Why do all the advertisements these days feature these disgusting half niggers

Why do all the advertisements these days feature these disgusting half niggers

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It accurately represents your population

clearly thats a nigger mixed with european blood

Because the elites want us to become mutts.

Stupid enough to don't question them.

Intelligent enough to work.

You should never point out the whiteness of mongrels. All it does it blur the line between them and us

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Starting early the communist revisionist history narrative early that America was 90% black in 1960 or sooner. They will point to dumb crap like this as proof. Wh*ites never had land and have to steal it from the PoC with their wicked trickery!

Confiscating wh*te wealth and taxing them out of reproduction is justified.

Attached: bbc-historys-a-whitewash.webm (854x480, 1.71M)

I noticed that in this weekends advertisements. In the US, it will be "Father's day" this Sunday.
Every single ad was black, except one disturbing one with a young white boi and a negro man laying down in a tent together.
If 33% of black families have absent fathers, and blacks are 13% of the population, then they're stupidly targeting just 4% of the population. when you consider half of them don't read, the ad's use of negroes is clearly ineffective.

Attached: single parent households by race.jpg (791x526, 70K)

they're the next step to get us acclimated to seeing only full niggers and not questioning why the white population is suddenly rapidly declining

Why are you still watching tv?

Padre nuestro,
que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu reino;
hágase tu voluntad
en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día;
perdona nuestras ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos
a los que nos ofenden;
no nos dejes caer en la tentación,
y líbranos del mal. Amén.

Attached: la ogrillo.jpg (390x284, 32K)

a population of full niggers would go bankrupt within hours, then China will reign supreme

They're just niggers, OP.

Attached: gib diploma.png (226x273, 145K)

>Jeebus was a nog

If an ad has niggers in it in an unrealistic way(stuff like raising a kid or working) I just dont give them my money. I actually changed my entire security system because the company I was with ran an ad with white guys breaking into a completely unrealistic nigger family home. When they asked me why I was cancelling I just said "according to your ad your systems are meant to keep white burglars out, but my area has a bigger problem with niggers" and told them to come pick their shit up. The whore on the phone was incredibly upset and made me talk to her manager because she thinks saying NIGGER is illegal or something. Ended up having some 40 something year old dude try to keep my business while I kept repeating that according to their ad I needed to get a new system because their didnt seem to cover niggers. After like 30 minutes of him saying "their skin color doesnt matter the system alerts you when someone enters your house illegally" I just said "so it just doesn't work at all then? I saw your ad and there were at least 4 niggers in that house who shouldn't have been". Long story short I am not longer with brinks.

I'm mixed too. I fucking hate seeing my phenotype everywhere in media. We are not common at all and we are grossly over-represented.

>Employee demands you speak with her manager
That's a new twist. The mind-virus is truly a force with which to be reckoned.

mad you can't find your dick, white boi?

Two demographics at once. I kek at multicultural ads more

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>Market Share

Attached: Mutt Name.png (1920x1400, 563K)

There are four ad companies in the western world and they are all owned by jews. jews hate whites and want your sisters and kids to fuck niggers to reduce there IQ. Dumb cattle make good debt slaves user.

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>disgusting half niggers

Attached: 1543516527250.jpg (1000x1778, 282K)

She sounded uneducated and said "um" after every second word. Whore probably burns coal. Figured she thought her manager could charge me for saying nigger or something.


Justin crap guzzler

I thought Jow Forums always said to man up and take care of your children. wh*TES rape black people, forcibly put a shit ton of people on the planet and now you don't want to abide with the consequences and provide them with proper culture and development? That's not cool, bro. That's nigger-tier behavior.

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Tyrone poop guzzler

Attached: google-mutt-ads.jpg (1902x996, 234K)

>according to your ad your systems are meant to keep white burglars out, but my area has a bigger problem with niggers

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Im very pleased. Pablo Pooguzzler is an outstanding roll.

top kek

Hot take - only niggers and taco sniffers are dumb enough to be convinced by advertising, it doesn't effect white people. They are also highly materialistic and easily led.

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why are you still watching advertisements

>33% of black families have absent fathers,

You mean present fathers.

are you shitting me. whites are literally conditioned into rejecting homogeny because mustache man bad

>pandora commercials are nothing but niggers
>youtube commercials have nothing but niggers
I'm assuming television is full of nothing but niggers too but I don't watch it.
I get pissed the fuck off listening to non niggerized music on Pandora then having to listen to some nigger advert in the middle of two songs.

It is a legal requirement for all advertising to showcase a light skinned black female with big curly hair.

They all have nasty STDs though, like half of all blacks have them.

Uh... right!! That's what I meant to say

How come niggers in America have the highest rates of homosexuality?


been outside lately? bunch of caramel colored mutts. americans are indiscriminately breeding.

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Half black girls are so cute

This chick did a porn video directly after this pic was taken and her boyfriend shipped out. Not even lying. Look it up.

Didn't that Don Lemon guy come out with the (later independently verified) figure of over 70% of American blacks having no father in the home? That shit's insane.