Burguer empire Is fall in , is now Time for México and Latino américa to look for the future

Burguer empire Is fall in , is now Time for México and Latino américa to look for the future

The chinese dragón Is now awake

Its over burgers , you have already lost all your allies

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Chow mein tacos

>south america
>relevant in any way

Your entire GDP doesnt rival Mississippi
There were 78,000 murders in Brazil past year, more than the entire Syria conflictm m

No one cares, subhuman

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Fuck chinks fuck bugmen fuck u

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our allies have made us weak and ignorant. good riddance and enjoy your future 6 day work weeks.

You know how inportant Is México geopolitically and how important Is having México as a Ally ? Or are you just a retard nigger ?

>shilling for either imperialist power

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the entire world economy is fucked.
You think China won't go down as well

There are a dozen shitholes that are like yours. You would be replaced before you could even finish wiping your ass with a stale tortilla.

Good, come get your people.

>wipe your ass
You fat american fucks must miss being able to wipe your own asses

OP is a actual agent
Communism, especially the ones sponsored by China and Russia, is the reason why Latin America is in the sorry state that it is in. Communism will never work as long as their are competitors, and any communist nation will spend it's entire capital in a vain attempt at stomping out competition, failing as any state with even slight capitalism will outrun it in time.

Latin America should become independent capitalist states fully utilizing their resources to stake their part in the global economy, instead of being a fiefdom of America or Communism.

Pareces piendejo we, ojalá los chinos metan sus palitos por tu culo

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Sorry, I don’t speak Hebrew

actually curious...what do you miss most?
Not being able to wipe your own ass
Not being able to wash yourself without lifting your fat flaps
not being able to see your own penis without standing in a mirror and lifting your belly?

>Its over burgers , you have already lost all your allies
No, they still have Israel.

Just gonna throw out the idea of a united north and south America called Mega America again. We could claim the whole world if we all worked together.

Why? Because you make substandard Ford trucks, and siphon billions of our dollars back to your country? Oh my, how will we survive without you?

Yes you are a retard nigger

Like ir or not we are neighbors AND thats Is a bit matter in a war we can just calle Russia and fuck your ass

Economically usa and china are figthing for having México as a Ally , you can put all economic sanctions in china , china only need that México buy the productos that they want and then buying these products todo México

Sounds horrible.

>United north and south
In order for that to happen we need to have US,Canada, and probably Mexico or Brazil to agree to it. Then it would be a slow process of squeezing out the smaller countries

>”americuh fat”
>returns to hacking child cartel members to death while frantically trying to keep the mosquitos at bay
What’s next? You going to make fun of our clean drinking water?

>Russian economy can handle a war of any caliber.
> the US and China are fighting over who gets to use our children for sweatshop labor, look how valuable we are!
If you act up you’ll be replaced by a country that is equally as shitty and no one would know the difference. This uppity Brazilian user would probably race to the greenhouse and start picking the avacados we use you for before replying to this thread.

Don’t we have enough unskilled, measles-carrying third worlders already? That’s basically a plan to expand welfare dependence

Cool. Does that mean you will stop coming across the border?
Also, do you think China is going to treat you better? If yes, lulz.

>remember the 78 gorillion murders goy
The murder statistics are fake you brainwashed mutt

Bro you already lost, we have mora than 40mil of mexican living un the usa sending 35 billones dollars to mexico annually, we are replacing you

The next big think to look Is china , you are in extinction

Sorry but Is the true

That's great, we Chinamen will to get bang all your white women in South America.

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There aren't many truly white women there. Maybe Argentina. You Chinese need to breed with South Americans and Africans ASAP.

Why does Every Faggot With VPN have to come in here an Shame us More By Spreading This Bullshit??!!!
Our sole existance is enough shameful as it is

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