Open it Up! Vaccines and Circumcision: Precedent for Ending MGM

We can end male genital mutilation. No religious exemption will apply. NY state assembly passes bill to end religious exemption for childhood vaccinations. Rabbis on suicide watch. This is, in itself, a whitepill.

Additionally, Governor Cuomo signed it into law, justifying it by arguing vaccines are safe, effective, and protect children. The argument for ending all MGM, including for religious reasons, is just the negation for all that: it is unsafe, ineffective, and harms children. I say this serves as a useful precedent.

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The government telling you something is safe is a whole lot more suspect than the government telling you something is dangerous.

This is a false equivalence. Being told MGM is dangerous therefore forbidden is nothing like being told vaccines are safe therefore compulsory.

It is not a full equivalence. That’s true. It’s also not a problem for the argument. In fact, it reinforces it. IF it is permissible to make vaccines obligatory because they are safe, effective, and prevent harm, THEN, even more so, it is permissible to make circumcision forbidden because it is unsafe, ineffective, and causes harm.

This. Wtf

>Implying that anyone believes it's harmful in the usa and will fight against genital mutilation.

Nigger, some idiot judge allowed FGM recently. People won't wake up to this. Normie are too far subdued.


The (((idiot judge))) did not allow FGM. Rather, (((JUDGE FRIEDMAN))) ruled that the 1996 law imposing criminal penalties for performing FGM was unconstitutional. His holding stands for the proposition that the law restricts conduct in excess of the interstate commerce authority and the decision to allow or prohibit whole or partial cliterectomies should be left to the states. It is not a blanket authorization to perform these mutilating procedures. Over 30 states have banned the practice. Congress has appealed that (((decision))). It may not withstand review by the SCOTUS.

Thank you.

You ignorant faggot, the law to coercively vaccinate white babies was proposed by Jew (((Jeffery Danowitz))) and passed on a straight party-line vote:


Vaccines are created by Jews and these mandates are campaigned for by the Jewish media and passed by Jew and Jew-run politicians.

Attached: Capture.jpg (755x852, 144K)

Jews injecting goy babies with Jewish toxins to sterilize them.


Attached: JewishVaccination.jpg (1920x1469, 1.11M)

Is there something specific about this you’re having difficulty understanding? I’d be happy to try to clarify. Otherwise, stop niggerposting.

You have it exactly backwards:

If it's permissible for the government to coercively vaccinate goy babies to prevent infections, then it's permissible for the government to coercively circumcise goy babies to prevent infections.

Circumcision is not mandatory and virtually no gentiles opt for it anymore.

You're arguing WITH the trendline and establishment in ranting against circumcision. You're also arguing WITH Jews when you want to inject white babies with (((vaccines))).

Attached: Circumcision.png (1799x1080, 646K)

Yeah. Because Jew York Republicans are the protectors of white babies. That’s the core interest that motivates their decisions. The party line vote result is probably because Republicans’ 2020 strategy is to shabbat goy-signal so hard for the kikes that they’re siding with the lunatic Hassidim.

Vaccines are more Jewish than Hollywood and the bill you're celebrating was:
>Written by Jews
>Promoted by Jews
>Voted on by Jews

Have the dignity to just say, "I'm with the Jews. Without their vaccines, us weak goyim would be genocided by measles."

It's retarded, but at least then you wouldn't have to pretend that you're opposing the Jews when it's obvious that you're in lockstep with them.

Attached: Jew-RachelLevine.jpg (1111x981, 619K)

Nonsense! (((Tim Wise))) actually wants to HELP whites with his lectures about "white fragility" and his campaigning for compulsory vaccination of white babies.

Attached: Tim_Wise_Antifa_Vaccines.png (646x815, 399K)

I appreciate you putting some serious thought into this, my white brother, but I respectfully disagree. These connections between circumcision are superficial.

1) The original motivating factor for circumcision was religious in nature, while this is not true for vaccinations.
2) Anglos developed vaccines, not Jews. Maybe that’s not much better, since Anglos are spiritual Jews. However, the fact remains literal Jews did not develop vaccines.
3) Circumcision does not prevent infections. Some research suggests it reduces the likelihood of STIs. But this conduct occurs later in life and their are better alternatives for preventing these infections, such as practicing safe sex, abstinence, or pre-infection/post-exposure prophylaxis.

Who gives a FUCK about circumcision?

If you don't like it....DON'T FUCKING CIRCUMCISE.

What is it with all these dudes BRAGGING about how they're impotent and saying it's because of circumcision? Oh yeah? Rabbi Joshua Levinstein and Mohammad Abdul are all circumcised, and they're ploughing white women.

Most whites DON'T get circumcised, and it's not mandatory, and not advised.

It's a fucking red herring of an issue, and it becomes a bizarre and creepy phenomenon when you see videos of 20 year old dudes boasting about their impotence.

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If you object to circumcision, then you have to object to (((vaccination))).

Only it doesn't take any courage to oppose circumcision.

Attached: Vaxxes_Vs_VaxFree.webm (932x720, 2.28M)

The goyim are already getting the vaccines, for the most part. White kids are getting vaccinated. They’re also getting sick from being in proximity to Orthodox kikelets who are not getting vaccinated and fucking up the herd immunity. The Jews introduced this bill because they’re trying to protect their fellow tribesman: the children of grug-brained Hassidim. Do you believe that secular Jews introduced a bill to harm the children of their racial kinsman? These Jews want Hassidic children to get vaccinated because they know the vaccine works. There are risks. There are effects. The vaccine production processes could probably be improved. But they basically work and the kikes want them to work for the Jewish equivalent of fucking Amish people.

Vaccines are more Jewish than Hollywood.

100% of the Jewish estalbishment promotes and politically lobbies for compulsory vaccination of white babies.

Why do you deny this objective fact?

Are you such a Darwinian weakling that you'd die from chicken pox?

Attached: AltRight_Wives_White_Vaccine_Free.jpg (1114x546, 331K)

It does take courage to oppose religious exemption for circumcision. At the very least, it takes political courage. That’s why Yang backed away from it when questioned by (((BEN SHAPIRO))). I’ll admit opposing vaccinations takes more courage. You will be absolutely de-platformed for it. And they will probably try to impose harsher penalties for it.

100% of the goyish establishment pushes for vaccination. There are existential risks like pandemics and nuclear war and imperfect yet reasonable responses that honorable Aryans and hook-nosed kikes can agree upon. Jewish involvement should ALWAYS warrant suspicion but does NOT ALWAYS imply the suspicion is truly merited in that case.