What to do about how fucked we are

I just got out of uni class and Were so fucked guys, everyone assumes the left-wing narrative is normal, everyone is so weak and fragile. I cant even speak to them , what do ?

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What left wing narrative are your rebelling against today my dude?

Move to burgerland and prepare for civil war or kys

People don't exactly go around signaling that they're heretics in a theocracy

Mess with them a little.
Make them think, give them some easy shit at first.

You sound like a whiny bitch. If you feel strongly about whatever it is then speak up.

Train for war.

no fap


Every essay/article sample in my textbook is either about gender, oppressive men or rape. Its a fucking english course

>I cant even speak to them , what do ?
Start studying a proper course instead of gender studies. In engineering, science and economics conservatives and liberals (actual liberals not american "liberal" communists) are the majority pretty much anywhere.

Yeah. Great idea then waste my education fighting off a bunch annoying sjws

>my dude?

Do you know how I know you're an incel?

>special snowflake edgelord thread #9630124

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Forreal, But its so burdensome to pretend im a normie


Im on nofap, but theres no point if the people your interacting are retarded

the only option left. Leave them behind and seek other individuals like ourselves and propagate to outnumber the retarded amounts of lefties. Most of them are in cities so just go out and be a farmer or something and build a pure white family with racist values that are trigger happy.

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Where in leafistan are you? Move innawoods Charlie, study something based like engineering or learn a trade, work with men instead of soiboys. Pick a career that allows you to travel for work and live in bumblefuck nowhere. East coast has cheap land, cost of living but little work opportunities. I live there, work away. It’s gravy.

Because I'm on Jow Forums during work hours?

Yeah a lot of modern writing is on that, sort of how things go.

Are you by chance studying gender studies? Because that would make sense for those things to be there.

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>Its an english course

Pretend to be their friends. Form LOSE connections with them. Then "accidentally" sabotage all their leftist/globohomo/zog plots from within.

You must outjew the jew.

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I know your pain, but learn to be a chameleon, don't expose yourself. Fuck the system from the inside.

Try to be creative and beat themat their own game.

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