Happening in Hong Kong, riot about to start because CCP still wants to pass extradition bill

Happening in Hong Kong, riot about to start because CCP still wants to pass extradition bill

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good I hope they beat those chinese chinks

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Those are some fit looking chinese there. They're about as fit as I am. Shit.

Why the fuck are they wearing backpacks?

They are rioting by constructing brick roads?

Anyone know of a livestream?


When you're noguns, you have to use the street as your weapon. They're going to use the bricks as weapons if they have to and are removing them from the roadway.

Found it on youtube


link ffs

They're peeling the bricks out to use as weapons

Ancient city defense mechanism. Pull up the roads, make barricades. Worked pretty well throughout history. I hope they succeed.

You can’t just say that and go cold turkey on the link nig

>extradition bill
Quick rundown?

Good luck Jackie

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>Quick rundown?

The Chinese are going to kill us all

Sorry went to check on my dinner. Here it is


Sponsored by the US.

>CCP controls the Hong Kong legislature
>Hong Kong legislature is about to pass a bill that would allow extraditions to mainland China
>This would effectively end Hong Kong sovereignty because the mainland could have anyone extradited for any reason
>They've already kidnapped anti-CCP Hong kongers and this law will legitimize that
>A million people marched yesterday (1/7th of population) and government said they would continue
>Riots about to start as bill is being read in legislature

Tremendous, this has the rumblings of a Tianamen 2.0

wow its like poetry. china will have to send in the army to restore peace because the savage honkong monkeys are uncivilized.

your sure this is instigated by china to have a pretext for more harsh action?

thanks. found this in another thread



Tiananmen 2.0 would be one of the largest happenings of our time. Serious question would such an event cause China buckets and trade restrictions like iran?

Would China implode if removed from the swift payment processing system?

What's the extradition bill? Why are they rioting? And are tanks coming?

I highly doubt anything is going to happen, It would be exciting to see an actual happening.

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>Chris Poole
Literally who?

Fuck this stream. They instantly ban you.

asians are subhuman monsters, anything bad that happens to them is deserved

It's a bill when you break the law or the social credit is low they "extract" you to the prison camps where they over work you. They are rioting because they do not approve the bill. Tanks are not coming.

The extradition bill is about citizens of Hong Kong and how they can be extradited to mainland China if the goverment wants

Those fuckers are wasting energy tearing up sidewalks. They better get guns and get to taking prisoners, if you ask my uninformed opinion.
CHINK ON PROXY, this thread actually needs to be read by people in China, faggot. Posting this just helps the Chinese keep them from reading.

To put bricks in. Duh.

>Too late for 3 reich
> too soon for 4 reich
>right on time for tiananmen 2


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Meh its nothing
China can not be beaten , Hong Kong tried this before with the Umbrella Revolution where millions protested against China and then 4 months later everyone in HK went back to work

>breaks up street
>proceeds to neatly stack them
This is some of the most asian shit I've ever seen.

How did some shitty little island get so powerful to pass laws controlling Hong Kong?

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I was in HK a few years back. They already had a base with tanks back then. This is a long time coming. Godspeed my HK bros.

The bill would end Hong Kong's political independence a couple decades earlier than the treaty requires and would make any Hong Kong law meaningless s because mainland can and will abuse the shit out of their legal system to break any Hong longer who isnt a PRC supporter.

This is it. We could have a serious incident before it's all said and done.

>Sponsored by the US
Certainly, but I still wouldn't want to be extradited to chink HQ over the anglicized laws of HK.


the revolution will be irlstreamed?

here another stream

Another tienanmen square massacre is at hand Jow Forums IT IS HAPPENING


OP, you are retarded, aren't you?
No like, just random ramblings, random picture, something muh Communism.
Stop hiring Mexican gays to fuck your ass and you won't be such a gay retard.

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You know, burgers always talk about giving europeans guns but it would be just as good for the world to give it to the anti CCP chinks

>China has 1.4 billion people, you can't beat us.

Bitch, china is so sick of china's shit if anyone offered them a glock and 17 bullets china would woop china for us.

Forget it Hong Kong. Its Chinatown

Trump should air drop pallets of guns and ammunition on the population of Hong Kong!

Would China send their army to kill people on HK streets? If so I hope we embargo their ass.

Stop shilling your gay censor channel

>Ching Chong Bing Bong
>nice-a ploxy fliend

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Quick and fast, you better believe it. 10k protesters tops and they would fold. And china's media is more locked down than any other place on earth. Hell you could kill their top tv news personalities son going to college there and they would make HIS ass say he is sorry his son grew up to be such a disappointment to great society.

If things got bad and the protesters embarrassed the Chinese Government on the world stage..then I wouldn't put anything past China

If you piss off the Chinese government they physically remove you from Hong Kong and place you in the ghetto mainland China where you eat grass basically

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India has been preparing their streets as a bio weapon for ages. They'll be ready.

I think African Swine Flu is reeking havoc in China as we speak

>Fuck this stream. They instantly ban you.

What did you say?

Something like "at least you're not a British colony" ?

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>China is obligated by treaty to not interfere with Hong Kong politics until 2047
>China ignores this and has manipulated influence over the HK legislature
>HK's highest official is a Commie puppet
>Hong Kong (HK) has democratic laws and certain freedoms and civil liberties
>new law would allow a inland government to extradite people for crimes in mainland China
>sounds good right? Well this already wasnt an issue
>the real goal was to make it so that if a HK citizen spoke out about the commies then they could be extradited to the mainland for something that wasnt a crime in HK
>China routinely illegally kidnaps HK freedom activists and dissidents
>this bill would make that legal and allow any democracy advocates to be treated like shit
1 out of every 7 HK people, over a million people marched in protest to this law and things could get even spicier

>hasn’t seen ip man

Was it a mistake, the UK giving HK back to china?

FUCK CHINA, seriously I can't believe an oppressive and borderline totalitarian government committing several genocides right now is not only tolerated by the international community, but they also have a permanent seat at the security council of the UN, so the international community literally can't do shit without their approval, just goes to show you that not a single government official in the world gives a shit about human rights beyond lip service.

Hi chen glad you got back to taiwan safely, its been a while

Definitely, the people of HK never wanted the transition to happen (their first choice was independence but preferred the UK over China).

are they assembling sidewalk or disassembling it? Whoever proposed sidewalk to be built out of bricks vs paved will be executed in the following week.

Do the Hong Kong citizens wish the British were still in charge?

The 99-year lease was up, not a whole lot of wiggle room there.

Yeah, HKers hate commies juat like us

If they didn't they do now

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Based minecraft players

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Sorry, I meant to say...now that China is trying to takeover so ruthlessly, I bleieve they do wish the british were still in charge, but I think HKers would like Independence from both Britain and China in the end

Actual habbening...bump.

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I mean the lease was from the Qing Empire not the commies tho

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why blur them they all rook the same

Last time this happened they literally brought AA guns to the streets and fired at the protesters, then they charged the family of the deceased the cost of the munitions used.

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>the queen
implying the queen isn't a jew puppet like every others

I think these two streams are live



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Why pull up the bricks? Are they going to throw them at the tanks?

kek sounds about right

At the police presumably.

It's against the police who are on foot

To make a barricade, which in turn makes their position much harder to break up. Barricades were so effective that France widened Parisian streets so the French commune barricades could never be done again. That's why Paris has super wide streets in contrast to medieval cities having claustrophobic cramped streets.

Yeah but nobody speaks Engrish in those chats :(

some say he does it for free

amercians would not protest their jewish masters like this

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It would be impossible to hide

I hope the bill passes

China is FUCKED
>markets down 37% in 2.5 years
>getting assraped by USA in trade war, threatening to withhold rare minerals
>swine virus spreading, 200m animals may have to be slaughtered
>armyworm devastating crops, hitting ne corn belt any second (largest production area in country, predicted to arrive June)
>huge anti-china protests like not seen in decades
>deathly afraid of dynasty change, last major change resulted in mass famine and cannibalization
>just appointed leader for life

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>Be mutt
>niggers, spics, and faggots everywhere
>do nothing
You're not fooling anyone Cletus.

I understand that China didn't expect them to actually give it back - but, Anglo respect for Law.