Yo Hans, free spech is over!


Now shut the fuck up!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying it ever existed here in the first place

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>free speech
Point to where absolute Meinungsfreiheit is guaranteed anywhere in Germany or ever was. There is no 1st amendment here and never was.

>but, but we still have our Grundgesetz

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I seriously do not know, what I'm allowed to say and what not?!

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wer nicht hüpft der ist ein Nazi
not allow
everything Bernd

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>yfw the party that's been reformed from the worst factions in the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany, East Germany, West Germany, and soon East Germany 2.0: Stasi Overload has consistently held power for almost 2 decades now

Die Gewährleistung der Meinungsfreiheit erfolgt gemäß Art. 5 Abs. 1 GG:

„ Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.“

Das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung hat Grenzen. Beschränkungen der Meinungsfreiheit sind beispielsweise

- der Schutz gegen Beleidigungen oder Verleumdungen
- der unlautere Wettbewerb durch üble Nachrede über die Produkte eines Mitbewerbers
- die Grenze der öffentlichen Sicherheit
- die Grenzen der Sittlichkeit
- die Grenzen des Jugendschutzes
- die übermäßige Kritik an Staatsoberhäuptern, Gerichten oder sonstigen Vertretern des Staates
- die Weitergabe geheimer Informationen

Jedoch ist nicht jede Beleidigung beziehungsweise Verleumdung als eine solche anzusehen. So kann in einer Internetdiskussion ein Teilnehmer als „rechtsradikal“ betitelt werden, ohne dass dies die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit überschreitet. Eine derartige Äußerung ist vielmehr als ein Werturteil anzusehen. Auch beleidigende Äußerungen über frühere Arbeitgeber, welche auf sozialen Netzwerken gemacht werden, sind von der Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt. Eine Titulierung einer Anwaltskanzlei als „Winkeladvokatur“ hingegen verstößt gegen das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht und ist somit nicht durch die Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt.

Versammlungen unter einem rassistischen Motto hingegen überschreiten die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit und dürfen somit untersagt werden.

Eine spezielle Position nehmen hingegen Äußerungen wie „Soldaten sind Mörder“ ein: solange sie sich auf Soldaten im Allgemeinen beziehen, unterliegen sie dem Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit. Das Gericht behält sich allerdings vor, anders zu urteilen, sollten derartige Bemerkungen über individuelle Soldaten fallen.

>übermäßige kritik
sounds a bit spongy

>Article 48. Citizens of the USSR have the right to take part in the management and administration of state and public affairs and in the discussion and adoption of laws and measures of All-Union and local significance.

>Article 49. Every citizen of the USSR has the right to submit proposals to state bodies and public organisations for improving their activity, and to criticise shortcomings in their work.

>Article 52. Citizens of the USSR are guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to profess or not to profess any religion, and to conduct religious worship or atheistic propaganda. Incitement of hostility or hatred on religious grounds is prohibited.

>Article 51. In accordance with the aims of building communism, citizens of the USSR have the right to associate in public organisations that promote their political activity and initiative and satisfaction of their various interests.

>Article 53. The family enjoys the protection of the state.

>Article 54. Citizens of the USSR are guaranteed inviolability of the person. No one may be arrested except by a court decision or on the warrant of a procurator.

>Article 55. Citizens of the USSR are guaranteed inviolability of the home. No one may, without lawful grounds, enter a home against the will of those residing in it.

>Article 56. The privacy of citizens, and of their correspondence, telephone conversations, and telegraphic communications is protected by law.

>Article 57. Respect for the individual and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens are the duty of all state bodies, public organisations, and officials.

>Article 58. Citizens of the USSR have the right to lodge a complaint against the actions of officials, state bodies and public bodies. Complaints shall be examined according to the procedure and within the time-limit established by law.

>Article 59. Citizens' exercise of their rights and freedoms is inseparable from the performance of their duties and obligations.

Article 50?

>Eine Titulierung einer Anwaltskanzlei als „Winkeladvokatur“ hingegen verstößt gegen das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht und ist somit nicht durch die Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt.
nobody may criticize us freemasons

Oh right my favorite

>Article 50. In accordance with the interests of the people and in order to strengthen and develop the socialist system, citizens of the USSR are guaranteed freedom of speech, of the press, and of assembly, meetings, street processions and demonstrations.

Of the Soviet Constitution

Back and forth...I really don't get it! =(

Can this shithole be fucking nukes already?

Like seriously I'd be the first to sign up for Russian volunteer forces.

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what about winkleradvokatur?

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valid question, he should be asked about it

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Yep! It's that simple, but we're not allowed to cause an uproar about it.

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>die übermäßige Kritik an Staatsoberhäuptern, Gerichten oder sonstigen Vertretern des Staates

Wtf so it literally forbids criticizing polititians abd bureaucrats if they dont like it ?!!
Is this new ? A new Merkel-Amendment ? Has this always been part of the law ?!

It has been there since 1945. They allow this so if unwanted opposition occurs, it can be shut down.

>Is this new ?
it is not new. The very concept of the "Grundgesetz" is to protect the ruling caste and the institutions it set up from the people.

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>since 1945.
yeah, before 1945 you totally were not put into a concentration camp for criticizing the leadership...

>beliving in the concentration camp meme

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Meanwhile American soldiers are roaming german bars and streets,beating up the locals and groping german women.
Why don't I ever read about germans being upset about that.

because it doesn't happen, Americans are paranoid and barely leave their barracks/housing areas.

One of the best things about living in Europe is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and many European countries have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Germany has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in France was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.

Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?

>T. War nie in schweinfurt oder nürnberg

I gotta get out of this country within the next five years. The majority of the population unironically believes this. I would fight for Germany, but it's impossible to save it under these circumstances. Consuming mostly American content, German free speech restrictions are so incredibly strict it's unbelievable. Watching Own Benjamin or Nick Fuentes go off is part of my daily routine, whereas in Germany I am not even allowed to criticise homosexuality. This country is just fucked. Have fun fighting against muslim rape gangs in 20 years, make sure you don't go to prison for owning a pepper spray.

You don't even know you're own history you krautkuck. According to one of Ian Kershaw's books on the 3rd Reich, Hitler stopped reading the Gauleiters local reports because they were full of reports of officials being assaulted by irate Germans, especially if they tried to fuck with the church. Of course dissent was punished when Churchill's war started.

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Germany population:
40 milion germans
40 milion non germans
Obeying the law is not possible anymore.

Your trolling is too subtle. Someone might think you're being serious.

Kek,obviously someone is being bullied by the kanaken.

absolutley haram

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there sure weren't about 800k German political dissidents in German concentration camps - pro tip: that's why Germans see NS as scum.
lol @ Churchill's war.

Obviously you lack the awareness to see where all of this is going. I won't have my future children live in this country. Don't you have a protest to get shot at?

Franconians are a bit different, alright

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It's like this!
Think I'm gonna develop mutism.

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>die Grenzen der Sittlichkeit
Was ist Sittlichkeit Heute überhaupt noch?
There is no such thing as morality, anymore.

Why do Germans hate Germany, they hate other Germans even more than immigrants. I know germans live to whine a LOT but leaving a prosperous country with limitless opportunities and social security.You've obviously never tried unemployment after graduating or real life hardness.
>>I won't have my future children live in this country
I would.

Look past the present moment. Social security and limitless opportunity will not be there in 20 years. This is not about me, this is about my children having a good life when they grow up. I have the boots on the ground my man, I see what this country looks like and I know it's mentality. Things will get really, really bad.

>I would.

No shit.

Good question, I think I do know why we are so deeply divided in every facet of our existence...but I'm not allowed to talk about it.

>they hate other Germans even more than immigrants
because they chose to be traitorous trash on purpose, wogs are just wogs doing woggish things, those making excuses for them all the time is the real scum.

The eu hypocrisy makes me nauseous. Let's say Niggers are niggers, Muslims are terrorists, gays are faggots, women are whores.

This is now my form of conduct. I really have to watch how I pick my words when talking to people.

>you have guranted freedom to say anything you want as long its meaningless , mainstream and dont offfend anyone.

> I would.

Correction, you will. And that is precisely the problem. For a depressingly large fraction of Germans has drunk the cool aid and invites your kind in, thus ensuring your future children will indeed live in this country. There is but one consolation for the few sane Germans left:

> Social security and limitless opportunity will not be there in 20 years.

For 20 years down the line, Germany will be exactly the same kind of muslim shithole Tunisia is now. Without social security or limitless opportunities. So enjoy the gibs while they last, sandnigger. They won't last much longer.

>For 20 years down the line
nah, there is much property left which can be looted and redistributed by the futurely green dictatorship. Sadly all those doom prophets have been wrong so far.

Why call me a sandnigger you cuck? I was addressing the points of Mr. Chink

Germany never hd free speech, zoomer.

Sorry about that...I was only quoting your assessment for the excellent point you made when replying to Mr. Chink (who only looks that way superficially - he's a Tunisian sandnigger).

Fuck, what if niggers is not a nigger? Every African tribe looks like this. So when you pretend niggers, you're needing to paint your face with white powder?? Why do Muslims want non-Muslims to respect their trashy religious laws while they are rejecting other religions and other cultures? I hate double standards. I do not like hypocrites who act like an idiot.

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Better shut your trap in public then.

...and watch the show! Yeah, better hide my powerlevels and hope for some smarter guys to redpill the masses.

Red pilling the masses is not possible under the current conditions. When I'm leaving for the US, I might start a German show with true freedom of speech where I say what's really happening. But that takes another few years.

do it now you fucking cuck, just go behind 7 proxies and you'll be safe.

>all those krauts in 1 thread

post yfw you were born a german

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I'll have to leverage charisma and humor, and I gotta show my face to do that. I can't be channel number 5716 that's hiding behind a faggots furry and has a slideshow going. I won't risk jail time for something so ineffective and bland.

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we re so fucked

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Yes i'm Tunisian .
Mr.Chink? ??? Why would you guys think i'm Chinese? Is it the flag ?
And why do you think the German Economy is collapsing ? Kek, most of historical firmas and factories are operated by turks,Albanian, Bulgarians ...
Kek,Hell your country has already declared it self in need for immigrants and is already running programs to replace the retiring population.

I was contacted by a German company a year ago by company in Hamburg for an Engineering position, cousin got hired 6 months ago for an engineering position in BOSCH.
Most germans lack IQ and are only good for Ausbildung handwerk.
Take it out with Natural Selection Hans.

fined 7200 euros for OP's pic.

>as for the cigarette pack featuring an arab fucking a camel, it was not clear which exactly certain group of people had been vilified

get it the fuck together, germany.

Fuckoff low IQ sandnigger

Germans are the goat of engineering do you really think they have a shortage of them and NEED to import you sandniggers from your shithole Universities?

Companies get PAID diversity grants by the government to hire Muzzies.

You can't even comprehend what level of anti-native displacement Goymoney is on , muzzie retard

>i don't use archive because i suck dicks

Voltair never said that
people who repeat shit without fact checking first are the very NPCs they try to mock

>, most of historical firmas and factories are operated by turks,Albanian, Bulgarians ...
pic of a " historical firma" anno 2011 owned by le shitskins re colorized

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Du dönner Negger


One would have to prove that either camels or the inbred Arabs are human and thus actually people.

you have to enable java script to use this site.
I'm not going to visit a glow in the dark website.

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Alles ist immer grau bei euch...und ich beziehe mich nicht nur auf eure langweiliges, leeres Leben

you are projecting mustafa

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Hé baptoux, casse toi nik ommek

>And why do you think the German Economy is collapsing

Let me think for a second.

> I was contacted by a German company a year ago by company in Hamburg for an Engineering position, cousin got hired 6 months ago for an engineering position in BOSCH.

Yeah, why indeed? Can't possibly be industry getting flooded with lots of shitskins LARPing as engineers. Not only, that is. But they are definitely part of the plan, for while you have an explanation that strokes your ego...

> Most germans lack IQ and are only good for Ausbildung handwerk.

...you might just have it backwards. Maybe part of the Morgenthau plan is flooding what little industry we have left with low IQ Menschenmüll who won't realize it is being gutted systematically until it's too late. But worry not, once Germany's tech level reverts to pic related you will uhm...thrive.

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nigger faggot burn all jews.
what about shitposting?

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Those look like a middle aged German hands to me desu,a kanake would just stay home and pick up his hartz vier and and sell Hash to that guy's kids on the weekend lmao

>Sagt der Pferd ficker

Imagine suffering this severely under inferiority complex

cool it with the Antialmanism, Mahmöd :^)

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> Pferdeficker

Funny you should say that. That was very much frowned upon in Germany. And then the shitskins came and enriched our poor horses with their "culture":



>archaic Constitution.
wtf are you talking about? You speak as if the Constitution was drafted in Roman times.

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>why Germans see NS as scum.
Majority or contemporary germans and euros are scum though.

>Historian J. Arch Getty concludes:

>Many who lauded Stalin's Soviet Union as the most democratic country on earth lived to regret their words. After all, the Soviet Constitution of 1936 was adopted on the eve of the Great Terror of the late 1930s; the "thoroughly democratic" elections to the first Supreme Soviet permitted only uncontested candidates and took place at the height of the savage violence in 1937. The civil rights, personal freedoms, and democratic forms promised in the Stalin constitution were trampled almost immediately and remained dead letters until long after Stalin's death.

Just like every Lefty government. They lie and obfuscate everything.

Jfc how many Slavs and Turks are here pretending to be German? Fucking cringe

bro are you out of your fucking mind? you want others dictating what you can and cant say? DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW KEKED AND EFFEMINATE THAT IS ??????
My lord I cant take it anymore. Every non redpilled european I meet in real life comes across as condescending and arrogant because (these are direct quotes)

>you americans are very puritanical when it comes to sex

>you oppress gay people and immigrants

>you let sick people die because you love your free market too much to save them

>you are controlling towards your girlfriends compared to us

>youre so racist

europe has so much to be proud of but instead its proud of this FUCKING CANCER HOLY SHIT

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you are so worthless. you need to be dragged out into the street you disgraceful faggot

for all the euros who are shilling for restrictions of freedom, your love of state-cock and being fucked up the ass constantly by a strong central government paved the way to the globohomo fucking you up the ass. be self reliant. build strong local communities and families , take care of each other. Dont give into the easy way out "well just let the government handle it". That will only train your children to worship media, the government, academia and entertainment instead of having reverence for their people and family.

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