Be normal kid without Aspergers

>Be normal kid without Aspergers
>School warns me from 3rd grade onward to watch out for Nazis because they hurt innocent people
>Grow up and come of voting age
>Me and every other person my age voted blue in 2016. We won by 3 million votes, but I guess the anti-intellectual party gets a Snowflake handicap.
>One year later there's concentration camps
>Watch video of kids crying asking their parents why they were put in prison
>Again, I don't have aspergers so I understand Central America is a war zone America created to undermine socialism. Death squads that decapitate children and so forth.
>Keep getting told "Just wait it out and vote in 2020"
>Concentration camps exist in my country and my grandchildren are going to ask why I let that happen
>Feels fucking terrible man

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Other urls found in this thread:

You sound like a faggot with assburgers

>death camp
>inmates moved to different camps

>concentration camps
They aren't killing people in those "camps." They're temporarily holding people who chose to enter the US illegally. Imagine if there were millions of poor white people crossing the border into Mexico, using public services, taking jobs and causing wages to stagnate. Do you think the Mexicans have the right to resist that or do they just have to bow down and accept it?

You're not going to have grandchildren because you're a massive cuck.

If you're on this side of the barb wire, there are no actual concentration camps.

>Again, I don't have aspergers so I understand Central America is a war zone America created to undermine socialism. Death squads that decapitate children and so forth.

Jow Forums‘s consensus is that we shouldn’t be propping up neo-liberal dictatorships anywhere

>One year later there's concentration camps
>One year later
2012 is calling

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Just remember no matter how dark things get we will rise again. All camps they have built we be their tomb. God bless Stalin


>still crying about the election
I thought we'd get 2 years of salt. Who knows how deep this mine is?

Oh no, you missed the point about how I'm mad about the concentration camps.
God bless Lenin you fuckin' poser.
Shut up leaf.
You're a fuckin' chunderhead if you blame illegal immigrants for wages stagnating. There's a greedy capitalist who owns a yacht laughing at the fact you've fallen for the smokescreen.

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at least I'm not a fucking 56% burger americlap

oh man those people that jumped the border illegally are being detained oh man this is just like nazi germany oh geez oh man

>What are asylum seekers
Is being uninformed a specialty of yours?

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living in the third world and thinking your life would be better in america does not instantly qualify you for asylum. lawful asylum is granted before you even enter the country

Mass immigration, both legal and illegal contributes to wage stagnation. It's because when you increase the size of the labour force, you cheapen the value of labour. This is Economics 101, friend.
And you still didn't answer my question. Would the Mexicans have the right to resist mass immigration, or are they not allowed to have control over who enters their country? I often see a double standard from people on your side of the aisle where they believe in sovereignty for non-white countries, but not for white countries. Let's have some consistency.

They didn't say "death camp"

People have already died in these camps, and you fucking bet that ICE and CBP are itching to just kill them on the spot, just like you guys would. The only thing they are waiting for is a permission from above.

It is pretty much like early Nazi Germany. There's little difference between the US now and Nazi Germany before the war.

Why are you spreading misinformation?

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You obviously do have ass burgers you fucking faggot.

>People have already died in these camps
Maybe because they came from disease-ridden third world countries. Also, let's ignore that they traveled of their own volition. America didn't force them to illegally migrate.

>little difference between the US now and Nazi Germany before the war
>implying that Jews were illegally crossing into Germany and weren't already German citizens

So you're telling me that the fact CEO pay is 361:1 compared to non-supervisory workers doesn't strike you as suspicious? This is surely the fault of immigrants, not a tax code that very suspiciously stops increasing after $300,000 annual income is achieved? Because yes, the reasons wages stagnate are NOT Econ 101. But blaming immigrants for a problem they're not creating isn't fixing anything.

Honestly with the amount of batshit government corruption and gang violence in Mexico I can't blame Central Americans for going farther north. You've surely heard the stories about vacationing to Mexico, right? "Don't go too far from the hotel" and all that. Maybe it's about a country being safe, not a country being white.

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Yeah I forgot how the Jews wanted to move to Auschwitz by crossing 2000 miles of desert into Germany

Why did people die in our camps then? We have doctors in this country. At that point it's negligence on our part. Also stop being an idiot and actually read the news. People are dying from dehydration and starvation. That shit's entirely preventable.
Your lack of empathy is something you should work on.
Why are we putting asylum seekers in camps instead of letting them go through the typical immigration process where they move somewhere, work/stay out of trouble, and fill out paper-work for 10 years? You know how big the country is, we're definitely not full. These people are running from death squads.

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There were already instances of legal immigrants, asylum seekers, naturalized citizens, and native-born citizens being treated as "illegals".
The definition of "illegals" keeps expanding, because the real goal here is to keep the US as white as possible.

So fucking what


It's a crime against humanity, and those imvolved should be prosecuted for it.
The US needs its own Nuremberg trials.


>because the real goal here is to keep the US as white as possible
I wish. Unfortunately, the Trump administration is extremely cucked on immigration. They're okay with demographic replacement as long as it's done "legally."
Let's go to Nigeria, fill it with millions of foreigners so that Nigerians become a minority in their own country, and if they dare to complain we'll call them racists, bigots, xenophobes, incels, etc. Do you think the Nigerians would be happy about that?

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I don't think you understand, Nigeria isn't the world's hegemony country. People are immigrating here because America is the closest global superpower. Analyzing this as a race issue is some elementary school nonsense. This is an economic issue.

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Wouldn't that mean Obama would get hanged by the neck until dwad for starting these concentration camps then?

>This is surely the fault of immigrants
Yeah it actually is. Massively increasing the labor supply means workers have to sell their labor for less, while illegal immigrants don't pay income tax and live off of food stamps since they have no declared income. Add to that the increased costs of housing and goods due to the massive increase in people on top of the tax bullshit you just mentioned and yeah the middle class is getting fucked out of existence.

The corruption and gang violence in Mexico is pretty much overseen by the CIA to control the flow of drugs and migrants into the US. Look up Gary Webb.

Are you new here or something?

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First off, you are a literal cockscuking faggot or woman. I can't tell which.

Second, what do you propose we do with the border hoppers? Just stick the kids in with the adults?

>Trump is running camps where children are repeatedly raped and molested by adults

How about they stay in their own fucking countries? Then they won't be in American camps.

you didn even calculate all the public services the immigrants get for free
it,s like 2 - 3 generations to start to pay back what they used in service IF every generation worked full times it's ridiculous they make you finance your replacement

>Nigeria isn't the world's hegemony country
So non-hegemony countries are allowed to control who enters their country, but hegemony countries are not? No one is implying that people are immigrating to the US because it's a white country. You are missing the point. The US (and every country in the world) should have the right to decide who enters and who does not. Neither the Nigerians nor the Americans want to become a minority in their own country.

>eh ese, I'm being oppressed and shit. Give me some free shit, homes!

Yeah, fuck ALL of that.

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The earnings of a CEO are irrelevant. If you increase the size of the labor pool then the demand for labor goes down. When this happens employees can afford to treat their workers like shit, make people jump through a ton of hoops just to get hired, and pay them jack shit because they know someone will take their place if they complain or just quit. If you decreased the size of the labor pool by getting rid of lazy subhumans that the government mandates businesses hire then everything will be better.

????? sage

You should try not to be so hyperbolic, it just makes you look silly and undermines whatever point you're trying to make.

Don't sage. ITT we're giving babby's first redpill.

How do they get food stamps without being citizens? Furthermore America's housing crisis is the fault of zoning regulations asymmetrically designed to benefit those who already own houses. The fact your worldview has been molded to blame immigrants for why the working class is eroding makes you worse than useless at a voting booth. The upper class has engaged in crony capitalism to keep the workers paycheck to paycheck so they can't protest effectively. Immigrants are a decoy issue used to court xenophobes so they don't realize they're getting fucked by their bosses.
I'm fairly certain we deport people who commit crimes. Isn't that enough by your standards? Again, we have a shitload of space here.
Death squads in Central America decapitate and eat children. They're not coming here to freeload, they're running from death itself.
>The earnings of CEO's are irrelevant
When they make enough to pay 360 other workers a full, living wage? Yeah sport, you lost me. You're seriously targeting people who come here and work agriculture jobs instead of the people who exploit the worker's labor by paying them a significantly lower portion of the revenue they generate? That's some dumb bullshit you're on.
What the actual fuck is hyperbolic about not wanting concentration camps in my country? They're atrocious. Atrocities happen there. Their existence is hyperbolic.
Redpills are for idiots.

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Are you here to (((deradicalize))) us? You don't have to be a citizen to get benefits here. I see goblina ass squat beaners from Guatemala buying huge carts of groceries with EBT cards every time I go to the store.


The upper class are jews for the most part and have completely displaced the W.A.S.P. elite. Jews also ran the slave trade that brought africans here in the first place.

People who commit crimes here get deported and just cross the border illegally again.

CEO's are beholden to the stockholders and nobody else, I.E. jewish-owned banks and investment funds.

Define "concentration camp". Are prisons concentration camps?

Your programming isn't invincible, buddy. You sound smart enough to notice obvious patterns.

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Anyone can receive food stamps retard, google it if you dont believe us.

Agricultural jobs? We have machines who can do that work you worthless brainlet, and most of the jobs they take are restaurant service jobs and trade jobs, which are supposed to be worked by teenagers and young White men respectively. Also, you didn't refute most of the things I said, you just focused on the earnings of a CEO, which are again, irrelevant. The person in charge should be allowed to have enormous sums of money. His labor is more valuable than that of his underlings so he deserves as much as his business can generate. Dont bother responding unless you can refute an argument in full.

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How does NYC give illegals driving licenses?

OP is a faggot.

>Immigrants are a decoy issue used to court xenophobes
On the contrary. Politicians are too scared to say one bad thing about immigrants. Even Trump says that he wants immigrants to come in "in the largest numbers ever." Let alone politicians -- even ordinary people are afraid to openly criticize the government's immigration policy. Who do you think is responsible for that? The "alt-right"?

Most white countries in the world are projected to become non-white within the next 20 to 50 years, and that includes the US. Don't give me any of that "diversity is our strength" bullshit. If diversity really is a strength, why isn't China importing millions of foreigners to become more diverse? Why isn't Nigeria trying to become more diverse? Or Japan? Why is diversity only a strength for white countries?

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Oh no, people are getting food they need to survive. Fuck my face, captain, the world must be on fire if we're not letting the refugees and Wal Mart employees starve to death. What is so appealing about lacking empathy to the extent where you're mad at people who use SNAP? There's an equal argument that trust-fund kids contribute nothing and get to survive, but people seem to always target the vulnerable instead of the powerful in their rants about what's taking the country down.

You've fallen for the meme that the elites must all be Jewish? Boy, do I have a few names for you. The Mercers. The Waltons. The Koch Brothers. Warren Buffet, Forrest Mars--- fuck it, here's a list.
Attached is the definition of a concentration camp.

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>>Be normal kid without Aspergers
>>School warns me from 3rd grade onward to watch out for Nazis because they hurt innocent people
>>Grow up and come of voting age
You never grew up lol.

>Stealing is ok if they ""need"" it
Buy me a pizza, slaveboy. Wash my feet while you're at it too. I'm like, I dunno, 5% spic. I'm your god.
I own your children and your children's children.

>people are getting food they need to survive
Who is paying for it? The American taxpayer. Why can't people just make money and take care of themselves? There aren't any jobs, you say? Then why did we let them into the country in the first place? Welfare is not compassionate. Don't be generous with other people's money.

You're going to die, OP.

You have Aspergers.

t. doctor

Why don't you mention death camps?
Oh, because they didn't exist.

Also (((Koch))) lmao. The rest are de-facto Jews. Yes. Even rich whites are Jews to me. You'll all burn I don't care.

According to Pew 53% of undocumented migrants work as "hired farmers", 15% work "construction, 9% work "Production", 9% work "services, 6% work "transportation", and 5% fall into the category of "overall workforce". [1] That figure standing, your assumption machines do all the farm work is either entirely invalid, or just not sound by way of underestimating migrant's ability to operate machines.

>The person in charge should be allowed to have enormous sums of money. His labor is more valuable than that of his underlings
In what way? CEO's aren't on the factory floor. CEO's aren't driving the trucks. CEO's aren't stocking the shelves, operating the cash registers, or anything beyond (usually) oversight and publicity. They're a component of the company, but that doesn't justify an average 361% pay increase from the average worker. The idea income inequality can get to the point where some people can't afford insulin and others own 10 yachts is a goddamn disgrace. That kind of inequality isn't just, it's the product of morons who think greed is a virtue.

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>These people are running from death squads.
what latin american country is curently sanctioning death squads?

>Immigrants should be able to come in and take resources away from black Americans
Typical Nazi thinking. You just can't go a day without trying to implement socialism on a national level to kill all minorities.

>we won
Yeah, you have aspergers, and autism, you are also a faggot for voting left.

They get a lot more than free groceries, and they sure as shit aren't starving looking at how fat most of them are. They get free healthcare, dentistry, education, housing and whatever else our taxes pay for without paying in themselves. Also "trust fund kids" that you seem to have a seething jealousy of are faux-riche upper middle class nobodies. Banking dynasties and their servant families like the ones you just mentioned are the ones with the real power and money.

Also those beaners aren't going to be executed or forced to work, ergo they're not concentration camps. You are not as smart as you seem to think you are.

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>Be normal guy who understands patterns
>first election I could vote was Obama/McCain
>grow up learning about the Fall of Rome due to (((factors))), black slaves, Aztec sacrifices, and Jews in concentration camps
>look at what Obama did in his 8 years
>begin to understand Nazis, Cortez, Slave owners, and what really happened to Rome
>again, I’m human, so I understand patterns and see how groups of people tend to act the same no matter where they are
>keep being told that is was her turn and she won by 3m votes overall, despite winning by 4m in Cali alone
>our population will be under 40% white by the time I have grandkids, and they will ask how it fell so quickly in 2 generations

I pay taxes. If you want food you can apply for SNAP. Me and my nation of coworkers paid for you to have that. You don't own my children, that's slavery which is illegal. Fuck your gay little wrench in the discussion.
... You been informed Wal-Mart is underpaying their workers to the extent where almost everybody in a non-management position would need to use SNAP to survive, right? Welfare is compassionate when people need it to survive. What have you to say about corporate welfare? Tax breaks for the rich? Cheaper health insurance plans for Wal Street bankers? People who instagram a picture standing with a brand and make millions without breaking a sweat? You're the typical capitalist bootlicker with his head up his ass, targeting the weak instead of the real enemy.
Dude, I'm aware. A doctor informed me of this in grade school. Shit's weak.
Nobody said death camp. Also, what is this need to call rich Christians Jews? This no true scotsman bullshit? If they don't practice the religion, most people just call them "the rich". Adding the Jewish part is unnecessary and sounds like psychosis.
El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are typically where people are fleeing. Gangs and shit.
Hahahahaha no Immigrants should be able to come here and receive the benefits needed for basic survival, as afforded by ALL Americans. Black people aren't the only ones who pay taxes, weirdo.
The exact number was 62 million voters for R and 65 million votes for D. 3 million more people wanted Clinton in office.
Did you see the link provided about how 22 people died from preventable causes? Or read the story about how their legal aid, soccer, and English classes are being taken away for no good reason whatsoever other than wanton cruelty? And furthermore who gives a fuck you think members of the leisure class are "nobodies", so are the "beaners" you're shitting all over.

Just because you don't have autism doesn't mean you aren't retarded

I don't get it, do you think being a minority is going to make life worse for whites because white people treat minorities like shit? That's textbook projection, man. Just because the country won't be 70% white doesn't ensure white persecution.

22 out of nearly a million is a holocaust in your mind? They should have prevented themselves from walking across Mexico for free shit and getting raped on the way. It's their fault for crossing the border illegally. They're probably going to get released in the country anyways so why are you so pissy that we're checking them for plague and measles and that their "kids" aren't dual purpose free passes into the country-sex slaves before being shipped off to live on welfare?

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equating gangs with death squads is intellectually dishonest. there are gangs everywhere. so just because a country has lower law enforcement abilities than the USA entitles their citizens to illegally enter the country? that sounds kind of stupid, why do we have borders and laws at all in that case? billions of people would be entitled to enter the US with no kind of process at all if that were the criteria being judged.

>why would people die? We have doctors lol
...i dont know how expensive is going to hospital there, because im a eu faggot who has free healthcare service. I bet my ass it's not a cheap deal in freedomland and most of the people who live in those camps are probably poor as fuck.

>Wal-Mart is underpaying their workers
Maybe their wages would rise if we stop inflating the labour market. Also, tax cuts would help a lot.

>Welfare is compassionate when people need it to survive
The good thing about private charities is that they work on a purely voluntary basis, whereas government welfare is done through coercion. Don't make the government steal people's money -- convince them to donate to charity.

>What have you to say about corporate welfare?
Not a fan. And here in Canada, we know exactly what real corporate welfare is. The government takes our money and gives hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to a small number of big companies. This is not a free market.

>Tax breaks for the rich?
I'm happy whenever the government takes less of people's money, and you should be happy for them too. The problem is that EVERYONE should be getting tax breaks, but unfortunately we won't be getting that any time soon, and the welfare abusers aren't helping us.

Buckle up lad
There's another 4 years of this ahead

>muh persecution of minorities
I think that because blacks and Hispanics drain more than they add, there will be a tipping point where our welfare system collapses and we will collapse, never to recover. Areas that Rome controlled are still shit 1500 years later.

suck my dick oh yeaaaah fuckin faggot

It's 22 preventable deaths. To be frank with you, one is too many. But fuck me, I just don't want people to die of starvation and dehydration on our soil because that's savagery tier dumb.
>Crossing the border illegally
Asylum seekers are being detained. Seeking asylum in the US isn't illegal. That's international AND federal law.
>Living on welfare
You're assuming they just come here, squat somewhere and don't get jobs? Man, that's just patently false.

Your lack of anything autism implies a lack of obsession for knowing the whole truth.

wow you are one brainwashed liberal

pick one faggot.

>>Again, I don't have aspergers so I understand Central America is a war zone America created to undermine socialism.
Oh, that's the problem? It's not the endless procession of coups and revolutions and juntas that we didn't have a hand in, they did nothing to destabilize the region? It's the 9 or 10 times we did intervene some way that really fucked things up? Just those times, specifically?

Nigger, get off it. The problem isn't us, the problem is that South Americans are the rape babies the murderous Conquistadors spawned on the bloodthirsty Aztecs and they're genetically incapable of governing themselves.

>because the real goal here is to keep the US as white as possible.

>central America is a war zone

>Asylum seekers
The left has made this term completely meaningless. Did you know that for the last few years, thousands of people from AMERICA (mostly Haitians who overstayed their Visa) crossed illegally into Canada? The liberal government and mainstream media are calling them "asylum seekers." Can you believe that? Asylum seekers from New York State! If they'll lie about these Haitians, you think they won't lie about the Hispanics? These people are coming into the US from Mexico, which is not involved in a war or humanitarian crisis. And even if it were, refugees don't have to be taken permanently -- when their crisis ends, we can send them back. But of course, you're not planning to send them back, are you? Because it never was about helping refugees. It's about supplying big businesses with cheap labour at the cost of the white majority.

We are a representative Republic, not a democracy, despite what your commie public school teachers told you, you autistic drooling retard.

Except it isn't patently false? We know with certainty that over 60% of them never attain a permanent job and remain on welfare forever.

22 out of millions is less risky than driving a car.

Why can't they make their own country better instead of turning ours to shit? They're here for free shit because they don't get it from their governments. Even Mexicans hate the ungrateful, criminal gibs seekers crossing their country demanding free shit from them as well. And how is it false? I just linked you the guidelines for getting welfare as a non-citizen in the US.

>kid says something in spanish
>leftist progressives subtitle it with what ever they want when the reality the kid is crying because he/she was kidnapped and wants to go back home. not with the man and woman who used him/her as way to cross the board.
>aspie buys it because he doesn't understand spanish.

They're not asylum seekers, you fucknugget, because their claims to asylum are specious. Saying we have to let these sneaky wetbecks violate our borders with impunity because "Seeking asylum in the US isn't illegal" is like saying we have to let people who pass bad checks or dine-and-dash go if they yell 'Chapter 11!', because "declaring bankruptcy to discharge your debt to creditors in the US isn't illegal". The fucking taco goblins are abusing the system just that egregiously.

These subhumans aren't entitled to asylum, they deserve to have their eyes put out, their hands struck off, their genitals surgically excised, and then getting thrown back across the border as an object warning to the rest of the bastards.

I'd debate you but I'd rather just wait until your side wins and watch as the Stalins of this world round you up to a concentration camp with the rest of the borgeous retards that made it happen.

the media is crying about literally 20 people out of 500k dying in said "concentration camps", aka people are dying at a lower rate in orange mans auschwitz than in the rest of the country by an order of magnitude

>when your county is so fucking great that people travel thousands of miles and risk their lives to get into your "concentration camps"

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>The exact number was 62 million voters for R and 65 million votes for D. 3 million more people wanted Clinton in office.
That's not how it works.

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