Prove this wrong

Prove this wrong.

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the reason any conquering society destroys the one that they are conquering is because the population of that society actively facilitates the cognitive will of the people and if a opposite or conflicting mindset or control mechanism is in place in the other dominating population it will cause a rift within the structure of that society which is being commandeered if not fully addressed through the extermination education or rationalization of those being taken over

Europeans conquered for land/resources. Stop being a faggot.

hunter-gatherers live short and violent lives

You can conquer without destruction if you're aware of how the system functions. Also derogatory terms are not beneficial towards articulating your intellect.

This is one of the most retarded pictures I have ever seen

>Prove this wrong.
Prove that right.

They used to but in this technologically advanced an age there's no need for hunter-gatherers when automation and a well-defined structural ecosystem exist in which the people who dwell within live in a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship with the ecosystem they come to inhabit. We are far from that but now with the technology we have we can definitely move back and relieve a lot of the unnecessary and burdensome toils of mankind we've come to find inadating all aspects of our society

It also keeps weaklings from breeding. You have to be able to survive in nature. Have to learn how to hunt, cook, fish, use plants to your advantage. Weaking reddit office nerds would not be able to make it, sounds like a good world to me.

imagine being so ignorant that you attribute so much more motive to genocide than "muh land"
So peaceful much love natives were so nice

This is actually one of the biggest issues I found within our society is that people who would not normally be able to survive to maturity are allowed to thrive and propagate to the point of their own detriment

When they refuse to use chemotherapy on their children and attempt to use their "Holistic Shit" to beat cancer, they die. They can't live without many Western Inventions/Technologies, their IQ is literally 50-70, the didn't even have metallurgy. If the British didn't take them over someone else would have. Also, they were all about raping and kidnapping the women and girls of other tribes.

Must be nice living in a fantasy world where 'what ifs' are more of a reality than reality.

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You are pretending like the entirety of planet Earth and all Humans live in the same system you do. There are still tons of places where people live in the Bronze age and Stone age still to this day. THEY are NOT ready and THEY do need to live as hunter gatherers.

>It also keeps weaklings from breeding.
Yet, got conquered and wiped out by a few Europeans. Such strength having to survive in nature.

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I can’t, your IQ is too low to grasp what my response was be. The very first line is wrong

basically, Jews. If we all noped out of society tomorrow imagine the kvetching. They require our participation to survive and then take 80%

Friendly reminder these 1 post threads are uploaded by bots with the sole intention of sliding the few decent threads to page 10 because newfags always fall for obvious bait

that's all only relevant within each individual tribe, they fought wars much like us and prisoners of their wars were sacrificed. not to mention, a few hundred miles to the south people were rolling heads down pyramids, ritual sacrifice and unhinged brutality is in the blood of every native american.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

We were lambs waiting for the slaughter by any civilisation. Be it the aztec or the samurai.

Bonobos and chimps don't need any of those things either.

They got destroyed because their culture and technology were primitive.

>did not need roads
They could not construct them. A good deal of them were nomads.
>did not need money
Lack of abstract thought.
>did not need hospitals
Oh yes they did.
>did not need technology
Bows, spears are technology. So is hut-building.

>they lived happily
For about 30 years.

>close knit
Tribal warfare.

>deep spiritual

most were already dead before white men ever set foot in the americas

In a way, the native american culture IS an antidote to the Jew World Order as are all individual indigenous cultures (including European ones, which are being systematically wiped out like the natives were). This is because the New (Jew) World Order seeks to destroy all culture and replace it with a global mono culture along with a singular mutt race of humans, easier to control.

In case you haven't tuned in yet, we're not on the same team as the "European Elites" you hate.

Now kill yourself faggot.

We didn't do shit, faggot. Yeah we purposely killed off the guys that payed us 10 pounds of gold for a 200 year old flintlock and a canvas blanket. They never paid us to kill off their rivals or tried murdering us after their leaders sold their land for firewater. Fuck off.

being a dumb yid doesn't help much with an argument either, yet here you are.
>leaving the enemy behind after you have taken over the land
yeah that's how you lose dipshit

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Why did all the tribes Kill each other like savages? When white men do it its different and bad, why didnt you faggets make a wheel, you might of won the war.

He can't

>Noble Savage

dont forget they CONSTANTLY massacred each other.
but its easy to pretend like it was a peaceful utopia isnt it?

>kremlin thread

What is infant mortality, life expectancy... I’m not even going to continue. Fuck you public school idiots. You were getting babysitting service for 12 years... how can you post something like this and not know how stupid you are? Don’t you ever just have a moment when you realize you don’t know shit about basically anything? What is like to watch jeopardy and not know even half of them, even with unlimited time? That is not a genius show by the way, it’s just trivia. For fuck sake. I’m a teacher, and I can’t fucking stand it anymore. Kids come to fifth grade that can barely write their own god damn name legibly.