The current state of germany

The current state of germany.
Our infrastructure is marketed at shitskins.

Attached: Bahn.png (1214x529, 462K)

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I see maybe 2 germans, top.

The hard word working literally jew in pic 2

Attached: 1525517101655.jpg (306x306, 19K)

i just had a stroke typing that

>no muslimas in burka
>no chinks
>no pink haired trans
>no cripples
>one white guy
it's not diverse enough

good night alt-right

Attached: 1529071710167m.jpg (851x1024, 92K)

It's almost a fair representation of the crowd in public transit

>ist mein zug punktlich?
I ask myself that every day, Hans.

Turn off your VPN.

guy on the left looks like he got paid with that sandwich for the shoot

turn off your racism

Germany deserves it. The people are voting for this, time after time. America won't be bailing you out this time.

Attached: jafar.jpg (650x400, 84K)

Its more surprising when a train is on time than when it's not in Germany.

If "America" hadn't "bailed us out" in WW2, White people would be the undisputed masters of the entire planet by now. You amerigoy faggot.

Wow, big surprise people are voting for this after 70 years of denazification sponsored by our beloved US overlords

Of course it is. Do you know why it is though?

Basically, America and most of the west is transition form what Aristotle called the Politeia to the worst most extreme form of democracy called Demagoguery.
This movement is being led my mini tyrants propped up by egalitarian extremists. Think about how much control through mob rule these Demagogue tyrants allready have. What happens if you speak out against LGBQT in the work place? What about some one in LA that holds up a trump sign in public? Think about what mass media will do to you if you speak out against there extreme ideals?

Here is what Aristotle observed about extreme democracy. Anything look familiar?

Other measures which are also useful in constructing this last and most extreme type of democracy are measures like those introduced by Cleisthenes at Athens, when he sought to advance the cause of democracy, or those which were taken by the founders of popular government at Cyrene. A number of new tribes and clans should be instituted by the side of the old; private cults should be reduced in number and conducted at common centers; and every contrivance should be employed to make all the citizens mix, as much as they possibly can, and to break down their old loyalties. All the measures adopted by tyrants may equally be regarded as congenial to democracy. We may cite as examples the license allowed to slaves (which, up to a point, may be advantageous as well as congenial), the license permitted to women and children, and the policy of conniving at the practice of “living as you like.” There is much to assist a constitution of this sort, for most people find more pleasure in living without discipline than they find in a life of temperance.

So basically all you have to do is create your own mob to rule. Jow Forums used to do this naturally. Remember the old B raids or the original anonymous?

Hitler speaks to Americans

Then and now. See the truth, americans. Hans is your ally.

>brown people: *exist*

Why the fuck are they using shitskins, that dont even pay for their tickets,
make trash inside public transports, and behave like degenerates publicly,
as their ideal customers.

choose one

america shouldnt of bailed germany out in the first place


this is psychological warfare user
no nation has been the victim of more psychological warfare than Germany under the US occupation

See my post above. The people pushing this nonsense want extreme egalitarianism. There using the same tactics the ancient greeks observed to obtain it. This is actually good news for you if your smart about it. Rule the mobs rule the country. The internet makes this easy. Remember the old raids of b or the original anonymous? Why do think anytime mob justice is called on here shills come out and put a stop to it "Not your ARMY! fag". Its because you can easily obtain what ever result you want. Want to get some one fired? Make up lies and spam them to their boss, call for them to be fired, have a hundred people come out throw milk shakes a them outside of work etc

Germans don't have a enough kids. Simple as that.

>i have to see brown people in advertisements
>this is psychological warfare

poe's law

>white people exist

fuck off

Thank fuck. The mentality that germans have is retarded and deserves to be wiped out

Good thing every other white country under simular circumstances as Germany (besides the 24/7 Holocaust brainwash) has so many kids.
Now Im not worried about the white race at all anymore, thanks user

t. gullible German