Man wants immortality, son denies it

A man in Montana wanted a chance to be immortal, he ordered his head to be cryogenically preserved, until a time in the future, when his brain can be mapped, his conciousness modelled, copied and downloaded to a copy of his body, created by cloning his cells.
Now his son, wants 1M from Alcor, the company that keeps the body from his father, and the head of his father so he can cremate it and the spread the ashes in his property.
Why are some people so heartless Jow Forums?

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Boomer makes Zoomer
Not all things go in vain user

>Hes gonna use his ashes to kill all the weeds in his garden lmfao.

Based. Boomers get the oven

Richie Incognito detected

>his conciousness modelled, copied and downloaded to a copy of his body
Dumb boomer didn't realize it would be different consciousness

If it's literally in his will to be frozen then the son doesn't get a say at all. There is no case here. Why didn't the court just throw it out immediately?

Boomers probably see that as a good thing.
>I can't be bothered to live again.
>So I'll have someone else live my new life for me.
>Checkmate atheists.

the courts are increasingly run by incompetent millennial morons

>dying, copying your brain and pasting it somewhere else makes you immortal
good, he was retarded

Immortality would be a wretched self-imprisonment. I love life, and am thankful for the gift. Death is the end of this particular ride, and that is right and just. To attempt to short-circuit this process and throw a wrench in the Wheel of Life is the act of an immature soul, fearful of the End. Don’t be afraid anons. Do you fear the sunset?

Because there is no way to "model consciousness" and download it to "a copy of body" and they just did the scam the old fool by offering him services they will never be able to fullfill?

The boomer is still technically alive if resuscitated properly and with proper life support. Laws must change to give rights to the frozen. Strange times.

Actually the company did lie about preserving his body, chopped his head off, while the contract was full body preservation.

They offered to freeze his head. Everything else was 'if tech allows it before we go bust'.

And how would they pay for the tech, if it gets developed?

They don't. They go bust.

same here

what kind of retarded did not get this?

the result will be only a still be dead Lmao

>so heartless
actually he's working on getting that from (((Alcor)))

based. fuck boomers.

I welcome the dusk

attempting immortality should carry a death sentence

This. Death is the gift from immortality it takes a huge ego to want to be immortal like many of these billionaires. Death is just another path. People are retarded not to realise this. Even the fucking Mexicans get this. They celebrate death. Western society us pure hedonism but people are starting to wake up.

We'll all get reincarnated in the next universe anyway. This is only the first stage.

It's literally something we're pursuing in medicine right now boomer.

Death used to mean the accession to heaven. To move on from the world and into god's kingdom to live in immortality in absolute bliss.
Now we're just like, lol, whatever, nothing happens and you just cease existing.
It's no wonder people want to keep living.

Boomers are immortal, son. You have confused him with an anti vaxx, flat earth zoomer.

But I just want to act as an observer and watch the cycles of humanity. Eventually one day we will get past the great filter (Jews).

People make legal bets on the stock market every day. Same thing. If it never happens all it cost him is some money and he was dead anyway so who cares. If it works he gets to wake up in a future that owes him nothing at all. Best case scenario is he gets put in an electronic zoo.

i don't want to die until things get better, and that's going to take a long time

People have pursued this since the start of civilization, the only difference is that we're getting closer to it being possible.

I’m not a boomer, boomers want to be immortal. I want them and everything to die when their expiration date hits, attempts at immortality should be met with extreme force. Those who try to create immortal material man should be executed.

Agreed we must suffer here and take the long road in order to ascend. Its not just one life here either. We go through many incarnations in order for our soul to learn and grow. We being open objective and honest are on the right path. It appears many of the normies are young souls. We already knew this in ancient times but (((they))) have re written history. We are waking up though. Ironically when you don't fear death you can enjoy life way more. It gives you a calmness that it will all be alright so many of your fears dissapear. There is not that looming anxiety that any moment you could die and that's the end.

>if it's in the will, there's nothing the son can do
Actually wills can be nullified. As a matter of law, no special privilege has been granted to dead people so that their will is nonvoidable

Only if they broke a law with the will or the person who is supposed to be handling it goes rogue and disappears with the money.


Cringe, imagine going through this many attempts to justify death to yourself.

>Cryogenically preserved
>Not realizing that freezing destroys cell membranes

Aging is a defect. We should theoretically be able to live forever, assuming we are not killed by unnatural means. Our cells, for absolutely no reason, begin to fail in our 30s, "zombie cells" collect, aging is induced and our bodies decline and wither. This should not be happening.

Material immortality is an abomination and is entirely Jewish. Anyone who dreams of living forever in the material world is a Jew or has been Jewified. It should be outlawed and those pursuing it executed.

>Those who try to create immortal material man should be executed.
Why wouldn't you want to be immortal?

Fucking retard. That doesn't even work. It's a facsimile, an approximation of your personality.

Aging is not a defect you faggot.

You’re a Jew.

>I'll be immortal by having a copy of me
Copy & Paste does not equal to Saved

No I'm not

I can understand wanting the head back, something nice for the mantle. But why would he feel entitled to 1M? Is that what his father paid to these sci-fi grifters?

that is exactly why they opt to 'freeze' themselves, theres cyro place in Arizona that offers the same thing

its to preserve your tissue until the technology exists, so however many decades away it is, theyre aware nothing exists yet though lol

They know that, so they use a bunch of chemicals which is of course toxic, the gimmick is that they hope medicine in the future will be able to repair that damage, and heal their bodies.

Yes you are, in spirit. I have immortal life through Christ, the soul is eternal. Material immortality is Jewish denial of Christ. Abomination.

That description of the supposed "revival" process is bullshit. A tenable way of preserving "identity" of self, instead of just making a clone, would be to repair the frozen brain with nanomachines then put it in a cyborg body. Of course, this is non-trivial, but makes sense at least.

>We should theoretically be able to live forever,
If that were the case, you'd have never been born.

you also have to be on your death bed so to speak, they wont let you do it if youre healthy

The son is based, preserving boomers is a dumb idea.

Stop larping

Boomers deserve to die

It literally is a defect of our biology, it's not something intended but more a consequence of merely living. We literally know what causes aging.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the 1 million is what the dad paid. It was probably the sons enture inheritance kek.

>freeze head
>all cell walls are ruptured
>bro we'll totally bring you back to life

It's a scam.

I mean the only way to negate that is using CAS, and even that is still being tested.

You don’t fear the sunset because it comes back up, idiot

who is idiot enough to want to live forever?

i'll make a bet this has something or other to do with getting the inheritance money.
can't inherit the father's wealth if he's immortal.

What kinda sucks is that you don’t feel relief or rest, you just don’t feel at all, ostensibly.

>something intended
Nothing is intended in this world.
Also, your genes are pretty much immortal, and will remain in existence for as long as Earth supports life.
The point of life is not you surviving, but your genes.
You are just the bag, designed to carry and spread them.
The actual immortals are the genes.

Yes, it is.

How can you believe in Christianity but disregard the Bible itself. God created humans to live forever in Eden, by took it away, allowing us to die as punishment for the Tree of Life bullshit. In Revelation, God intends to remake the Earth into a paradise, where humans can live forever in perfect health. Immortality was the rule. Aging and death was not supposed to happen, and in the future, death will be no more. (Revelation 21)

I want the elven option - be immune do disease and old age, until I choose to die of tiredness with living, whereby my soul goes to the halls of Mandos to rest, until I'm ready to go back and live again.

By this logic, can I harvest your sperms while rendering you braindead? It’s not like YOU matter, just your genes.

Imagine being this naive. Open your eyes mate. All the answers are right in front of you. You need higher vibrations. Stop being your lower self.

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Yeah but genes change.

so its basically an ayy lmao

>god gives humanity free will
>everything is fucked now
>oopsie my bad, lemme just fix that

How do you go from that post to “well then I can kill you and harvest your sperm”
Sperging retard

maybe if his son wasn't such a disappointment he wouldn't have to copy himself

Making a copy of your consciousness "neural pathways" or whatever a) probably isn't possible b) it wouldn't be you. It would be what's called a philosophical zombie. It's not you, but it thinks it's you.

I'm not even sure that over a long period of time replacing each neuron with an artificial neuron would work, and that's the most likely candidate for working and not creating a philosophical zombie.

The concept of perception is a universal constant though
t. Electron slit experiment

This. I'd like to have immortality option and my health and aging remain in my 20s, but have an exit clause should I not want to keep going at some point.

>By this logic, can I harvest your sperms while rendering you braindead?
Okay, but why and what for?
> It’s not like YOU matter, just your genes.
Yes, this remains a valid conclusion.

Boomers deserve to rot away into nothing surrounded by shitskins and trannies angry at them for voting Republican ever

Because, by your own logic we could have some eunuch sociopath scientist simply harvest all the sperm and eggs in the world, wiping out humanity and just mixing genes until he arrives at the best possible version of humanity...
And oh fuck, this is essentially the logical scientists version of god and religion.

Fuck you Pol, and fuck you Jow Forums

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It also prevents badly mutated people from age being able to reproduce.

Imagine being that much of a fucking boomer
>have money
>enjoy the good life
>choose to waste a $1million+ on some retarded scheme to become immortal
Boomers really are the worst. It's not an exaggeration to say that they sold out future generations intentionally with zero fucks given

These cryo places generally has a business model of having the fee put in savings to generate interest over the years the person's head is frozen. This is used to pay for their storage, and possibly medical revival later.

The problem is, the accounts are in the company's name, and they have no legal obligation to actually do any of this. The person is DEAD, so they steal from the accounts.

Also, modern cryogenics DO NOT WORK.
Freezing tissue makes ice crystals form in cells. Ice crystals are LARGER than the cell. They tear them to shreds as they form. This is why when you thaw frozen fruit, it becomes a mushy misshapen mess. Most of the cells have been torn to pieces.

Also, once the electrical impulses and patterns of the brain are destroyed, there is NO WAY to recover them. You are 100% a product of your brain's specific makeup. Any deviation from it changes you to someone else. Without a constant stream of consciousness, this change is destructive.

Yep, instead of planting trees they'll never sit under, boomers voted for more shitskins and gilded tombs.

This. Reducing the meaning of life to "muh genes" is just a cope, not much different than religions.

>Alcor doesn't save the spinal column
Thinking the tech is going to be a copy like scp -al /brain /newbrain
Also, the son is an idiot and so was the dad. The dad clearly paid Alcor for just head preservation and didn't tell the son. The son smells money.

>we could have some eunuch sociopath scientist
This "sociopath scientist" is called evolution and it has been doing the thing you described for billions of years.
It seem to me you don't put much thought into what you post here.

Maybe “muh mitochondria” would be a more convincing cope.

lmao why would you even think this is immortality? you wouldn't be alive, a copy would exist

>wants to be a selfish asshole for all eternity

Is this the final form of the boomer?

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They offer full body freezing for considerable more as well - the head only option is for poor plebs.

>muh cosmic force
Smarter than you fag

Leafposting, mkay.

boomers are afraid of afterlife because this life was too easy for them and they fear punishment for being assholes

Why haven’t rocks evolved yet?
Check and mate

But what if you replace the planks one by one and let the opd planks be destroyed? Is it the same boat then?

>still sperging
High yikes

What a piece of shit.
Hopefully he loses the case.

All boomers go to heaven

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