Is college worth it?

Is college worth it?

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learn to code

Depends on what for. It's generally less worth it than you're led to believe.

If you study something that makes it pay then yes if not then fuck you.

community college => state school => professional degree (eng) or finance or accounting => you're good

anything deviating from this path and you're just exposing yourself to risk

Med student here.
College is worth STEM (look it up)
All non-stem is not worth it with a few exceptions:
Business (@ private school)
Computer Sciences (anywhere)

Your best bet if you do not wish to endure 4y degree is to go to a private trade school. There is a shortage of professionals in plumbing, electrics, autotech, etc
However these are manual labor jobs and will only provide a decent living for a person viable of manual labor. Should your health decline, so will you income.
These tech jobs have a bad reputation as those employed typically partake in addictive behaviors (e.g. alcoholism, smoking, recreational drugs)

Hope this helps.

Depends what you're looking to do for a career

Unless you're going for a highly specialized job (medicine, lawyer, etc.) you're better off doing internships and using connections to make your way in the world, without the burden of college debt.

add computer science and math of course. but you need to be non-retarded socially to fully make use of those degrees, just saying. also depends WHERE you get those degrees (geographic, not "what's the prestige of your school")

science degrees can be utilized, but you need to be really really good. the best. so it's risky.

everything else in social studies is risky. you need to network.
if you're in behavioral science or business shit-tier degrees and you're not networking through a frat or something, you'll be selling yourself short


not OP but im hoping to get a degree in biology

With college and hard work you may Still live paycheck to paycheck but you get to live big pay check to pay check. Fresh vegetables and fruit everyday, organic. High quality meats, grass fed, free range. Able to give to local charities. Exciting recreational opportunities. Afford longer comments to Live in rural areas with clean air and clean water.

*longer commutes

Go to hell

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Yes if you're doing STEM or medicine or law or finance or accounting. But it seems with all the competition now fewer and fewer fields are a sure thing. Much of STEM will be easily outsourced or drastically downsized in the coming decades.

Me? I wasted 4 years being indecisive and now I'm a tradesman. Turns out the tradepill isn't so great when you're loaded with student loan debt. Oh and now even the nonunion rats are getting undercut by even cheaper, shittier """"""Texans"""""" which definitely helps.

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Federal reserve user said to go for computer science. Learn to code.

Yes. If you major in electrical engineering.

You a plumber? I heard they just did away with their plumbing board.

The best course I have seen is professionals who go to trade school, then get into the workforce early, then, once they have earned a decent amount of savings, going to a university for a business degree, then starting a business in the trade that they know.

Quickest way to make 6 to even 7 figures by the time you’re 30 years old

Its a gamble, even if you major in something not completely retarded.
every field of study is saturated to fuck, so finding an entry level position after you graduate is the hard part.
Its not so bad once you finally manage to find a way in and get a few years experience.
be prepared to deliver pizzas and stack boxes for a few years until you do though.
even internships these days want a year or two of work related work experience.

master in engineering here.
take home after tax is $4k every 2 weeks. I live in michigan.
I would be hard pressed to spend that much.

Depends. Are you willing to move to a city for the opportunities? You have to keep an open mind. There's plenty of jobs but very much varied when it comes to biology job prospects. There's much worse, desu. I say go for it if it's your thing.

>All non-stem is not worth it with a few exceptions:
What are you talking about, you pseud?

No I've heard troubling things about them for a while but my craft is also badly fucked. Between nonunion competition and cheaper union crafts trying to steal others designated work, average wages and benefits are going way down, save for a shrinking handful of good ol boys who got in through the backdoor.

Not sure how long-term CS is going to be a good route, given the influx of mf'ing Indians we keep importing for way too many tech jobs, but maybe. Everything else sounds good except "going to private school" literally at all.

don't do trades, your body will feel like shit at 30 years old, also you'll drive all over the fucking city to jobs for free, a 1/12th of your life gone for nothing, just sitting in your car pissed.

>Is college worth it?
Did you make any connections within the field you're studying?
If yes, then yes
If no, then no

College is 15% grades/GPA and 85% connections, everyone you have class with in your major are competition, want that 100k+ starting job when you graduate, well so would they and there's only a few positions available, so why should a company hire you when a person who knows the right people will get the job instead


I think long- and even medium-term it's a good investment, short-term it's ambiguous. A lot of tech companies are waking up to the fact that while H1Bs work for less, they also deliver success significantly and inproportionately less often.

t. work at a tech company that stopped hiring H1Bs and fired most of the incompetent ones after missing a target by a large number

> computer science
> not STEM
Real American hours

You can be an autist and make a lot back from computer science. Just do something that has plenty of market value and pursue that. Try to do things that interest you (e.g. history) as electives.

Whoa, I know only people who are surrounded by incompetent Indians in a business that has never learned how poor an investment they are.

White-pilled to hear that's not the story for everyone. Good to hear!

have sex

Auto tech here, can confirm most of my current and former coworkers are or were alcoholics or hooked on pills. I smoke weed myself.

Pay's decent, you have to buy at least a few thousand in tools, but then you sorta become your own mini business since you can do work on the side for cash. Apt mechanics are in short supply, so if you're not a complete dunce, you have enough clout in any given position to gently tell your boss to fuck off on occasion without blowback. Formal education and ASE certifications will be what you need to get top dollar.

It fundamentally depends on where a business is in its life cycle, all of the billion dollar industries are damaged beyond repair (partially because of minority hires, but also because traditional business hierarchy only scales well to a certain point), but are kept afloat by automated money streams

Small, medium, and even newer large companies don't have guaranteed money streams they can throw at failed projects and employees without consequence. Cybersecurity especially (my field), a series of moderate fuckups by a small number can ruin the entire company's name

If you aren't completely fucking retarded, major in actuarial science. You have to be really good at math though. I dick around all day on excel and sql while listening to music. Get paid a damn good salary and full benefit plus a mid year and end of year bonus. But seriously, you need to be really good at math.

learn to have sex code

College educations work two ways

Broad, formal education in the Humanities is centered on ALL subjects such as Maths, History, Language, Philosophy, Religion etc. of the WORLD.

Specific, narrow educations like STEM focus on one area only. STEM majors can elect to have a broader education, but it takes muhc longer to graduate, but they're well-rounded students of Life in general at the end.

You just have to ask yourself what type of education you want.

Kinda yeah, My degree got me one of the jobs i wanted, i dont make much sure, but thats fine as i enjoy the job i have.

living pay check to pay check in a job i hate would be hell. but i make enough to live and enjoy myself and the stuff i do.

also im planning to take part in the Jet program thing, because it seems like a fun experience , only have to do it for a year. And the only real requirement to join is a college degree, i dont have a teaching degree, but that doesnt mater all you need is a degree. so that's a bonus aswell.

Also i did some research on joining the Military/Navy a few years ago, didn't do it , but thought about it. if you have a Degree, you can go straight to being an officer, and can avoid all that grunt work human fodder positions.

Just having a degree opens doors for you.

>Computer Sciences (anywhere)
Computer science is a meme degree, which is why there's such an overwhelming amount of people in computer-related fields that do not have a CS degree. Study literally anything other than computer science and learn to code outside of academia. Better yet, get a help desk job and go to school part time, learn the things you want to learn, then drop out. Climbing the IT/software development ladder is pretty easy.

Someone with a degree in accounting who can write some quality code in a couple languages will outperform some retard with a 4 year degree in proving graph coloring is equivalent to boolean satisfaction that's never had a real job in their life.

>Is college worth it?
Studying the humanities helps the serious student learn to be human.
Read Miriam Joseph's The Trivium (public domain) and save yourself four years and a lot of money.
And try to find something you enjoy doing that people will pay you to do.
But if it wasn't work, they wouldn't pay you.

bio is great if you plan on going to school post undergrad. perfect major for med/vet/dental (dental especially is a worthwhile career for a lot of reasons).
but unless you plan on going into research and making shit money at the mercy of govt grants and universities, I'd advise against it.
don't pick bio because it seems like the closest thing you're interested in. it has very little flexibility outside of science careers.
biology is not a major you go into without a plan.

This is the exact tract I'm on for engineering. It's cheap and costs almost nothing if your poor. Pell Grant's pay the rest.


is self-teaching to code really that easy though? i struggled massively to learn the basics of R in a stats lab, and that was just the fundamentals with plenty of resources to help me.
it didn't help that i hated it, but i can't fathom teaching myself python, javascript, or ruby. let alone all of them.

yea but only if u get a useful degree

Why do lazy zoomers today refuse to go out and get good jobs? It’s easy, son.

All you have to do is type up a resume, submit it online, pull up the job application, enter information from the submitted resume into data fields, take an online psychological profiling test, wait a month, get a call from the HR rep, schedule a phone interview, get a call two weeks later, set up a Skype interview with the HR rep and hiring manager, get a call two weeks later, set up a physical interview, go to the physical interview two weeks later, interview with the HR rep and hiring manager, set up a full-round interview, go to the full-round interview two weeks later, interview with the HR rep, hiring manager, potential fellow co-workers, get an offer letter, set up a drug test, criminal background search, credit history search, go to the drug testing two weeks later, set up a meeting with the department head, go to the meeting two weeks later, walk up, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake. Then he’ll smile and welcome you aboard to your first unpaid internship.

That’s how we did it in my day.

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Yes, you end up in the same situation but with more knowledge, dropping out is my biggest regret

>college means living paycheck to paycheck
if you get a degree in political science or gender studies, but if you work in a trade you won't run into these issues.

I only took computer science because I didn't want to go to college at all, but I was forced to.

So I took something I was interesting in learning. Overall, I'm glad I took it, but it didn't have a huge affect on my life.

Get into GIS it’s booming

Also potential to work a lot innawoods alone :3

I love my job

Most people sleep through humanities and barf out whatever tickles the TA's fancy, then forget everything.
The only way you can be sure a student likes the humanities is if he challenges his professor by praising fascism on his final.

You can either teach it to yourself, or you can pay $60k to teach it to yourself after unlearning all of the mistakes taught to you by some faggot marxist who has never worked professionally in computing.

finance/accounting degrees are a dime a dozen. their are hundreds of thousands of them floating around having come out of college learning nothing you can't teach a halfway intelligent person within two months of on-job training (sans CPA, but who the hell wants to be that?)
instead of getting a generic business degree, you're better off majoring in something that will let you take a variety of classes that will give you some soft skills like Communications. Or a flexible STEM in which you can carve your own path like Environmental Science/Studies.

i used to encourage everyone i know to go into the trades, but then i realized if we (tradespeople in general) keep doing that then we will devalue ourselves..

this. web dev school is $250 in the south. do that and in 14 weeks you can get a job with an average starting salary of over $60k.

t. just finished a 4 year degree that took me 5 years and $45k for a job in finance making nothing

i made a thread for a Jow Forums college general a little while back. shopped this image too.
i hope this catches on and becomes a regular thing for us summerfags

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>Is college worth it?
STEM education is a myth. Study STEM and some non-STEM topic like business of finance for the Big Bucks.

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Drop the M in STEM, if you do pure math without econ, stats, partial diff eq's or CS:

You are simply fucked.

GIS sucks though. unless you're in the tiny percentage of people who like fiddling around on a computer deciphering models and doing weird math, then you won't make it thru the coursework.
idk about actual careers that are centered around GIS, but I know that nobody has anything positive to say about GIS classes.

i don't think anybody actually majors in STEM without taking some business classes. (unless they're going pre-health or something)

You have a BA and aren't teaching or working in HR or management because.....? What language did you take during uni? I'm taking Russian. I plan on working for the government as a Eurasian analyst.

Math major CS minor, never took a business class. And math is in the liberal arts school too at my uni.

wait, hold on...since when does life sciences make so fucking much? how does that NOT include healthcare occupations?
researchers don't make dick unless they go into pharm, environmental/natural resources all go into low paying legal/public office jobs, agriculture doesn't pay that much...where is that massive bump coming from?

Never having a student loan feels great

If you learn to skateboard you will land that hardflip and roll away smooth

>start business
>don't live paycheck to paycheck

How did you fall into a shit factory job with a BA? Help educate me so I don't ever fall into your situation user....Were you fired for touching the special ed kids?

That's not salary you illiterate

cs is science you retard

Paycheck to paycheck is the reality for most people. Even tradies will be living paycheck to paycheck if they plan on doing anything but living in a cuck shed and dying childless as their body withers away from the constant abuse.

looks more like a pop-shuv to me

cs major here still in college. Literally cant stop companies from trying to hire me as an intern for 20+ dollars an hour. IT and software development have nothing to do with each other. You're a retard. Have sex

I just saw a snippet of a graduation ceremony and most of the people graduating were fat nigger and spic women getting liberal art degrees. Good luck

What about math majors?

>is self-teaching to code really that easy though?

Yes. It's extremely easy. You just have to find an area somewhere in programming that you actually like, then it comes naturally.

True, but only for non-skilled labor

Sometimes I see these threads and I wonder if half of you guys actually followed this little flow chart, or advice which is spewed here.

>CC college
>Electrical engineering
>State school Electrical Engineering
>Have 2 semesters left
>Apply for Internships
>Get a few interviews, but get declined for all of them
>Now almost mid june and scraping the barrel
>Even Fast food places won't hire me, because college student and will leave as soon as August comes around
>Start applying for 2 Year EE positions

Its all bullshit just so you guys know. A lot of it comes down to luck and connections.

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300k starting

shut up student faggot you know nothing and are going nowhere in life


In the sense that it gives you a piece of paper that says you are better than other people competing for the job for reasons? Absolutely. For an actual education? Not a chance in hell.

t. Recent purdue grad.

good for you, dweeb

If I could do it again id choose electrician.

I have a doctorate and make great money. I'd rather have started earlier and built up my own company. I'd have started sooner, and by now be making much more than I currently am.

>2 semester until I graduate
>JUST now start applying for internships
There's your problem, retard. You fucked yourself. Why should anybody give you an internship when you didn't give a shit before you needed to graduate?

Maybe he got a shit BA like I did in communication, about the worst degree you can get along with gender studies. Having a BA in no way guarantees a good job because there are so many worthless degrees.

>luck and connections
I’d say a lot of it is how marketable you are. Not always fair, but that’s generally how it is. I didn’t take a dedicate; networking class as a CS major but still landed a high end job as a network engineer. I didn’t know as much as 75% of the applicants, but that’s not what they were really after.


Did I touch a nerve? Oh well...maybe don't diddle the kids next time?

Good luck, you bitter old cunt working in a factory making nothing. Hope you don't die too bitter, faggot.

I'm a Harvard graduate working in private equity. AMA about college and recruiting for serious jobs.

This...and work the whole time. If you're in Californiastan, if you wait until you're 24 to file for a fafsa you'll at least 3 years of gibs even if your parents are rich.

Spoken like someone without a trade.

lol 4 year cs degree here, manager at local MSP, salary $130k plus bonuses

>All you have to do is type up a resume, submit it online, pull up the job application, enter information from the submitted resume into data fields, take an online psychological profiling test, wait a month, get a call from the HR rep, schedule a phone interview, get a call two weeks later, set up a Skype interview with the HR rep and hiring manager, get a call two weeks later, set up a physical interview, go to the physical interview two weeks later, interview with the HR rep and hiring manager, set up a full-round interview, go to the full-round interview two weeks later, interview with the HR rep, hiring manager, potential fellow co-workers, get an offer letter, set up a drug test, criminal background search, credit history search, go to the drug testing two weeks later, set up a meeting with the department head, go to the meeting two weeks later, walk up, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake. Then he’ll smile and welcome you aboard to your first unpaid internship.

^Fucking this

Hiring Managers/HR people are the fucking worse.
I had 2 phone interviews with the same company. I thought I had that Internship. Now I have to keep dealing with several of these online applications. All of which feel like I'm being ignored. until I get an Email from the HR, asking to set up a phone interview. Then they decline again. Its a complete waste of my time to have to keep going through this process

I really don't believe that meme though to be perfectly honest. Every degree has a place, people just don't know where to look. I keep asking my friends who are either graduating or are already graduated and struggling for employment if they ever bothered to ask the faculty of their programs for help and they all said no.

is harvard as gay as it seems? i'm at a different ivy where it's still gay, although less so than at harvard, and both harvard and yale seem gay beyond comprehension.
is it true that harvard and yale have been passed by Columbia and Princeton with Cornell nipping at their heels primarily bc the quality of the student body is collapsing under the sheer volume of legacy and diversity admits?

You'll make a fortune if you can stick with it and get a high GPA. Everyone loves math majors.

fuck it dude just learn how to live off the land

I make more than twice the median wage here, easily enough to comfortably pay for a mortgage for an apartment 15 minutes from city center, pay all the utilities and for my car, and still have left more than most people make total.

I had a colleague with more seniority who likely made a little more still.
He was still living paycheck to paycheck. In fact, now he bought a larger apartment in a more hipster area and he's in a shitload of debt, when he could be entirely debt free and have 50K leftover if he moved to a place like mine.
I'll never understand why people are so desperate to live above their means.

>Math major CS minor
Did that backwards desu. The math requirements in an eng degree mean that you can get a math minor by taking 1-2 extra classes. A 4 year math degree is useless, a 4 year eng degree means you're set for life.

you began with the hostility, goofy trolllord, so you are obviously mentally ill

>implying school provides you with any employable skills whatsoever