You're a massive faggot if you're a climate denier

Imagine getting shilled for this long and this hard by a bunch of rich bastards in suits that are actively making bank at the expense of your future

>February 29, 1980
>the American Petroleum Institute hosts a meeting with its CO2 and Climate Task Force comprised of fossil fuel industry representatives from Exxon, Texaco, and Standard Oil. The meeting was called to discuss research needs regarding the rise in atmospheric CO2, to establish API’s position on “climate matters,” and to edit API’s technical letter to the Department of Energy.
>...Predicting a global average of 2.5 degrees C rise expected by 2038 with “major economic consequences” and a 5 degree C rise by 2067 with “globally catastrophic effects,” the report concludes that there is “no leeway” regarding the “time for action.”

>Exxon slashes their funding on CO2 research, originally made to understand how future energy policy could impact their business model

>Exxon's position is to, "emphasize the uncertainty in scientific conclusions regarding the potential greenhouse effect."

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The facts you stated are hurting my feelings. Therefore you are fake news.

Reminder to read this book for the most unbiased assessment of climate change by a NASA scientist

Except billionaires are donating fuck piles of money to all these pro climate groups

OP can help stop climate change by KHS (or Killing Xer Self, Killing Xi Self, Killing Xy self) to halp save the planet.

If OP does not, it just proves that he/she/xe/xhe/xir/xam/xi doest not care about he enviroment and wants the earth to die and votes Trump and is racist homophobic Islam and black p0eple hater...



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Climate change is happening with/without humans, and it doesnt matter either way.

Give me a single fucking reason to care about the future of humanity, when you are social engineering my racial replacement? Why should I fix the earth when it's just going to be inherited by niggers that won't even be grateful?

Well obviously you didn’t even read the little information OP provided. It says large margin of error, so the effects may be seen sooner
That also means they may be seen much later, dipshit

it's not that Jow Forums doesn't think the climate isn't changing, obviously it is. I don't like our societies, let God burn them if he feels it is the right thing to do.
It's not like paying Alexandria Cortez or Al Gore 10$ trillion dollars will solve the problem and you're a fool if you think they should be trusted.

Global warming is a lie. Suck it. We are having a cool spring. Its the ongoing super grand solar minimum. Its the sun and we won't be going back up till 2100. Cold times ahead.

It's not a lie you turd brain.

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if you believe tell us your ideal CO2 ppm

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It's not a lie, massive pollution does affect the environment and destroys wildlife. Global warming just a bad name for the phenomena.

the why

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have fast they backtrack from the science of CO2 pollution

>1 post by this ID

Fuck this board. Honestly.

[citation needed]

Climate change is unironically the least of the west problems.

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Who the fuck cares?

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Global warming is a conspiracy theory. Changing it to more weaselly phrases like "climate change" and inventing even more weaselly phrases to insult people who don't buy into it "climate denier" doesn't make it less of a conspiracy theory.

You are an insane conspiracy theorist and so is anyone who buys into the "climate change" scam. Go away.


you've been cited for being a leafy faggot, happy?

Least of our worries you cunt. Stop being a faggot and put your time and efforts to actual issues bitch.

Didn't Al Gore also say the world was supposed to be in flames by 2010?

who gives half of a fuck anyways
not me

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I dont deny it at all, I just completely disagree with your fake concern for third world era and your obvious efforts to use it as a power grab. Until you get serious about the planet, I’m going to keep dumping motor oil down the drain

Al Gore is not a scientist. Why do boomers constantly cite him as some reliable authority?

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There's billionaires and corporations and governments on both sides of the issue, so I don't worry about it. I worry more about soil erosion, and insect population collapse, fertilizer and plastics contaminating waterways and oceans. Nobody is making money sounding the alarm about those things so I mostly trust everybody's motivations and think it's not a bullshit made up issue like climate change.

The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is determined by the temperature. The more that CO2 warms the earth the more water vapor appears in the atmosphere.

this. i almost regret even having kids

If you really gave a shit about emissions, you’d ban imports and shut down the global economy in favor of localism and you’d let all the niggers in Africa die. You don’t want to do that though so it’s pretty obvious your agenda is really just a mask for global anti-whiteness.

Thats because of sulfur aerosols being released into the atmosphere in the 60 and 70's. They have a cooling effect and people seriously think if global warming gets bad enough we may have to purposefully release large amounts as a counter balance.

Agreed. The end can't come soon enough to wipe our degenerate species from existence.

>Imagine getting shilled for this long and this hard by a bunch of rich bastards in suits that are actively making bank at the expense of your future
you mean Al Gore

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Until there is a worldwide regulation on population, and shitskins aren't allowed to reproduce with reckless abandon, I will continue to shit on liberals who push for crippling regulations on the West.

What a sad waste of life you are, thank goodness you will never amount to anything or make any meaningful difference in our future. Probably the kind of guy to think he's edgy for throwing his beer can out his F-150 down the highway and bitching to the cops and giving them the exact speech he just posted.

imagine being a 1 post memeflaggot

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It will balance itself

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>how about you fags actually prove your hypotheses on climate change
remember when you stupid fucks got bitched out by some nobody armchair scientist

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>“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors—we borrow it from our children.”

>climate denier
some people really believe taht c;imate dosen't exist?

>j-just believe me, goy!

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It's still way too much currently. It was too much 40 years ago. I don't care if it will be balanced in the future.

Real talk, climate change is real but you're a moron if you think your country should voluntarily cuck itself while the developing world pollutes on an absurd scale.

How will it magically "balance itself?" Nigs in Africa lived and evolved making war on each other, enslaving each other, and primarily through subsistence hunting and gathering. If suddenly their environment has more food from foreign aid, they will breed to match it, since they don't have to spend as much time hunting and gathering. Prosperity only reduces population because people are busy working or learn how over populated we are. Nigs won't get that busy because they have no ability to delay gratification. What will cause the decrease? Will it be starvation from a lack of food aid, genocide, or will nigs suddenly become prosperous, smart, and have fewer children? I'm not holding my breath for the last one.

fact climate cannot and do not change also there is no science behind it...99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the co2 in the cycle is from ocean evaporation all we can do is marginally increase the cycle.

also there was and is no atmospheric rise in "co2" once again you have no idea what you are talking about

"climate scientist" aka person that does not have a job any fool that ignores the cycle of gases and the insane supramajority of ocean evaporation

What are you doing to fix the problem?

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You’re right, OP. The world will be underwater by 2012 if we don’t act now


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that's not how It works dumbass

WRONG. it'll be on fire by 2010

thats all fake science as well, dead plants, fires, leakage from fissures, volcanoes etc. per day release more co2 than all cars in a year by a huge margin...and of course ocean evaporation oxygen to co2 is neither a plus or a minus by them all Co2 in converted oxygen same space...same colume zero addition or subtraction...its a fucking cycle people its a perfect equilibrium only the distribution percentage is converted. "co2" does not increase without oxygen increase and vice-a-versa.

There is not such thing as a "greenhouse" gas there is no hole in the mythical "ozone layer"

This iron mountain fake jew bullshit is literally scare porn and fear mongering for distraction, control, and oppression/monopolization and prohibitions against you from exiting out of their prism

Ok honey if you wanna talk about Global Warming and COfucking2 why are you bothering us ? Go ask Chinese if they are going to lower their production or not because they are creating much more pollution then US and EU together.

By the way sun is at it's minimum so also sun is behind climate changes too.

>climate denier
Horrible terminology

>rising sea levels would put most of manhattan under water.

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Agriculture is the worst thing we do.
The only solution to climate change is a global collapse, and a return to barbarism nothing else will stop consumers from consuming

The 16 biggest container ships emit more than all cars on the road

If politicians really wanted to cut back emissions they’d ban companies from (((outsourcing))) to overseas rather than carbon taxing the shit out of the poor over here

Uh water bottles out of water um like paper water bottle things

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Al Gore said that California would be underwater by 2014 or 2016 or something.
I'm not a "climate denier": I whole-heartedly wish he was right. I WISH California was underwater; a lot of things would improve.
But he was wrong. Along with all of the other alarmists that he cited. They were all wrong in the 70's, and in the 80's, and in the 90's, and in the 2000's. I'd be an idiot to trust them in 2019.

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I don't deny that Earth has a climate.

but we need them to ship all the electric cars with nuke waste level batteries created by strip mining toxic elements

> thank goodness you will never amount to anything or make any meaningful difference in our future
I support Climate Change, and I vote.

Fuck OP, you're right! We better ship all our manufacturing to another country we don't give a fuck about that doesn't have those laws right away! Oh wait....

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>Al Gore said that California would be underwater by 2014 or 2016 or something.
lets see that source bud. otherwise, making shit up yourself and believing it is just incredibly stupid

The sun blasts out electromagnetic energy. The sun is producing more now RIGHT THIS MINUTE than ever before in recorded history. Our clouds are basically giant capacitors and since the sun is busting a massive nut on earths face, that energy is going into the clouds which causes crazy weather. If the solar actvity died down, the climate change bullshit would be over

google it faggot. algore has been wrong so many times it's hilarious. but green fools have made him millions

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It's called "An Inconvenient Truth". I don't have a quote on that EXACT thing I said, but he was basically implying that.

btfo by a leaf. surrender your citizenship and gtfo my country

We should tax more to save the earth.

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And investing fucktons of money in Carbon Offset Credit banks that they'll make billions on, there are already derivatives teading on them. Another way to siphon capital away from citizens into their bank accounts.

>You're a massive faggot if you're a climate denier

I don't think that there is a single Jow Forumsack who denies that climate exists.

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I thought we were nearing the bottom of a grand solar minimum?

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Hey retard, politicians, shamans, and religious leaders have been telling the masses they can control the weather since the dawn of history.

Imagine being unironically stupid enough to believe them in 2019.

>Imagine getting shilled for this long and this hard by a bunch of rich bastards in suits that are actively making bank at the expense of your future
You're talking about the climate science lobby right?

This and checked.

Okay mr 1 post by this id, care to enlighten us on how it works? Oh you’re a jew ip hopping? Fuck you, discarded.

I think this is the biggest problem.
When people ask me about "climate change" in person, the first question I have is "do you expect the climate to NOT change?"
If that's the case, then kill yourself, because we live in the fucking Matrix and you'll just wake up. If the climate IS changing, then that means we live in a universe with functioning laws of physics.

>if you're a climate denier
there is most definitely a climate

Keep ip hopping kike, no rational thinker believes you.

Yeah fucking whitey! Pay up! You ruined the environment time for sum repareshuns!

What was that?! Nah who needs vehicles, property, food, personal space. All that's making carbon, and carbon is a big no-no!
What did you say? China? 3rd world countries? India? Ain't nobody got time for dat! Surrender your rights and freedoms whitey! It's for your own good, for your future, think of the children!


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Worrying about it is a waste of time because pollution comes almost exclusively from asia.

a climate of fear and uncertainty

This shit have been going on forever. When I was a young kid, the catastrophe of the moment was the coming ice age. I was paranoid, but my Dad said we had lasers so I got over it quick. He lied to me, as those that predict global catastrophies lie.
Did you know that as Henry Fords Model T rolled off the production line in 1908, people like you were claiming the end of the world was upon them...
Yet here we are, in 2019 faggot, and you will never ever have a leg to stand on.