Why do American white girls despise white males so much?

Whenever I go on twitter or tumblr or reddit or really any form of social media in existence all I ever see is white girls shitting on white men declaring how woke and progressive they are. Openly bigoted tweets go viral with teenage white girls saying “slay queen” or “you go girl”.l do they hate you this much irl ? Why are they doing this?

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Second pic:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pic two

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Cunt are you telling me you can’t even trigger a 18 year old girl?

>I went on twitter and got my feelings hurt

I don't care about what some stupid whore thinks. Women in your nation are likely not much better.

jewish propaganda

We like Asian woman more than them or their just too ugly to get one and their sick of having to suck and fuck poos and sand niggers

You okay big guy?

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This fucking retard can't exact a distinction between hunting and literally dismembering a baby in the womb.

Better question! Why dose OP suck so much freakin' dick?

Why do dickless tranny commies spam Jow Forums with nonsense 24/7?

Because it’s currently de rigeur. Nothing more.

Not only in America

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But they allow this to happen

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This retard needs to watch pic.

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>not citing fbi crime statistics to prove her wrong


You forgot pic three
Dumb whores are dumb, not much else to it.

Kill yourself, autistic browncel.

Now you know why women were forbidden from speaking in public for eons.

You don't argue with stupid. If being in the right was actually a concern of theirs, they wouldn't say any of the dumb shit in the first place. Attack the ego, it's all that matters to these people.

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Bahahahahha do those kids think their Irish. Sorry mummy decided to ruin years of superior pure white European blood to fuck Tyrone . Toll paid

This is how retarded women are.
Yet, cuc.ks gave them power to control society...

This same whore posted something before about being a white man's whore.

Typical woman:

> this scares me and is dangerous
> fucks it

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here's a good pic to use

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this thread getting 22 comments in two minutes is why Jow Forums is dead
done, this post


From the same twitter

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I love that movie

>Bunch of Italians in their filming get up to some downright exploitative borderline porn shit, because they're Italian
>The local blacks chimp out and form a lynch mob against evil whitey
>The film crew are about to be lined up and shot when one of the soldiers checks their passports
>In surprise he addresses the crowd
>"Wait! They aren't white! They're Italian!"
>Wave of surprise and understanding washes over the crowd and the film crew are let go with smiles, apologies and pats on the back

Can you also do a % violent crime by population in the same excel chart? Just quicker to find

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Pure kino unironically. I´ve seen that movie like 3 times.

Simple answer OP and no one is going to like this. Every girl in America has, in their youths or adolescence, had either a run-in with a negro or (even more likely) a terrible encounter with one of their own race.

White males in America are the most apathetic, degenerate, pathetic excuses for men. Women are inherently more in-group oriented, especially European/"White" women and the OKC data supports this. White women have become even MORE in-group selective in the last 10 years while White men have abandoned their own Folk for Asian women.

>Men in power open the doors to the barbarians
>Barbarians rape, abuse, and beat on our women
>White men get angry at women for being angry at them
>White men laugh and fuck Asian women while their own sisters, daughters, mothers, cousins, aunts, neighbors, friends, peers, etc are exploited by Jews, niggers, and everything in between.

>Paddy day
>Ivory Coast flags
Coal burning low IQ idiot

Get with the program
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Stop leaving your women defenseless and at the mercy of a degenerate 3rd world element. If you're not getting together with the boys on a Friday night to hunt down a nigger to beat the shit out of, you're part of the problem. You're dysgenic cowards who have allowed an occupying army of sub-human filth to destroy your Nation.

wow OP how did you find the opinion of all white american girls in two twitter posts?
this is almost as remarkable as how much of a gigantic faggot you are

It’s a viral post and check the comments. Sooo many white girls pleading approval

They just regurgitate popular opinions on social media for attention and validation, duh

You make it sound like white men have misplaced their anger. You forget critical information.
>White men try to protect their sisters, mothers, and women
>White men are deplatformed, silenced, lose their job, attacked physically, shunned, and character assassinated by the very women they're trying to protect
Reason, logic, science, statistics, fair arguments, none of these things work anymore. The people you try to help fight you every step of the way. Will you be the savior for the nation of NPCs who hate your guts? Because I won't.

Because you started treating them like equals instead like the children they are.

Once men gave them more responsibility and stopped being authority figures in their lives, women didn't become empowered. Instead of that, women lost the sense of security they would find in a dominant male which then caused them to resent and lash out against men that treated them like equals.

Basically, if you want women to respect you, you have to stop treating them with respect.

They don't. Get the fuck off the internet normal people are nothing like this.

I have seen mulatto women, Jewish women, Mestizo women, 56% women, and the occasional British woman do these things, but never have I seen a truly White woman do such a thing.

The only woman in a position to deplatform anyone is the kikess behind youtube.
See above.
>Lose their jobs
To nigresses, Jewesses, mulattos and mutts.
By the above
>Character assassinated
I can't really think of a single example of this happening unjustly.

you fucks know she's "hating White Men" because it's trendy and gets her shit tons of RT and the assblasted Whites fuels her even more.
Literally just ignore also looks like a fucking Russian whore

Unless you're talking about men who scream
>gb2 kitchen
>stfu cunt
>know your place bitch
>lol you stupid whores deserved raep
>this is why I'm mgtow

Then yes. Those degenerate DnC faggots deserve the bullet for weakening the position of our race.

Hating white people its cool and trendy.

Put her in her place

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>80% chance to shoot up a school
That's not how statistics work.

Girls have always had daddy issues.
They just never had a platform this large.
Kids can go online and argur with adults like what they say has any meaning.
Most people reading it wont realize its a 14 year old and thats kind of important.

>Remember the retarded shit you thought as a 14 year old?
Me I wanted to put every rich person in a guillotine and share their wealth.
Not realizing that would be the entire first world.

Kids are dumb and little girls even more so.

nigger catfishes talking to nigger catfishes mixed with jewish bots

White wimminz are so stupid lmao

Some might be alright

Why do you post a variation on this thread every single day?

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Well, someone succeeded pretty badly in math class, eh?

Im not for beating women especially not as bad as ive seen.
But if a woman gets in your face and doesnt stop even though you conceded... you can give em a smack to make em stop.
Women have the capacity to talk a lot and not be fazed by any of it.
They can go for hours, men cant.
So its only fair to give her a slap and then go about your business.

>4 out of every 5 white boys shoot up schools?

I wish

>going on twitter or tumblr or reddit

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