Why does twitter ban conservatives for simply being conservative, but allows pedos to have accounts and be verified?

Why does twitter ban conservatives for simply being conservative, but allows pedos to have accounts and be verified?

Attached: image.jpg (1536x1732, 1.1M)

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yea that one always confused me. I thought they overlooked it but the fact that they moralize over the tiniest bullshit but let pedo shit go free every fucking time i no longer think it's overlook. It's intentional. Sick fucks.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they were run by pedos.

First, Jow Forums hates conservatives. Second, YouTube is run by pedophiles.

Twitter I mean. Both really.

You just want the right to be hateful lol. No one cares about your stupid concern trolling.

Bump for visibility. Fuck these leftist pedos!

Is that allowed ?

That's just an edgy joke, you retard. Thought you were all for non-PC comedy.

Or, I want lefties to be held to their own standards, pedo.

Do you not know what a double-standard is you retarded memeflag nigger?

Of a conservative made that joke, they’d be banned.

Attached: HACKERKNOWNAS4CHEN.jpg (772x431, 57K)

Pretty funny joke 2bh

Because conservatives are literally worse than pedos.

They protect their own.

one support them the other do not

Yes, but unironical, they are. Conservatives slash social funding, force christian values and literally regress society in every possible way. The other group just doesn't conform to your closed minded heteronormative ideals

But there's no use in arguing with nazis on pol

>everybody to the right of Bernie is a Nazi
This is actually helping the right.

Fuck off, Canada, no one likes you.

yeah, but the side making these comments does believe in ultra PC in everything else. What anyone elses opinion is does not matter. He is saying it with the context that it is bad.

It has been made clear by the MSM that they consider ANY use of the "ok" hand sign is offensive and is blurred out as censorship. Then they ignore the people make FUCKING PEDOPHILE jokes and do not think that is as bad as the "far right".

Because Twitter is not the basis for morality.
Morality comes from God. Not government, not corporations, God.

At least here you can speak without having a mob scream at you, throw stuff at you, and shove you. The ability to at least post an argument is still there unlike at universities where you are screamed at and not allowed to communicate in any way because you believe different.

Attached: 1549026177028m.jpg (1024x480, 70K)

>Some guy on twitter posts an ironic pedo joke
>That pedo is a leftist!
Try some other bait.

Attached: everyone i dont like hillary.jpg (680x802, 71K)

Why contain it ? Let them go nuts, we wont convince their kiddy followers and the freaking normies. Let the shit pile up, just like in california, I ´d like to see some reports on boomers stroking out on realizing: they arent joking

If he has a checkmark, he's a leftist. Why are Canadians so fucking insufferable?

It is ((their)) platform. As the tribes of man continue to become more hostile towards each other their social halls will become less diverse. I.E. the stereotypes of whites in church, Jews in temple, Muslim at mosque, /us/ here, ect... the society that holds sexuality above all else have claimed reeeeddit, twatter, and RBJTube as their holy grounds. If west coast tech wants to be the church of fags, pedos, femnazis and "minorities" they have just as much right as the mormons do to Salt Lake City. Remember, a separate place for every race. The small scale online raids and sporadic shootings are all a precursor to the Big Boogaloo. Just be ready to kowabunga my dudes.

>because verified lefties have never been exposed as child diddlers
He might have possibly comitted a crime
Reciept of child pornography

>still verified serving 35 year sentence
Just noticed his banner image as well...nice

Attached: verifiedpedo.png (1841x640, 2.32M)

Whats the joke..? Where's the punchline? Did anyone actually laugh?

Same could be said when you guys say “hang niggers, 1488!”

It goes both ways.

No shit
>Whenever i open the twitter link on /po/ their kike algorithm always manages to ban me

Fuck jewtter jerberg and jewgle I hope they get shoah by next hitler 2.0


This I tagged one of this OP mentioned tweet to kike thernovitch guess what twitter immediately banned my account.

This conservative are just too soft and politically correct radical rightism is the only way we can defeat these psychos

You'll get the rope

Except hanging niggers is just and moral while watching child porn and wanting to fuck kids isn't. Not only that, but those tweets were meant to be """jokes""", people that say stuff like "hang niggers, 1488" are aren't joking.