Movies again

A couple days ago some user made a thread on repilled movies. I happened to watch one called "Devils Advocate" and I was stunned by how well it understood the moral law. Then I watched "Rampage" from 2009 and it was just some dude killing a bunch of people in a town. It kinda sucked.

So the question is, what is your favorite movie that understand the moral law in humans.

I'll start
Hell or high water(the effect of usury on real men)
Devils advocate(really no movie understands morality that I've seen as well as this on every level)
300(Men protecting their homeland to the death)

Attached: Devils Advocate.jpg (1400x2100, 1.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes! I watched "clash of the titans" (1981) . SOOOOOOoO GOOD.

Ololo (not dot)to 2 find films

I recall that thread; do you happen to have the link to the archive?

I'll check my history and get back to you in a minute.

where does morality come from ?

I check and all I got was a 404 message, sorry. I do have a list of movies I wanted to watch from that thread. This isn't complete because I had seen some of the movies on the thread before, but so far the movies have been good.

Movies I need to watch
The Ides of March
The proposition
Outlaw king
Wind River
The pursuit of happyness
Demolition man
The wave(German)
Dark city
The raid: Redemption
Shot Caller
It follows
Only God Forgives
THX 1138

Watch "The Wild Bunch."

White guys (Republicans) watching their world (the white world) ending... hunted and killed by other whites (liberal degenerates)... surrounded, harassed and screwed over by a country full of shitty Mexican scumbags (illegals taking over America)... That all ends in total savage fucking violence (Civil War 2).

God. Not here to fight about it. I'f you're an atheist, or a faggot, I'm not here to fight about it.

Peckinpah made movies for MEN


One of, if not the best movie about a man that cannot take any more filth from the degenerate society that surrounds him.

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no, it is a degenerate who thinks he is better than the degenerates he chooses to surround himself with. Absolute shit. It was highly regarded when put out because "shock value" was a new thing, and it promoted child fucking.


Common sense, fucking rednecks

Morals are societal.
Ethics are personal.

Schindler's List, you fucking racists.

No arguments here.

Attached: 51dXIwoqhZL.jpg (315x500, 47K)

Agreed, one of Spielberg’s most underrated comedies.

Watched it. Pretty enjoyable, even if comedy films aren't my thing.

>movie that understands the moral law in humans.
Humans are debased creatures. Our moral law comes from God. So I guess my answer to 'movie that understands the moral law in humans' is The Purge.

Minority Report

What is your problem? It's a good movie

Falling Down
Falling Down
Falling Down
Falling Down

Attached: schindlers_list_red_dress.png (505x287, 112K)

cube 1 had math geeks getting killed, and moral law

Watch the Matrix again.

A Man for all Seasons

What was that movie where they had those women pulling a plow. That was awesome.
Was it heavens gate?

Attached: Cropped_Doukhobor_women_pulling_a_plough_-_Thunder_Hill_Colony-Manitoba.jpg (457x219, 33K)

>Hollywood's version of le angry white male with guns.
tell me you were being ironic.

Can vouch for THX 1128. It's pretty surreal.

finally someone with patrician taste

Top 2 sci fi category
Event Horizon

Tell me you aren't a massive faggot


Time to shill again one of my new favorites as an ex hippie retard
>Under the Silver Lake
Saw Shot Caller last night from one of these threads. Good shit. Apocalypto and anything from Mel is great.

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A few Interesting / decent movies:
They Live

Most of the 80s movies directed by John Carpenter or starring Arnie Schwarzenegger.