Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

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Yang will make things better

Hardship brought him to his fullest potential. He was a beta high school teacher. Hard times create strong men.

Health care isn’t right

This. Ultimately the moral is for white men to grow a pair.

Evolution is the answer. The weakest will get sorted out, why feed some poor asshole who doesn't get his feet on the ground or has bad genetics to begin with. We are just creating more of them

My mom has cancer and her health insurance pays for everything after she meets her deductible. Cancer only costs her $1000 a year. She's doing pretty good now too.

It's a tv show.

Cancer is usually found later in life log after the person has reproduced. Unless we can find genetic predispositions towards it it looks like cancers here to stay

>implying that white supremacist will change anything

Glad to hear it homeskillet. When she hits remission I hope she stays there.

>fullest potential
>family in shambles
>friends dead
>spend few years in hiding
>being hunted by killers and cops
>can't even spend money he made
>dies like a bitch

All you need to know about the left is they think TV shows are real.

It's bullshit.
Medical treatment costs a shit-ton of money because chemistry, engineering, science, and training for medicine cost a shit-ton of money. Europeans get it "for free" by paying huge amounts of taxes on EVERY GODDAMN THING and relying on the US fully for their military defense.

Medical science is fucking expensive. Unless you want 1950s-era care, meaning no MRIs, no facy diagnostic machines, first-gen medicines, etc.
Somebody's gotta pay from new machines, new chemistry, new science, etc.That shit doesn't engineer itself.

Also, this-

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Hope she stay well user

The series ended at the season-4 finale.

Yeah, their purpose is fulfilled. But those who are not caring for their body or have Genetic disposition are getting sorted out. I see no problem in this

Thanks bros

Funniest thing about Breaking Bad, is that in reality the government would have bailed his ass out because he was a high school teacher. Government employees are the absolute peak of welfare queens.

Its a very shallow interpretation of the show to think that Walter White's actions were solely triggered by financial difficulty.

I thought he was paying for his funeral bills

Given we are all dead anyway, maybe it should be more about the ride, not the destination.

You have to go back.

To be fair, he didn't start making industrial sized quantities until after his medical bills where taken care of.

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It would very unlikely a man his age would get that kind of treatment in Canada. Instead of being buried under bills he would be put on a waiting list to die. The same show could be set in Canada where he has to sell enough meth to get into the US and to get treatment.

>>Medical science is fucking expensive. Unless you want 1950s-era care, meaning no MRIs, no facy diagnostic machines, first-gen medicines, etc.

or nazi tier of performing experiments on prisoners

We can't afford health care because billionaires need their free private jets.

Quit complaining, OP - Our billionaires must be protected so they can thrive!

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My thoughts are that all drugs should be legal and deregulated. Gale Boetticher had the right idea.

He reaches his full potential, just not at the end of the series.

The cost of healthcare is more expensive in the US, but it is a hell of a lot better then anywhere else in the world. For example, the average ER wait time in the US is 2 hours, which is pretty long time, I'll give you that. But do you know how long Canada's is? 9 hours! That's quacking crazy jimbo!

if youre just going to make shit up at least be believable you complete and utter faggot

The materials, equipment, and scientists still cost a fortune. You can't use bargain-basement tier shit for high-tier science. Garbage in, garbage out.
This is part of the reason the Nazis went bankrupt so fast. Lots of science and engineering. It'll drain your coffers faster than anything.

Hell, just price a typical lab-grade blood-sample centrifuge. They run thousands of dollars.

well the industrial quantities was an overkill if it was only for hospital bills.

He made enough from that bag he sold to Tuco to more than cover his med bills. The rest was just his ego at work, which was the whole point of the show.

I want some of that glass now that I think about it.

Story is true. Trump made 100% of the cost of owning and maintaining PERSONAL jets tax deductible.

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My brother has leukemia. He's gotten it 3 fucking times, just keeps coming back. He has a 5% chance of surviving, and even if he does, he won't live past 40 because all the damage chemo did.

Cancer is a bitch