I really don't care if it happened or not. I didn't have anything to do with it. I don't owe you kikes shit. Fuck off.

Yeah the anglos are cruel bastards bombing supply lines to the camps like that.

The same records that were recently released in Poland were the ones released by the Russians when the USSR collapsed in the 90's, further corroborating the evidence that there was no systematic extermination going on.

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wtf guys

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I forgot to use the options field, my mistake
here's an archive of the translated Polish site:

the final part of your statement, although true, happens because of the first part, but your first part isn't what is claimed that causes the second part. The americans, british, japs, soviets(the worst of the bunch) all had labour camps too
if somehow the holocaust myth, of how it is claimed to have happened, could be dispelled and widely accepted that european shame could also be dispelled


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dont forget the 13,000+ that died under anglo occupation as well. typhus is a bitch.

Nuremberg was the biggest cover up in history.
>let's just kill everyone that knows the truth


There has been a concerted effort to label any and all questioning of facts and events related to the holocaust "holocaust denial". Retards like you come about with incredulity stating "How can you idiots not see there are jews in camps!! I can't believe you're denying this even took place!!"

This is an obfuscation of what people who are questioning the holocaust are saying en large. Of course there were camps, of course jews were there, of course people died. The point of contention is very important: intentional systematic genocide of a group of people as a policy of the German government. A photograph of dead bodies loaded into a truck do nothing to prove this case. What killed those people? If your answer is "being in a camp" then you're a retard. Did any Japanese die of poor treatment in American internment camps? The answer is yes. Was the United States waging genocide on the Japanese people? No, obviously not. Death in the camps as a matter of circumstance is something you retards don't want to discuss. Bombing industry, bombing civilian populations, a two front war, the German population dying of disease and starving themselves. A complete and total breakdown of society. That's what Germany had in 1944-1945.

If anything, these prisoners were killed by the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. Had they not destroyed the Germans' means to supply and keep them alive, they wouldn't be corpses dead from disease and starvation.

Funny how people who are certain the holocaust was a thing can't explain why pics from American Civil War POW camps look virtually identical to the ones from "death camps" in WW2.

They burned the bodies to keep the virus from spreading.

Just like they did in the Spanish influenza, where in some countries they would pile up bodies and burn the bodies

sure looks like 6million to me

it was never 6 gorillion

more non jews died in the camps but nobody mourns those poor bastards

holocaustianity can't be question you anti semite, how dare you

Did not happen cuz Jews are no human.

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This kills the frog kike

Oh hey where are the remaining 5 999 970 LMAO