Even if you are a heterosexual, you should act as if you are a homosexual

That means transient (a lot of different sex partners) and sterile (condom/pills) fornication sex, just like faggots.
You are to emulate the gay faggot sex style with a lot of transient and sterile fornication sex and literally behave like a faggot in the Gay Disco, even if you are a heterosexual.
(((Casual sex))) and (((hookup culture))) is gay, evil and Jewish.
Stop being useful mercenaries idiots in the subversive fight of the (((Marxist))) Sexual Revolution

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based EMJ poster


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To be honest, I've managed to draw the same conclusion on my own, even if I thought I was the only one thinking this.
Was great seeing an intellectual pretty much "approving" why I thought and it makes me feel a little less stupid.

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gays don't become pregnant when they fuck with each other

>gays don't become pregnant when they fuck with each other
Yes, just like how "heterosexual" don't become pregnant when they have transient and sterile relationship. You are basically acting like a sodomite even thought you are attracted to the opposite sex and that you exclusively put your penis in a vagina. In the end, you are as sterile, subverting and corrupting as a homosexual. (well, not as much because it's hard to top homosexual's degeneracy, but you sure ought to emulate them in this culture with as much (((casual sex))) as possible)

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The most "Chad" and "Alpha" thing to do in this culture is to screw thousands of women in a purely fornicating, transient and sterile way.
Just like thoses faggots in pic related.

Attached: Fag.png (1276x1669, 157K)

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Imagine having children like this.

You mean, imagine if that was your daughter acting as a Whore ?
Yeah, that sucks. But everytime you want to crew a woman and fornicate her, just imagine that she is the daughter of her parents and that she might have sisters and brothers, and imagine how you would feel if you were the dad of that young woman and she gets all screwed like a whore by a man or several men.

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I prefer disgraceful than being retarded.

>I prefer disgraceful than being retarded.
It's exactly this kind of thinking that allow the spread of degeneracy and judaizing of a culture and of a nation.
Good goy

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>baby's first EMJ video

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Sounds like possession by gay spirits, why would you want to willfully do this to your mind soul?

You've told us what to do, but you haven't said why. I'm not compelled by your argument

>but you haven't said why.
What is the goal of sexuality ? It's fertility, marriage and raising children.
It's self-evident.

Attached: 1527105019480.png (324x359, 112K)

It's basically heterosexual sodomy. Even anti-homosexuals fail to call all casual sex out.

I hate HK so much. Everything is overpriced. Indians everywhere trying to sell you hash. Bedbugs in the hotels. Everyone is rude. I've never felt so alone while surrounded by so many people.

>In summary, we could say that Humanae vitae formulates the conditions according to which a sexual act is an adequate expression of conjugal love. Only when it remains in itself open to the transmission of life is the sexual act between spouses an act of union between the two, in which the authentic gift of self is realized in the body. The link between the two meanings should not be located at the biological level, but rather at the intentional level: there can be an intentionally contraceptive act which, even if it is physiologically fruitful, contradicts the truth of self-giving (for example, an act in which artificial contraception fails); just as there can be an act that per se is open to life, even though it is physiologically sterile and known as such (as happens in the natural regulation of births).

>An act rendered intentionally sterile denies at the same time the sincere openness to the gift of oneself and the full acceptance of the other: it is an act that turns in on itself. Although carried out with the consent and collaboration of one’s partner, the contraceptive act intentionally closed to procreation is an act aimed at the pursuit of individual pleasure, which does not differ from masturbation. For this reason, sexual difference does not play a qualifying role in such an act and it is therefore analogous to homosexual acts. The English philosopher G.E.M. Anscombe says that those in favor of contraception will have no arguments to oppose homosexual relationships. The Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce went so far as to say that “today’s nihilism (which he calls gay nihilism) always intends love ‘homosexually’ even when upholding a man-woman relationship.” It has been rightly observed that the man-woman relationship was public from its origin with its openness to the generation of children, and that is why it is sanctioned by marriage, while the homosexual relationship is in se private and cannot be recognized as marriage.

Stupid mutt deserved to raped by Kikes.