I voted for Trump in 2016 and I will admit to being disappointed in some respects. However...

I voted for Trump in 2016 and I will admit to being disappointed in some respects. However, I plan to vote for him in 2020 because I don’t see an alternative. This is a chance for all the anti-Trump posters on this board to convince me to change my vote. Hurr durr muh Zion Don isn’t good enough, I need alternative names and detailed explanations of why they should get my vote.

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how about not voting NPC sheeple

>just dont vote
might as well vote straight democrat ticket

I love that on both sides the only argument is that the other side is worse. Nobody has any goals or ideas. There isn't a great plan or hope for a better future. No, it's just that we don't want the other team to win.

This world is fucked. No matter how you vote we're all doomed. That said I'll be voting for Trump because he seems like he'll kill us all the quickest.

See you all you faggots in hell.

take the ted pill.
civilization as we know it has always been doomed.
the only hope is to do everything in your power to become independent of the system before it collapses

>not voting is voting
this is your mind on orwell

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Kushner approved MIGA all the way!

Imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance needed to believe that JIDF would be shilling against Trump. Cringe.

This right here. This is probably about the best economic climate we're going to have for a while, and maybe it will extend beyond 2020 if the Jews don't throw a financial tantrum.

>everyone that is upset with trump is a concern shill or paid shill or some kind of shill, no matter what
this is the brain of a pede

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it’s not cognitive dissonance, they’re just retarded. they actually believe the most jewish president in history is hated by jews. kek

dont you see? thats how the rigged game works, the only reason anyone votes is "muh sides" which is really the same, and when someone like a JFK gets in the PERMANENT STATE WHO YOU DONT GET TO VOTE FOR remains in control, voting has always been a scam that monarchs and oligarchs "gave" you for the illusion of choice

This is the quality of post I was expecting. 0.02 shekels have been deposited into your accounts

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based awooo!!

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>tell me why how my jew tactics got exposed and how to fix it
the post

Holding back a laugh

That's exactly what it is dumbass.
You know how we mock women that say they were raped when in reality they were just too fucking pathetic to let the dude know they don't want to fuck?

That's non-voters.
Your passivity is equivalent to consent for all intents and purposes.

>durrrrrrrrr if you don't vote blue team will win!

Blue team will win as long as AIPAC wants it to. Voting is meaningless, Trump outright proved this more than anyone else in the past 70 years. Yeah, the President that put the guy that wrote the Patriot Act onto the Supreme Court is the true defender our freedoms.

The #notmypresident doesn't actually exempt you from federal laws. Not voting in a system where majority vote, regardless of total percentage of population, wins does indeed mean you might as well have cast your vote for the political group you agree with the least if you abstain from supporting the lesser of two evils. Anything else is narcissitic delusion stemming from terminal big brain syndrome, it ain't perfect but it is the system you exist in and refusing to play just surrenders your own agency.

Same. Trump has my vote. Still no better alternatives. I mostly just wanna see the mass leftist suicides when he wins again in 2020. And I'm gonna spend every second rubbing it in their faces everyday and making sure they're more miserable than they have been for the past 3 years.

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I'm upset with Trump, but I don't make threads about it or whine about it on Jow Forums all day. What the fuck would that accomplish other than undermining my own side's morale?

People who attack Trump on Jow Forums, clearly think Trump is the most important enemy that needs to be addressed. Which is highly suspicious in a world full of countless openly and virulently anti-white politicians and activists that are better deserving of attention. Don't give me that "kill a traitor before an enemy" bullshit either, as there are hundreds if not thousands of traitors at every level of our government actively undermining us that NEVER get attention.

Only one sort of person thinks Trump is the most important subject of every conversation, and that person is a shitlib with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

So voting for Ron Paul instead of McCain got Obama elected? Nice logic, faggot.

No, but a vote for Paul might as well have been a vote for Obama. He’s right, two-party system is a bitch

>might as well vote straight democrat ticket
gun grabbers vs gun grabbers, I'll pass

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I started supporting Trump in summer 2015 after he announced. My support was strong and unwavering. In 2020, I’m simply not going to vote for anyone. The only thing that could bring me back and give me some enthusiasm about voting is for me to literally see the brown people around me disappear. He should invoke the Insurrections Act to remove the invasive hispanic menace before 2020 hits because otherwise, he’s just a Democrat who yells a lot to placate his supporters. I’m fucking tired of it.

>Voting is meaningless,
Then why haven't any of you big talkers done anything to attack the system yet?

You couldn't ask for a more target rich environment, our enemies prance out in the open shamelessly, and our lists are thousands long. Yet not a single one of you have done anything.

>of McCain
A nigger was actually better

I think voting McCain instead of a third party protest vote is the only vote I regret so far. What a terrible pair of candidates to choose from, and I should have realized it was going to go to Obama anyway by the time they added Palin to the ticket. Oh well.

>The only thing that could bring me back and give me some enthusiasm about voting is for me to literally see the brown people around me disappear.
Why would you even have a reason to vote then? Your whole supposed motivation for voting just vanished.

If he started removing spics then voting for Trump to maintain the policy is definitely worthwhile. Voting when he does nothing is what’s useless.

If voting actually worked, it would not be a two party system if people voted for a third party. The US has at least 5 different political parties, so why is it always considered a 2 party system?

answer me this new fuck.
do the Jews control the media? yes or no
if the answers yes then how the fuck is it cognitive dissonance to think the Jews are shilling against Trump? CNN, NBC, ABC, + ALL OTHER MAIN STREAM MEDIA all shill against trump. The preach the Mueller report, impeachment, and don't cover spy gate at all. Tell me how the fuck that's helping Trump .

Here's another one. Do the Jews run Hollywood yes or no? If the answers yes, then how is it cognitive dissonance to think Jews are shilling against Trump when all of Hollywood is SUPER anti Trump. Like maximum TDS in effect.

If the Jews are really pro Trump why have they been using every ounce of power they have to bring him down?

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You didn't ask for Trump to remove spics, you asked for Trump to make them vanish.

Because we have winner-take-all voting. If you’re not first you get nothing, so only the 2 large parties (DNC and GOP) have a chance at anything

If Trump recieves pushback from his base he'll have no choice but to address the concerns and potentially change course. However, if his base decides to support him unconditionally like you suggest, he has literally zero incentive to do anything.

Are you fucking retarded? Screw off with your semantic games. If he removes them, they disappear from my life. Removal is exactly what I and other Trump supporters want.

Trump has moved the Overton window and given us a few more years of free speech and the ability to do business. Beyond that he is a massive failure with no wall, no arrests and no disclosures. Of course you should vote for him again though. The second he is gone we will be in overdrive toward globalist techno-communism and a thousand years of darkness. He was supposed to stop this and turn things around, but alas he has only given us a temporary pause. Personally I prefer that the pause continue for 5.5 years rather than proceed to what comes next.

>However, I plan to vote for him in 2020 because I don’t see an alternative.

That's because you believe the mans bullshit about every other politician and how he's your only hope, lol

if you ever want to vote for someone you actually want elected, and have that vote count, you must first stop handing your vote over to candidates running within power structures that have no incentive or desire to change the US to a ranked choice voting style system (which is to say, any Democrat or Republican, as those two are locked in a death-spiral and neither one wants to see RCV)

I would like to see a McAfee presidency. Trump's madman levels are nowhere near John's.

I can't say it any better than him -> pede you need to understand what he's saying...
this place is capable of massive influence, causing massive waves. So of course people post here.

>so only the 2 large parties (DNC and GOP) have a chance at anything

Ron Paul and Ralph Nader do not become Democrats because they lost.

>This place is capable of massive influence, causing massive waves. Therefore we should be good little goys and support Trump uncritically and cheer on his kikery. Hurr Durr

>Therefore we should be good little goys and support Trump uncritically and cheer on his kikery. Hurr Durr
You're confused user, I was advocating for people who do not support trump or are unhappy with things trump has done to not always be dismissed/called shills
So basically the exact opposite of what you think
It's cool fren we all get confused sometimes.

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>this place is capable of massive influence, causing massive waves.
Nope, thinking any one here has influence over the election is wrong as trump only got elected thanks to christian evangelicals and Unionized workers.

It's funny seeing how the Trump shills can't even defend him anymore and they've switched to "at least he's not as bad as that other guy" excuse. Which is exactly where the situation was before, putting us right back to square one. Next elections gonna be pretty pointless and underwhelming. "at least he ain't that guy!" isn't as enthralling as MAGA and drain the swamp.

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fuck off riddler

My bad I was confused by the format of your post.

Riddle me this batman, whats 13% of...niggers commit a god damn lot of crime batman

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Goym feel sleepy

We started out with he's not as bad as the other guy. I would have voted for a 5' 2'' mountain of dog shit over Hillary. What was there was Trump so he got the vote.

>clearly think Trump is the most important enemy that needs to be addressed
correct, and they are right. he's the President who was elected to Drain the swamp, build the Wall, EO Anchor Babies, End DACA, End Obamacare, End H1B/2B and he has literally done NONE of it. Meanwhile Americans who voted for him have lost relationships, jobs, been discriminated against and assaulted all the while Amnesty Don basks in the love of his dear Israel. Fuck Trump

oh i get it. if we vote for trump in 2020 he will do all of the things he promised to do in 2016. sorry. we aint niggers. oh, and it wouldnt matter anyway. the undercover liberal faggot trump's open borders policy has flipped TX and FL already

i am waiting to throw my support behind McAffee until I see him eat his own dick

Yeah, yeah, I agree with this, wholeheartedly.


Only a Zionist will be allowed into office, and regardless the CIA and kikes actually control America, not front goys.

it's called a false dichotomy you MIGAnigger.
They give goyim two choices - only one or the other is allowed. Anyone who mentions other options is dismissed as supporting one of the two controlled choices.

You should fucking kill yourself Moishe.

if anything you should attack this guy
i mean just read it....mega yikes