Minibots leaked

A video showing several banknotes has been leaked
it seems that Italy has begun to print minibots, or at least prototypes

it is now clear, we are preparing to exit the euro

how to deal with it Jow Forums?

Attached: minibot.webm (640x360, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Minibot supposed to the name of a currency?

from what I was reading the last days it's more like a kind of „IoUs“ (I owe you) money. Meaning could be "certificate of indebtedness" in form of banknotes (towards the Euro) because Italy cannot cannot survive economically with this Euro. I also heard about "Merkel Bot(s)" too...

Minibot stands for ordinary treasury bill

Looks like the EU will be breaking up

you have no right to speak
if we introduce them you will collapse
it is logical that you will try in every way to discredit this initiation

I envy you Italy.
It seems like you finally have politicians in power that act in the interest of their people.

just some faggot trying to sway Salvini in this direction.

haha, well done, fuck the EU

(((media))) are threatening the wounds of Egypt if we introduce them
means that the minibots are brilliant


How do I get some minibots...? I want a few for collection purposes... not to horde or anything

Attached: minibots.png (1066x1333, 1.15M)

Cryptobots ROLLOUT !!!

well Giovanni, dont judge me personally because I am using a Kraut internet connection here while sitting in an italian restaurant.

When the E.U. falls apart, I celebrate. Now go back your mothers basement.

Based architecture illustrations. Finally, a new banknote that doesn't have a niggers face on it.

Attached: ec3_cover.jpg (720x786, 134K)

wait for it (sitting inside)

I don't know, some time will pass before they come into circulation

> "Dear friends, it is immigration, not terrorism, the Trojan horse that has penetrated the West and will transform Europe into what I call Eurabia. It is immigration, not terrorism, the weapon on which count to conquer us destroy us"(Oriana Fallaci, in pic)

Attached: MiniBot-20.jpg (1079x598, 147K)

mob backed italian currencies? oy vey

>italian currencies?
it will take years

Guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Attached: North_Pacific_Dental_College_Portland.jpg (569x708, 277K)

You know, as based as that sounds...I heard the mob was profiting bring in "refugees" to work the farms...
Pretty fucked up dezu

>the problem with minibots is that they work

seen yesterday
I was looking for an article about it in English but found nothing

> We have so many signs that make us fear that unpleasant things may happen in the near future
You have sacrificed much of your life to the fight against the Mafia. You are considered by the mafia gangs to be the symbol of this state to fight, to hit. You basically live armored, what brings you to do this?
> only the spirit of service
Have you ever had moments of discouragement, perhaps doubts, the temptations to abandon this fight?
> no never
You said, it seems you said, the coward dies several times a day the brave once. does this mean that you are not afraid?
> The important thing is not to establish whether one is afraid or not, the important thing is to know how to live with one's fear and not be influenced by it. Here the courage is this otherwise it is no longer courage but unconsciousness

Giovanni Falcone, 1939 - 1992

Attached: MiniBot-10-fronte.jpg (1031x559, 149K)

the thing is if you're italian (or buying/selling goods/services in italy) then there is literally no reason to not use minibots. this is a straight up parallel currency and if i were vacationing in italy i'd buy minibots -- not euros.

>if i were vacationing in italy i'd buy minibots -- not euros
and incentives will be applied to tourists

so it begins...

Memento audere semper

fuck EU

Attached: Minibot.png (1218x710, 267K)

reminder that euro is cool because it's basically quota 90 2.0

>At the end of June 1927 the dollar reached 18.15 and the pound at 88.09
>The reduction in salaries is sanctioned, in October from 10% to 20%
>The repercussions were different for the various sectors. The most serious blows of the deflationary policy were above all construction and small businesses producing consumer goods, while the expansionary trend within the large industry continued
>The immediate implication of the currency revaluation is the reduction of prices and wages, caused by the scarce circulation of money which caused a temporary stagnation of production
> unemployment also rose, especially in the agricultural South

Attached: 1555391298288.jpg (4000x6000, 883K)

Tra tutti i grandi personaggi storici di cui godiamo, immagina scegliere una donna come icona dei 20 euro-minibot solo perchè è rossopillata sull'immigrazione...

>it's more like a kind of „IoUs
So basically like every other fiat currency in the world?

The minibots are to be used in parallel with the euro though there is no way we are leaving the eurozone. the goal is basically i cant pay you in euros but here have this piece of paper and ill give you euros for it later and you can trade it with other Italians if they want.

God I hope so

è anche la più grande giornalista italiana di sempre eh...

>solo perchè è rossopillata sull'immigrazione
non conosci Oriana Fallaci

>there is no way we are leaving the eurozone.
this is what we tell the European Union

Remainers btfo!

Attached: 1558373084746.png (1024x633, 295K)

Può darsi (valutare il giornalismo è oggettivo solo fino a certi punti). Ciò non toglie che un giornalista non vale un cazzo in confronto ad un Rossini, un Pavarotti o un Verga.

Il giornalismo stesso è sovversivo e toglie la naturalezza popolarizzante alla società. Non mi frega se è Feltri o quel giudeo di Molinari.

Porcodio Salvini

Let me get this straight, so this is going to be a piece of paper backed by the euro which is backed by the dollar which hasn't been back by shit since 1971?
One would think we would have learnt about devaluing currency from the greeks, romans, french revolution and so on. But here we are again

>how to deal with it Jow Forums?

Attached: Giusto_così.gif (260x206, 838K)

>italy creates a new currency
>kikes buy new banknotes through bond acquisitions with euros
>"look at me, we the guidos now."
>back to the old games just with a new facade.

its all so tiresome.

ma dai orianna fallaci? che cagata

>italian money has cute women on it
I really wanna just move there.

> mfw Italy leaves the EU before Britain

Attached: mosley-and-mussolini.jpg (1000x600, 73K)

This time we have something that can be useful to get a fine deal with the Commission.
I think though that our gov lacks the will, the power and the courage to break the system.
Too many eat on it, too many.
We are full of traitors and our politician are amateurish at best.

>Fallaci sui 20 euro-minibot
>Falcone e Borsellino sui 10
Avrebbero dovuto mettere la Cristoforetti

I-It's happening...

Attached: very nervous pepe.jpg (231x218, 10K)


Attached: disdain for the pelbs.jpg (223x226, 7K)

usually the faces of the deceased are used to honor them

Mussolini era un giornalista, anche D'Annunzio...
a questo punto non dovevano mettere neanche Tardelli, hanno scelto personaggi recenti a quanto pare, con la cartteristica in comune di non essere traditori della Patria

>non essere traditori della Patria
bravo Calogero

>a questo punto non dovevano mettere neanche Tardelli
Ci piazzavano una sfilza di imperatori romani che non fa mai male. O al massimo edifici storici.

Will italy become cucked like Greece or leave EU?

guys those faces are not just photographs but messages sent to (((someone)))

we will collapse
there will be hunger, famine and pestilence
the oceans will retreat and the mountains will collapse
italy will go to hell

Attached: kill-this-man.jpg (299x168, 13K)

I thought if Italy were to create its own currency it would simply trade denominations of various funny-shaped pasta.

Mi sono sempre chiesto se Salvini sà qualcosa sulla JQ, immagino di sì...

grazie Piergiorgio
the best is Enrico Mattei: we are doing our way

Just use bitcoin you fucks
What crypto needs is one major player to go all-in. That first major player would be primed to dominate crypto for the foreseeable future so win-win.

non ho voglia di cercare il tweet originale...

Attached: (((who))) might that be.jpg (611x353, 82K)

Southron shitaloniggers roaches have far bigger problems than money. You are not human because you have literal erectus ape genes

the founder of the 5-star movement often names blockchain technology, I would not be surprised if he launched the idea of a state cryptocurrency or were already planning it
34:30 > 36:00 - turn on subs

i never knew that had 2 b's in italian. some useless knowledge gained from Jow Forums today

redpill me please

Salvini surely knows how the game of central banks works but can do nothing on its own. he must make agreements with powerful people before speaking because he knows that he risks that tomorrow we find him in a hotel room dead for "suicide"