Catholic general - /cg/

The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint Mattew 5, 33-37

>Jesus said to his disciples:"“Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’
>But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God,
>or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
>And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.
>Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.

Today, June 15, is the feast day of:
>St. Landelin of Crespin
>St. Edburgh of Winchester
>St. Germaine Cousin
>St. Abraham of Cyriacus
>St. Pierre de Cervis
>St. Barbara Cui Lianshi
>St. Lotharius of Séez
>St. Trillo
>St. Alice of Schaerbeek

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Other urls found in this thread:

bros, Yesterday's /cg/ was moved to Jow Forums and then it was returned to Jow Forums
i was issued a warning, and if today's thread gets deleted, i'll probably get banned and i won't be able to continue making /cg/ everyday
It seems religion isn't related to politics for jannies, so idk


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Religion and politics shouldn't mix.

shouldn't? maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't matter because they effectively are
Denying that is denying the entire history of humanity, and therefore i don't see why /cg/ shouldn't be allowed in pol

They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
No they shouldn't.

It doesn't matter if they should or should not, at most it will be another debate
what matters is that they are indeed closely related
you can see in the catalog all type of threads about christianity, islam, paganism, atheism and their political actors all the time

and Render unto caesar isn't saying politics and religion shouldn't or aren't related, it marks the difference between the earthly and heavenly world, not between politics and religion

Sameway an /atheism general/ would be cleaned up too

Peace be with you

Yes they do. Do you enjoy seeing your fellow citizens reduced to penniless debt slaves by usurious jews?

May the LORD bless you, friends.

And how did that turn out for the last century? Without religion and a belief in a higher law, there's no functional society. We learned that the hard way.

half of Jow Forums have to be cleaned up then
just do a ctrl f "Jew", "christian" and "islam" in the catalog and see it yourself

a lot of the time they are irrelevant, i don't mind it when they're relevant to politics, otherwise it's just "fuck christcucks" "fuck larpers" "fuck mudshits", etc., etc. which isn't really related to politics but only to religion itself.

Fuck jannies.

Ou mother the Catholic church needs more than ever, this thread does not die...

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Why did YVWH need to knock up another guy's wife? Couldn't he have made his son out of dirt like the first man or got his own wife?
Should I be a deadbeat dad like YVWH is? If he did it it must be good

The entire reason why we're complaining about Jews is the reformation. The catholic church had kept them quarantined. The irony is that the opposite of all those teachings in you image is talmudism/judaism. Racial supremacy, usury, ingroup preference, purity laws, denial of sinful nature, salvation by DNA, cursing of gentiles, resisting the law of the land(revolution).

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Catholicism is the most jewest of christianity, and christianity alone is pure jewery.

>Catholicism is the most jewest of christianity, and christianity alone is pure jewery.

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John 15:18
If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.

>quoting the Bible...
Yeah. You need to quote the Catechism of the Council of Trent which is official Catholic Teaching and not a biblical verse here and there, and take it out of context.
You're Catholic and not a God Damned Lutheran: the Bible is not taken as the literal word of God because it can so easily be taken out of Context. No, we don't burn scientists as heretics like the Protestants.
And remember, if those of the Baltimore Catechism declare the those of the Catechism of the Council of Trent to be apostates, they declare themselves to defacto be a new cult that came into being in 1962 and not Catholic and from an unbroken line from Saint Peter.

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers

>pic related

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My three year old son said a Hail Mary the other day all by himself. We were burying a bunny that the dog or cat had killed and so I explained why we bury stuff and pray for it. Obviously we don't need to do this with bunnies but he is fucking 3 and it was a good teaching moment. Either way he said the whole prayer all alone and then told me that we pray so they can go to Heaven. I was very proud of him. Too bad I cannot say the same about the Church, our Pope (gross), and most of our Bishops and Priests. Lord, save us.

It's not some random biblical verse, it's the daily Gospel, not some random biblical verse; so If you go to mass today, the priest will read this gospel (Mt. 5, 33-37). And then he will comment it. But if you can't or don't attend mass everyday, this way you can at least know the Gospel for the day, and make the reflection yourself. And it's settled worldwide for the entire year, so it doesn't matter if you're in the us, argentina, germany or japan, today's Gospel is the same for everyone

ignore the double sentence

No bullshit guys, give me a definitive list of your dogmatic sources.

Like in Orthodoxy we have just the 7 ecumenical councils for the sole reservoir of dogmatic guidance, everything else is accepted custom - for better or worse regions that shifts effortlessly with culture, political events, fashion etc.

Well, someone is trying to push the envelope on kiddie porn on the Catalog...
Not a good place to discuss Catholicism, but there isn't really anywhere else. Even modern "Catholics" shut you down with heresy.
Hopefully my based Catechism arrives Monday. Time to study.

I'm strongly considering Orthodox, but which one? There's a Russian one 20 minutes from me, but do they take you if you're not Ethnic Russian?
There's a "Christian Orthodox" which isn't ethnic an hour away.
From what I read, Orthodox is completely alien to someone who's accustomed to the Latin Mass.

Hey I'm not living in USA so don't ask me for that type of insight - I can send you to a paper that will comfort you and maybe give you some answers.
This is the paper read aloud by its writer, given for free.

Normally it costs money but here you go, 'yarr m8.

I think the convert parishes must be some of the most interesting, but BUT - not all of them this is why I invite you to read the article first, or listen to it.

I know of some guy Orthodox who studied in USA, and he spent most of the time with some protestant converts to Orthodoxy - that spoke all the time about the literature, history of the Church and all that - that he coming from a Orthodox majority etc. had no idea about - so he started to study theology too alongside physics.
Many such anecdotal stories that I can give, thing is - the literature, the insights, the everything - are laid down on paper, just seek them - you can also frequent the Church of course to join the community, confess your sins, partake in the liturgy, feel and live central events from the bible as they are artistically manifested through the Church tools etc.

Your church is filled with pedophiles. You worship a random dude you call the pope think for you. It's no wonder idiot Mexicans and south Americans insta-belive this nonsense with their 60IQ

>t. tranny kike

Nice bunch of hate and lies, Rabbi.

we catholics use the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Catechism of Trent (roman catechism), the interpretation of the Scriptures through the Magisterium of the Church (infability of the Church) and the teachings of the Pope (when he teachs ex cathedra -- infability of the Pope) and the 21 21 Ecumenical Councils (you've probably read about Vatican II, for example)

>Not a good place to discuss Catholicism
Bad places are where we have to stand our Faith, it would be easy to talk about Christ in a catholic forum, but that's not what we have to do

>it would be easy to talk about Christ in a catholic forum,
It is literally easier here than in a "catholic forum".

GTFO of here with this pedo shit

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Yes and no: it's pointless to talk about Jesus (evangelize) in a catholic forum, but at least the thread won't be hijacked.
I read some anons everyday, there's Steven anderson user, the italian user up here, the leaf that post the pope with a feet in his mouth pic, the brit promoting the book (up here too), who come here everyday. I welcome them, the fact they're coming to this thread is the proof something inside them is growing up. Maybe reading the Gospel and our posts every day will get them back to Christ
Anyways, i understand what you tried to say, that in a catholic forum our bros sometimes get to be pedantic, but correct me if im wrong

Based. God bless Argentina user

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the catholic church has been infiltrated by jews and this is causing too much trouble

a jew should be never accepted as a priest

Yes, but the jews have debased all decency.

is sppx gay

Don't know what is sppx, but the SSPX surely is not.

religion and politics are directly related

i spelled it wrong but i heard there cucked and have loads of racemixing

bump, 1488 and praise God.

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Friendly reminder that the meme about Jesus not being a real person is a Christian meme with only one purpose. Lowering the bar for Christian apologetics so that they only need to prove his existence for Christians to win the argument.

nice try though Christcuck. Jesus existed, and he sucked.

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What is the differences between SSPX and FSSP?
An FSSP church is closer to me, SSPX way off in a big city where my truck maneuvers like a tank.

I don't get my theology from a Moslem rapists.
Have a nice rape free day.

Racemixing is neither condemned not mandatory in the history of Catholicism. There isn't any doctrine about it, and its up to you to decide.
SSPX was created by Archbishop Lefebvre to combat the errors of the VCII. At a point in time there were many "fights" with Rome, especially in Paul VI's times.
The FSSP was originally part of the SSPX that broke up with them to achieve full communion with Rome.
Today, the SSPX is making a lot of progress even with Francis, surprisingly as it is.
THing is, the SSPX does not accept the validity of the New Mass, but I don't know if the FSSP shares the same opinion.
You can visit the FSSP Church if you want. You can ask the priests about this subjects also.

In short FSSP is best movement and strongest movement bringing back the Latin Mass and they are in communion with the Pope, SSPX are excommunicated so nothing they do is valid. You're a bit lucky, I wish I lived near a FSSP parish.

I must add that, unlike the FSSP (and other Traditional communities like the ICKSP), the SSPX is in cannonical irregular position. They are neither in schism nor in full communion.

racemix still gay though

mudslime pisslam

So I tend to agree with SSPX more then...
That makes me sad, because I'm not sure I can get there.

>SSPX are excommunicated so nothing they do is valid
Not true. Even Francis granted them the power to absolve sins and perform marriages recently, and the excommunications were lifted by Benedict XVI.
Their masses also fullfill your sunday obligation.
Things are a lot more complicated than that.

blatantly false. 99% of protestants are christian zionists. just look at the united kike states of america

>SSPX are excommunicated so nothing they do is valid.
How can the present church claim legitimacy if they declare the church before Vatican 2 to be excommunicated? They broke their line to Saint Peter.

It is not a bad thing that they're not in full communion with the present Catholic church, imho. The have used infallibility to refute prior church teaching.

You can go talk to both priests.
I don't know if that's the case for the FSSP, but traditional isntitutes like the IBP can even criticize the CVII while remaining communion.
I would frequent an FSSP parish if I could.
I don't think there's a lot of differences between them and the SSPX.

No, even the SSPX says that the CVII were not infalible for it was not dogmatic.
They want a document confirming it and, ultimately, they want the abolishment of the New Mass.
But if you want my opinion, if a future Pope would declare formally again that the VCII is not infalible and cannot change previous doctrines and would reject some polemical documents like Dignitatis Humanae, even though not removing completely the New Mass, they would accept full communion.

I've seen other anons smarter than say this and prove it, so idk. I don't wish there wasn't drama with them. But still FSSP is the safest bet for anons looking for TLM

Something to do with the leaders of SSPX and drama between them and the Vatican. It's not like the Vatican is against TLM because FSSP exist

>Does this mean Catholics are forbidden to attend SSPX Masses? The most recent Vatican response to this question came on September 27, 2002, in a letter from the secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, Msgr. Camille Perl, to a lay enquirer. It says that such attendance “would not be a sin” if one’s intention is not schismatic but simply “to participate in a Mass according to the 1962 Missal for the sake of devotion.” Msgr. Perl answered a second question from the enquirer thusly: “In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X.” And in reply to a third question, he wrote, “It would seem that a modest contribution to the collection at Mass could be justified.” The italics in the above citations are mine, emphasizing these singular, rather than plural, expressions (e.g., “a Mass,” not “Masses”).

>your god Jesus Christ is a literal jew
>your first Pope Peter is a literal jew
>hurr durr the catholic church has been infiltrated by jews

you heard the bible. go suck a jew dick.

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First off, blessings to a good evening, brothers.

Politicis shouldn't be secularized but theology is not a political matter itself.
I'd argue we should focus on Jow Forums on talking about politics mainly.

Christianity is the only religion that has a chance on this boar, even without memes, which is why I hope for more organic board development which necessarily involves taking the ground from shills, either by finally establishing, in depth and width, arguments of Christianity or retreating temporarily to focus on pushing directly political issues.

Even if memeflags discord admins and shareblue workers will deny it, Christianity is fundamental to most rightist and third-way wordlviews on Jow Forums and has historically been beneficial for each European ethnicity, as well as theoligcally and philosophically supreme in all aspects.

The main thing that I want is less conflict&misinformation and more understanding of our problems.

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